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Robert and Emily 罗伯特和艾米莉fficeffice" />

by way of 经由,通过方式

give way of  让路让步

in a way  在某点,在某种程度上

in any way  在任何方面

in no way  决不

in the way of  妨碍

in one’s way/in the way  阻碍,妨碍

lead the way  带路引路

make one’s way  前进,行进

make way  开路,让路

wealthy  富裕的,丰富的

weapon  武器

wear off  逐渐消逝

wear out  用破用坏,磨损耗尽,使筋疲力尽

weary  疲倦的,另人厌烦的,使厌倦

weave  编织,

web  网,蜘蛛网

wedding  婚礼

wedge  楔,楔形;楔牢,楔入

weed  杂草野草,锄草

weep  over)为哭泣,(for)悲叹哀悼,伤心

weigh  的重量,重达;考虑权衡

weight  重量,重力;负荷重担;重要性分量;砝码秤砣

weld  焊接,焊缝

welfar 福利


Robert was a poor welder. Emily grew up in a wealthy family. One day, Emily lost her way in the street. Robert led the way for Emily because he knew the path well. Emily hesitated but made her way forward. Later, they fell in love with each other. Their wedding took place on Jouly 6 last year. Robert’s parents came to attend the wedding by way of Lodon but Emily’s parents didn’t. At the beginning of the marriage, Emily put a wedge of wood under the door to keep it open on every afternoon. Then she weeded in the garden while waited for her husband. But for Emily, the novelty of marriage wore off soon. She had to weave web to earn some money because Robert’s welfare wasn’t enough to support their expense at all. Her boots were worn out but she couldn’t buy another pair. Emily wept bitter tears orver her choice. She lost weight day by day. She thought Robert got in her way and her stupid choice got in the way of her future. She should leave him by way of divorce. Emily weighed these ideas in her mind. She began to complain. Her weary speech would never end even Robert was weary after his day’s work, Her weapons were her tears. When she wept, everyone had to make way. In fact, Robert never hurt Emily in any way. In his mind, she was in no way to blame. In a way, it was his fault for giving way to his wife every time. Let’s see what would happen in the end.fficeffice" />


罗伯特是个穷焊接工。艾米莉生长在一个富裕的家庭。有一天,艾米莉在街上迷路了。罗伯特为艾米莉引路,因为他很清楚路况,艾米莉忧郁了一会儿,但还是跟着他前进了。后来他们互相爱上了对方。他们的婚礼在去年76日举行。罗伯特的父母经由伦敦来参加婚礼,但艾米莉的父母没有来。在婚姻初期,艾米莉每天下午在门下放一块木楔让门开着。 然后她一边在花园锄草一边等她的丈夫。但对艾米莉来说,婚姻的新鲜感很快就逐渐消逝了。她不得不编网来弥补家用,因为罗伯特的福利根本不够花销。她的靴子都磨损了,但她不能买新的。艾米莉为她的选择痛苦的流泪。她一天天的消瘦。她认为罗伯特妨碍了她,而她愚蠢的选择阻碍了她的前程。她因该通过离婚的方式来离开他。艾米莉在脑海里权衡着这些想法。她开始抱怨了。他那些另人厌烦的说辞永远都不会停止,尽管罗伯特在下班后非常疲倦。他的武器就是她的眼泪,当她流泪的时候,每个人都不得不让路。实际上,罗伯特从来都没有在任何方面伤害过艾米莉。他的想法是,自己决不能责备她。在某种程度上,每次给他的妻子让步是他的错。让我们来关注最后的结局吧。fficeffice" />


A Hospitable Villagefficeffice" />

as well

as well as   同样地

what about  (对于)怎么样

what if  如果将会怎样,即使又有什么要紧

whatever  无论什么,不管什么

wheat  小麦

wheel  轮,车轮

whenever  无论何时,随时,每当

whereas  而,却,反之

wherever  无论在哪,无论到哪,究竟在(到)哪

whether  是否,会不会,不管,无论

whether…or  还是,不管还是

whichever  无论哪个,无论那些

for a while  暂时,一时

once in a while  偶尔,有时

after a while  过了一会,不久

whip  鞭子,抽打,鞭策,搅打,打成泡沫

whirl  旋转打转;急转

whisky  威士忌酒

whisper  轻声说,私下说;耳语

whistle  口哨,汽笛;鸣笛

whitewash  粉刷,掩饰;石灰水

whoever  不论谁,任何人

on the whole  总的来说

wholesome  卫生的;有益于健康的


A traveler drove a car to the countryside. Half way there, one of his car wheels came off. Some girls smiled and whispered with each other. The traveler’s brain was in a whirl. To whitewash his embarrassment, he said hello to them. The girls invited him to their village. Whoever came would be welcome, whether they know him or not. The traveler hesitated for a while then said, “wherever you go, I follow.” In the small village, some peasants were grinding wheat. Some others were whitewashing a house. The others were drinking. They invited the traveler to join them, “You can drink whatever you want. What about a glass of whisky? It’s wholesome drink for you. Take whichever seat you like.” It was a polite as well as friendly invitation. The traveler drank once in a while, so he sat down and asked, “What if I get drunk?” They answered quickly, “You can stay overnight here.” The traveler gave a loud whistle of gladness. After a while, he did get drunk. The next morning, the peasants lent the traveler a horse and they said he could come whenever he likes. The traveler appreciated them very much. He had never done anything for them, whereas they had done everything for him. On the whole his stay here was quite enjoyable. The traveler rode on the horse. He could drive a car; he could ride a horse as well. He whipped the horse to trot; He hoped he could visit the village soon.fficeffice" />


一个旅行者驾驶着汽车去乡村。半道上他的一个汽车轮子掉了。 一些女孩子笑起来并互相耳语。他的脑子一阵旋转,为了掩饰他的窘迫,他想她们问好。女孩们邀请旅行者去她们的村庄。无论谁来都会受到欢迎,不管他们认识还是不认识他,旅行者犹豫一时,然后说无论你们到哪儿,我都跟着。在小村庄里,一些农民正在磨小麦。另外一些农民正在粉刷一所房子。其余的人在喝酒。他们邀请旅行者加入他们,无论你想喝什么就可以喝什么,来一杯威士忌怎么样,那可是有益于健康的酒。无论哪个位置你喜欢就坐下吧那是一个即礼貌又友好的邀请。旅行者偶尔喝酒。于是他坐下来问:如果我喝醉了怎么办?他们很快回答道:那你可以留下来过夜。旅行者高兴地吹了个响亮的口哨。不久,他真醉了。第二天早上农民们借给旅行者一匹吗并且说他随时都可以过来玩。旅行者很感激他们。他从未为他们做过任何事,反之他们却为他做了所有事。总的来说,他在那儿呆得非常愉快。旅行者骑上马。他可以架车,同样地也会齐马。他鞭打马儿飞奔。他希望可以再次很快拜访那个村庄。fficeffice" />


A Wonderful New Life 美好新生活fficeffice" />

wholly  完全地,全部地,一概

wicked  邪恶的,恶劣的,恶意的

widespread  分布广泛的,普遍的

widow  寡妇

width  宽度,宽阔,广阔

willing  情愿的,乐意的

winding  饶,缠,绕组,线圈

wipe  擦,揩,抹

wipe out  擦去,除去,消灭,毁灭

wire  金属线,电线,电报,电信,发电报

wireless  无线的

wisdom  智慧,明智;名言格言

wise  有智慧的,聪明的

wit  智力,才智

withdraw  收回撤消;缩回退出

withhold  拒绝,不给;使停止,阻挡

withstand  抵抗,经受住

witness  目击者证人;证据证明;目睹,做证

witty  机智的,风趣的

wonder  惊奇,惊异;

no wonder  难怪,怪不得

wonderful  惊人的,奇妙的,极好的

wooden  木制的,呆笨的

wool  羊毛,毛线,毛织品

woolen/woollen  羊毛(制)的


A widow lost her husband last year. Her husband led his soldiers to wipe out a whole enemy but he died in the battle. His wife knew the news by wireless telegragp. For half a year, she tried to wipe out the memory of that terrible moment. She was wise to do that. The widow was a woman of great wisdom. She showed her wit in what she said and did. Every one who knew her was a witness. They wondered at her witty remarks. The widow was beautiful. No wonder many men chased her. Some of them were quite wicked. The widow withstood all kinds of advances. She withheld her love for any of them. One by one, the pursuers withdrew from the competition. The only one left was sincere. He was willing to do everything for her. The man spent all the afternoon in her garden. The garden was six meters in width. The rope of the garden door was not strong enough, so he replaced it with wire. He made full use of woods in the garden to make a wooden sofa for the widow. One day, the widow was affected by a widespread disease. The man carried her to the hospital in a hurry. He saved her life. The widow was moved wholly. So she decided to knit a woolen sweater for the man. One afternoon, she began to wind up wool into a ball. She needed at least five wool windings. The widow smiled when she worked because she wanted to begin a wonderful new life.fficeffice" />


一个寡妇去年失去了她的丈夫,她的丈夫带领着他的士兵消灭了一整队的敌人,但他自己也在战斗中牺牲了。他的妻子通过无线电报得知了这个消息。有半年时间她试图抹去痛苦的回忆。她那样做是明智的。寡妇是一个很有智慧的女人。他的言行都展现了她的才智。每个认识她的人都是证人。他们诧异于她那些机智风趣的话。寡妇很漂亮,难怪很多男人追求她。其中一些人很邪恶。寡妇抵抗住各种爱的攻击。她拒绝把爱给他们中的任何人。一个接一个,追求者撤退了。唯一剩下的一个很诚挚。他愿意为她做任何事。这个男人每天下午都在她的花园里。花园有ffice:smarttags" />6宽。花园门的绳子不够结实,于是他用金属线代替它。他充分利用花园里的木材为寡妇制作了一个木头沙发。一天,寡妇被一种普遍的病毒感染了。那个男人匆忙背她去医院,他救了他的性命。寡妇完全被感动了。于是她决定为那个男人织一件羊毛衣。一天下午,她开始把羊毛卷成一个球,她至少需要5个羊毛球。寡妇一边工作一边微笑,因为她想要开始她的美好新生活。 fficeffice" />


After the Shipwreck 船只失事之后fficeffice" />

in a word  总而言之

in other words 换句话说,也就是说

keep one’s word  守信用

word for word  逐字的

at work  在工作,忙于

out of work  失业

work out  解决,算出;设计出,制定出

work up  引起,激起;逐渐上升,向上爬

workshop  车间,工场;专题讨论会

worldwide  全世界的,世界范围的,遍及全世界

worm  蠕虫,虫

worship  礼拜,做礼拜,崇拜,敬仰

at (the) worst  在最坏的情况下

worthwhile  值得(做)的

worthy  值得的,配得上的;可尊敬的,有价值的

wound  创伤,伤口;伤害

wrap  裹,缠,卷,包;披肩,围巾

wreath  花环,花圈

wreck  失事船(或飞机),残骸;失事,遇难,拆毁

wrench  猛拧,挣脱;使扭伤;扳手;(离别等的)痛苦,难受

wrinkle 皱纹,起皱,皱眉

wrist  腕,腕关节

write off  报废,勾销,注销

go wrong  发生故障,出毛病



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