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Some students were busy writing thesis, which was the requirement to graduate and gain diploma. They planed to go to a thermal spring the next day for a break. But it snowed therefore the plan was cancelled. The snow was thick but the ice was too thin for skating. So they went to a theatre to see a drama. The theme for the drama was forgiveness. A boy stole an old man’s wallet. The thief was forgiveness. A boy stole an old man’s wallet. The thief was caught, and other people wanted to send him to the police station. The old man agreed with them at first. thought better of it, he gave up. That is, he decided to set the boy free. The old man had thought all the details over before he spoke. He said, “I don’t want to put him into prison for his theft, for one thing he was too young, for another, I believe that he would mend his ways.” The old man’s forgiveness was not theoretical but practial. Thanks to the old man, the boy avoided being punished. He thought of the old man as his lifesaver. Thereafter he became a new man. Thanksgiving Day was coming, thereby the boy decided to visit the old man. The old man got a fever and was in therapy at that time. The thermometer read 39 degrees. He felt thirsty all the time. The boy brought some textiles and a bundle of roses as Thanksgiving gifts to the old man. There were some thorns on them. Having enjoyed the drama, the students began to debate. The thesis of the debate was about forgiveness.fficeffice" />


一些学生忙着写论文这是他们毕业取得文凭的必要条件。他们计划着第二天去一个热的温泉休息休息。但是天下雪了,因此计划被取消了。雪很厚但是冰很薄,无法溜冰。于是他们去了一家戏院看戏。戏的主题是关于宽恕。一个男孩偷了一个老人的钱包。小偷被抓住了,其他人要送他去警察局。老人起先同意他们。重新考虑后他放弃了。就是说,他决定放了那男孩。老人在开口说话前已经仔细考虑了所有细节。他说我不想因为他的偷窃行为把他送进监狱,一则他太年轻了,二来我相信他会改过自新。老人的宽恕不是理论上的而是行动上的。幸亏老人的宽恕男孩才避免了头!K牙先丝醋魉木让魅恕4撕笏匦伦鋈恕8卸鹘诳斓搅耍虼四泻ò莘美先耍先四鞘闭呱詹谥瘟浦小N露燃频亩潦?9度。他一直感到口渴。男孩送来了一些纺织品和一束玫瑰作为感恩节礼物送给老人,花上有一些刺。欣赏完戏剧后,学生们开始辩论。辩论的主题就是关于宽恕。fficeffice" />


Homicide Case in Palace 宫廷命案fficeffice" />

thorough  彻底的完全的,精心的

as though  好象

on second thoughts  经重新考虑,一转念,又一想

thoughtful  认真思考的,沉思的,体贴的

thoughtless  欠考虑的,轻率的,不体贴人的

thread  线,线索,思路,螺纹,穿过

threat  恐吓威胁;坏兆头

threaten  恐吓,威胁,有危险;快要来临

threshold  门槛,入门开端;令人激动的事

thrill  令人激动的事,使激动,使兴奋,使毛骨悚然

thrive  兴旺,繁荣

throat  咽喉,嗓子

throne  王位,君权

throughout  遍及,贯穿;到处,始终

throw away  扔掉,抛弃

thrust  刺,戳,插入

thumb  大拇指

thunder  雷,轰隆声;打雷,雷鸣,大声说,吼叫

thus  因而,从而;这样,如此

tick  滴答声,勾号,打勾

tide  潮,潮流,趋势

tidy  整洁的整齐的;整理收拾

tie  领带领结;联系纽带;束缚,约束;扎系捆



A kingdom was triving because of its wise old king. When the old king died, his two sons both wanted to get the throne. It was really a thrill for both of them. The older brother behaved as though he was the new king, He threatened to knife his younger brother if he got in his way. When he said that, he was as fierce as a tiger. The queen was a thoughtful woman, everyone wanted to stay with her. She often used different threads to sew different ties for her sons. Keeping their rooms tidy was her pleasure. One night, the queen woke up because of a sore throat, It was quiet; all she could hear was the tick of the clock, The queen took a walk, but She saw a terrible thing. The older prince killed the younger one by thrusting a knife throughout his his chest. The older prince threw away the knife out of the window. Then he wiped blood on his thumb away. The queen stood on the threshold, shocked. She was thoughtful for a while. At first, she wanted to call the guards, but on second thoughts she changed her mind. She didn’t dare to do anything thoughtless, otherwise she would lose her second son. It began to thunder and rain. So she went back her bedroom with tears. The next day, the guards made a thorugh search for the lethal weapon, but didn’t find it, It became an unsettled case. But the queen often thrilled to the memory of it. She had to watch the sea tide to calm down.fficeffice" />


一个王国因为它的明智的老国王而繁荣。老国王死后,他的两个儿子都想获得王位。对他俩而言这可是令人激动的事情。哥哥的行为举止好象他是新国王一般。他恐吓要用刀刺死他的弟弟,如果他挡道的话。当他说话的时候,象一只老虎那样凶狠。王后是个体贴的女子,每个人都愿意同她接近。她常常用不同的线给儿子缝制不同的领带。保持他们的房间整洁是她的快乐。一天晚上,王后因为咽喉痛而醒来。夜很静,她只能听到时钟的滴答声。王后散了一会儿步。但她看到了一桩可怕的事情:大王子用一把刀刺穿了小王子的胸膛。大王子把刀扔到窗外去。然后他擦掉拇指上的血迹,王后震惊的站在门槛上。她认真思考了一会儿。起先,她想叫卫兵,但是一转念又改变了主意。她不敢做任何轻率的事情,否则她将失去第二个儿子。天开始打雷下雨。于是她含着泪回到了她的卧室。第二天,卫兵进行彻底的搜查来寻找凶器,但没有找到。这成了一桩悬案。但王后常常因为会议而毛骨悚然,她不得不观看海潮来平静自己。fficeffice" />


Daily Life 日常生活fficeffice" />

tight  紧的紧身的;密封的,不透的,紧紧地

tile  瓦片,瓷砖

tilt  使倾斜使倾倒

at full tilt  全速地,全力的

timber  木材木料

ahead of time  提前

at a time  每次,一次

at no time  从不,决不

at one time  同时,曾经,从前曾

at times  有时

for the time being  目前,暂时

from time to time  有时不时

in no time 立即马上

in time  及时,适时的

on time  准时

take ones’s time  不急不忙的,从容进行的

timely  及时的适时的

timetable  时间表

timid  胆怯的怯懦的

tin  罐头;锡

tiny  微小的,极小的

tip  尖,末端,小费;轻扣,轻击;倾斜倾倒;给小费

tire  使厌倦疲倦,轮胎车胎

tiresomes  使人厌倦的,讨厌的


Alexander was a builder. There were two teams in the company. The two teams had competitions from time to time. According to the timetable, the workers needed to put tiles on the walls of a new building today. It was a tiresome hard work. The two teams began to work in no time after the bell rang, At one time, the competition began. From the time being, Team 1 preceded Team 2. Team 2 pursued Team 1 at full tilt. Suddenly a shelf titled and all the timbers fell off. Team 1 had to put them in order. With the timely accident Team 2 finished its part ahead of time. After the work, Alexander felt tired. His shoes were too small for him and he felt tight. He decided to go to a bar. At no time would Alexander smoke. He drank at times. The waitress gave him a bottle of wine sealed tight. He took out of the money from his tight pocket and paid the bill. Besides, he tipped the waitress 2 dollars. Then Alexander took his time to enjoy the wine. He was a little drunk and nearly tipped the table. He woke up in time. Alexander left the bar. He bought some tinned-food for his families. The tins were made of tin. Alexander reached home on time. He went upstairs to see his baby. The baby got a cold yesterday. It took one pill of medicine at a time for three times a day. It looked timid today. Alexander tipped the tiny baby with the tip of his finger. Both of them smiled.fficeffice" />


一名有教授头衔的作家给一家杂志发了一篇文章。他同那家杂志一直保持联系。他用母语写的文章。文章的标题是六年岛上生活。他的主题是勇气和耐性。文章涉及到一个真实的故事爱德华25岁生日那天,他的女朋友为他准备了最好的烟草。她用漂亮的薄纸包扎礼物,那天,雨下得很厉害。山洪从山上流下来,爱德华被冲到一个孤岛。一只乌龟舔他的脚趾使他醒了过来。爱德华与他的亲人失去了联系。那天夜里他在地上辗转反侧。曾经有一只船经过岛屿。爱德华把他的衣服往上扔到空中,并挥舞一只火炬。他尖锐的音调划破了宁静,船还是离开了。爱德华不得不为自己盖了一座木头房子,包括厨房和厕所。他无法吃到烤面包。幸运的是岛上有些西红柿。但是爱德华深深受到孤独的折磨。他常常盯着一个爱的信物很久。一年年过去了,爱德华几乎不能用舌头说话了。6年后,最终一艘经过的船只解救了他。他的亲人以为他已经死了。他们为他盖了一座坟。由于同样原因,他的女朋友嫁给了另一个男人。爱德华宽容的对她,他为她的幸福祝酒。编辑对文章稍加润色。fficeffice" />


Six Years on an ffice:smarttags" />Islandfficeffice" />

tissue  薄绢,织物,纸巾

title  书名,标题;头衔,称号

toast  烤面包,吐司;祝酒词;烤,烘;向…..祝酒

tobacco  烟草,烟叶

toe  脚趾,足尖

toilet  厕所,盥洗室

token  表示标志,象征;记号;信物;纪念品;代价券;筹码;象征性的

by the same token  由于同样原因,同样地

tolerance  容忍耐性;公差

tolerant  宽容的容忍的

tolerate  宽容,默许

tomato 西红柿


tone  音调,音色,风气,气氛,腔调,语气,色调

tongue  舌头,语言

topic  话题,主题,题目

torch  火把火炬,手电筒

torrent  山洪,激流

tortoise  乌龟

torture  拷问拷打折磨,痛苦

toss  向上扔,摇摆,颠簸,辗转反侧

keep in touch  保持联系

out of touch  失去联系

touch on  关系到涉及

touch up  润色,改进


A writer who had a professor title sent an article to a magazine. He kept in touch with the magazine. He wrote the article in his mother tongue. The title of the article was “Six years on an ffice:smarttags" />Island”, Its topic was “courage and tolerance”. The article touched on a real story. On Edward’s 25th birthday, his girlfriend prepared the best tobacco for him. She used beautiful tissue to wrap the gift. It rained heavily that day, A torrent of water poured down the mountain. Edward was drifted to an isolated island. He felt something was stepping on his toes and then he woke up. Edward was out of touch with his family. He tossed on the ground that night. Once a ship passed by the island. Edward tossed his clothes into the air and waved a torch. He cried and his shrill tone troke the quietness, but the ship still left. Edward had to build a wooden house for himself, including the kitchen and the toilet. He couldn’t eat toasts any mor. Fortunately there were some tomatoes on the island. But Edward suffered the tortures of loneliness. He often stared a love token or a long time. year by year,Edward hardly spoke with his tongue. Six years passed. a passing ship rescued him finally. His families thought he had died. They had built a tomb for him. By the same token, his girlfriend married with another man. Edward was tolerant to her. He proposed a toast to her happiness. The editor touched the article up a little.fficeffice" />



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