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一首韵文有几个版本。它的言辞表达很清晰。艾琳是个多才多艺的少女,他会编制背心,还会制作盛放食物的容器,她的父亲是个老兵。现在他在一家合资企业工作。一个晴朗的早晨他出差了。一星期后,一辆车以飞快的速度开往艾琳的家。那时艾琳正打开窗子使房间通风。来人告之她的父亲在边境被绑架了。任何车辆和船舰都不准许通过边境。当艾琳知道她的父亲濒于死亡时,她决心冒着生命的危险去营救他。艾琳雇佣了一帮强健的男子。她蒙上一块天鹅绒的面纱然后出发了。他们离开村庄,经过一座山峰去边境。那座山峰几乎是垂直的。山上根本没有植物。艾琳在爬山时,她的每一根血管都是热的,他们偷偷进入边境。艾琳的勇气在这次冒险中得到证实。千辛万苦之后,他们找到了她父亲。爱艾琳一方与绑架者相对的枪战中,艾琳赢了。老兵见到女儿时,他的声音因为激动而震动起来。但很快,她因偷入边境而被捕了。艾琳的口头表达能力在她的自我辩护中展现出来,陪审团否决了对她的指控。最后的裁定是鼓舞人心的,艾琳自由了。fficeffice" />


Strengthen Yourself and Help Yourselffficeffice" />

vice 邪恶,坏事,恶习;台钳,老虎钳;副的

vice versa  反之亦然

vicinity  邻近附近

vicious  恶毒的凶残的,邪恶的

victim  牺牲品,受害者

victorious 胜利的,得胜的

victory  胜利

video  电视,视频,录象;电视的,视频的

viewpoint  观点

vigorous  有力的,朝气蓬勃的

village  村,村庄


violate  违犯,违背

violence  暴力,暴行,激烈猛烈

violent  猛烈的,激烈的,暴力引起的,强暴的

violet  紫罗兰,紫色

violin  小提琴

virgin  处女,未婚女子;未经使用的,未经开发的

virtual 实际上的

virtue 优点,美德,德行

bu virtue of 由于


一名海员和他的儿子住在群山附近。从他们家的窗口可以看见一座火山。男孩只有三岁大。但是他已经能清楚地说元音并开始学习词汇。每当父亲测量电压的时候,男孩就会自愿帮忙读出伏特数。男孩很有活力,很有吸引力。他的画栩栩如生,它们都有很强的视觉吸引力。男孩有丰富想象力成为象父亲那样的海员。海员是他的幼小心灵中梦想的职业。每天晚上父子俩一起读三册一套的格林童话。每个周日他们在公园打排球。海员很高兴有这样的儿子。但很快一个晴天霹雳让他震惊。他的儿子被某种可怕的病毒感染,男孩每天吃很多维生素药丸,但还是渐渐失去他的视力和生命。一次生命攸关的手术也没能救回他的生命。男孩死了。没有了儿子,海员的生活变得一片空虚。为了振作精神,海员自愿长途航行,这得由投票决定。他的申请被批准了。fficeffice" />


The viewpoint of a video recording was, strengthen yourself and help yourself. There was a vicious man in a village. He had a lot of vices. He hated the other villagers, vice versa, the other villagers hated him. a virtual state of hostility existed between two sides. Newly, the bad guy noticed a virgin in the billage. The virgin was a girl of high virtue and she was very beautiful. She liked to wear violet dresses. The girl planted many violets in her garden. at night, she would play the violin in it. One evening, the bad guy lurked in the vicinity of the girl’s garden and waited. The girl put some vinegar in the noodles and began to eat. After supper the girl walked into the garden as he expected. The vicious guy rushed out and tried to violate her. The girl didn’t lose her mind. She was rather strong because she kept herself vigorous by taking exercise. Now, the girl was determined to meet violence with violence. She was victorious within five minutes. She defeated the bad guy by virtue of her courage and by a pair of vices. The girl protected herself from becoming a victim. The police arrested the man. He violated the law and his vice would be punished. The girl won the full victory. fficeffice" />


一部电视录象的观点是:自强自助。一个村庄有一名邪恶的男子,他有许多恶习。他仇恨别的村民,反之亦然,别的村民也仇恨他。双方之间存在着事实上的敌意。最近这个坏蛋盯上了村里的一名少女,这名少女是个德行高尚的姑娘,而且非常美丽。他喜欢穿紫色的衣服。姑娘在他的花园里种了许多紫罗兰。夜里她会在花园里拉小提琴。一天晚上,坏蛋埋伏在姑娘花园的附近并伺机行动。姑娘在面条里放了些醋并开始吃起来,晚饭后,姑娘如他所愿走进花园。邪恶的坏蛋冲出来并试图强暴她。 姑娘并没有慌张。她很有力,因为她通过运动使自己精力旺盛。现在姑娘决定以暴制暴。她在5分钟内得胜了。由于她的勇气和借助一对老虎钳,她打败了那个坏蛋。姑娘保护了自己免于成为受害者。警察逮捕了坏蛋。 他违反了法律,他的邪恶将受到惩罚。姑娘赢得了彻底的胜利。fficeffice" />


Pain in Life 生命之痛fficeffice" />

virus  病毒,(精神,道德方面的)有害影响

visible  看得见的,可见的

vision  视力视觉,眼力想象力

visual 视觉的,看的

vital 生死攸关的,重大的,生命的生机的

vitamin  维他命

vivid 生动的,鲜艳的,栩栩如生的

vocabulary 词汇,词汇量,词汇表

vocation 职业,行业

void 空的空虚的,缺乏的,无效的

volcano 火山

volleyball  排球

volt  伏特

voltage  电压

volume  容积体积,卷册,音量响度

voluntary  志愿的自愿的

volunteer 志愿者,志愿兵,自愿

vote 投票表决,选票,选票数

vowel 元音字母,元音



A sailor and his son lived nearby mountains. a volcano was visible from his room window. The boy was only three years old. But he could say vowel clearly and began to learn vocabulary. Every time when his father measured the voltage, the boy volunteered to help read how many volts it was. The boy was vital and attractive. His pictures were vivid. They had strong visual appeal. The boy had visions of  being a sailor like his father. Sailor was the vocation his little heart dreamed of. Every night, they two read a set of Green Fairy Tales in 3 volumes. Every sunday, they played volleyball in the park. The sailor was so happy to have such a son. But soon a bolt from the blue shocked him. His son was affected by some terrible virus. The boy took many vitamin pills everyday but still was losing his vision and his life. A vital operation couldn’t save his life. The boy died. Without his son, life was void for the sailor. To keep up his spirits, the sailor was voluntary to go on a very long voyage. The matter was decided by vote. His application was approved. fficeffice" />


Ahapless Day 倒霉的一天fficeffice" />

wage  工资报酬,进行开展

wagon/waggon  运货马车,运货车,敞蓬车厢

waist  腰,腰部

waiter  服务员,侍者

waitress  女服务员

waken  弄醒,醒

wallet  皮夹,钱包

wander  漫步徘徊迷路,迷失方向,离题

ward  保护守卫;病房,行政区,受监护人

ward off  防止,避开

warehouse  仓库,货栈

warfare  战争,斗争,冲突

warm up  变热

warmth  温暖,暖和,热心

warning  警告

warrant  正当理由;许可证委任状;保证担保

wasteful  消费的

watchful  注意的,警惕的

waterfall  瀑布

waterproof  防水的,耐水的

watt  瓦特,瓦

wave  波浪,挥手示意,飘扬起伏;波动

wavelength  波长

wax  蜡,打腊

by the way  顺便提一下,另外


A wagon driver was paid his wages today. He wore a ribbon belt round his waist. and he put his wallet into the belt. The wagon driver had a wasteful habit on payday. He went to a bar, In the bar, a short wavelength radio was broadcasting pop music. The whole bar only had a lamp of 30-watts. There was a wax candle on each talbe. The waiter there warranted the drinks were the best drinks. He said he took them from a warehouse. The wagon driver go drunk soon. A waitress wakened him. She gave him a cup of coffee to warm him up. The warmth of ocffee made the wagon driver talk. But he wandered in his talk. Nobody listened to him, so he waved a farewell to the waitress then went out. One the way home, two robbers headed him off. The wagon driver couldn’t ward them off. The warfare ended in the robbers’ victory. The wagon driver felt very sad. He wandered in the streets. He passed by a waterfall. Many people who wore waterproof raincoat were taking pictures of the waterfall. The waves rolled on. The wagon driver watched the waves but suddenly he slipped down into the waterfall. When the wagon driver woke up, he found himself lying on a bed in the medical ward. His experience ought to be a warning to careless people. By the way, the police obtained a search warrant to search the suspects’ house. They got back his wallet.fficeffice" />


一名运货马车夫今天拿到了他的工资,他在腰间系了一根丝带,并把他的皮夹放在带中。运货马车夫有个在发工资日消费的习惯。他去了一间酒吧。酒吧里一台短波长的收音机正在播放流行音乐。整个酒吧只有一盏30瓦的灯。每张桌子上有一支蜡烛。那里的侍者保证酒是最好的酒。他说他是从仓库里取来的。运货马车夫很快就喝醉了,一名女使者唤醒了他。她给他一杯咖啡让他变暖和些,咖啡的温暖让运货马车夫开始说话,但他说话老离题,没人听他说,于是他挥手向女侍者告别。回家路上,两名抢劫犯拦截了他。运货马车夫无法避开。冲突以抢劫犯的胜利而告终。运货马车夫感到很沮丧,他在街上徘徊,他走过一个瀑布。很多穿着防水雨衣的人正在那里怕瀑布的照片。波浪汹涌。运货马车夫注视着波浪但突然失足滑进了瀑布。运货马车夫醒来时发现他躺在医院病房的床上。他的经验对那些马大哈来说是一个警告。顺便提一下,警察拿到了搜查许可证去搜查嫌疑犯的房子。他们取回了他的钱包。fficeffice" />



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