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The Arabian Nights Entertainment is very interesting. One of them was a story about an  outstanding architect named Ralph. He was good at arithmetic since childhood. And at the age of 20, his opportunity had arisen. The king asked him to design a palace roofed with an arch. On top of the arch, there would be an artificial arctic bear. Its architecture of great artistic value. The king and the architect arrived at the agreement without argument. Before Ralph finished his work, he saw the princess. Even a flower was not as beautiful as she. Once he saw her, he felt as if he were drunk. As to that, he hadnt thought of his social rank. Love was important for Ralph as well as for the princess. As for her, she felt as though Ralph were a member of her family. One evening, Ralph articulated his love to the princess. She arranged with him to meet at her bedroom. The next day, the princess aroused him just before dawn. But the arbitrary king had arrayed troops and he ordered the soldiers to arrest him. Luckily, the princess shot an arrow to stop them in time.




ffice:smarttags" />Sandy was an Asian. The local theare associated with other business establishments to discriminate against Asians. Every one aside from Asians could get into the theatre. Sandy was stopped too. But his angry aspect frightened the entrance guard. That evening, several Asian students including Sandy assembled in the campus. Each student had been assigned to a job. As for Sandy, he was to make an assault on the theatre. In the middle of the night with a loud"bang", the theare was burned to ashes. Sandy assisted other students to swim ashore. A helicoper was waiting for them. But Sandy stayed alone. He watched the helicopter ascend higher and higher until it disappeared. The police was going to ascertain the truth and they arrested Sandy. On the court, Sandy made a speech to assert his innocence. He assumed his action would arouse attention to race discrimination. But his assumption proved to be wrong. No one assessed his speech at its true worth. The court simply put him into prison. Sandy asked for a meeting with his parents. They came with tears. They had brought some easily assimilated food for him. Sandy asked them to ask after his grandmother.


桑迪是个亚洲人.当地的剧院联合其他营业机构歧视亚洲人.除了亚洲人,其他所有人都可以进剧院.桑迪也同样被阻止了.但他那生气的样子吓坏了门卫.那天晚上,包括桑蒂在内的几个亚洲学生在校园里集会.每个人都分配到了一项任务.对桑地来说,就是要袭击剧院.在深夜,""一声巨响后,剧院被烧毁成灰烬.桑地帮助其他的学生游上岸.一架直升飞机上升越来越高直到消失.警察要查明事情真相,于是他们逮捕了桑迪.法庭上,桑迪发表了演讲来宣称他无罪.假定他的行为可以唤起人们对种族歧视的注意.但事实证明他的假定是错误的。没人评价他演说的真正价值.法院只是简单地将他关入监狱了事.桑迪要求与他的父母会面.他们含泪而来.他们带来了一些容易消化的食物给他.桑迪请求他们代他向祖母问候fficeffice" />


An Australian, Mr. Mason, was charged with being in debt! On the day of trial, there was a great attendance at the court. Every audience was attentive to what he said. Mr. Mason used to be an athlete. But he had a dream of being an astronaut. In his mind, astronomy had atom theory were much more attractive than sports games. He paid attention to all kinds of space information. And he borrowed too much money to rent a spacecraft. But he hadnt paid off his debt yet. Mr. Mason gave assurance that his debts should be paid soon. His sincere attitude was so moving that he attained his freedom. But he attributed this to his attorney. After that, Mr. Mason worked in a store during the day. And he augmented his income by teaching in the evenings. He used tapes as aural material to teach English. By the end of that year, he paid off all his debt. So Mr. Mason decided to cross the ffice:smarttags" />Atlantic Ocean as a trip. He attached a label to his baggage then went aboard. Its a day of nice atmospheric pressure. He was astonished to feel the atmosphere of peace and calm on the sea. It reminded him of his dream again!  




At the beginning of the auto (automobile) industry, many people were attracted to ffice:smarttags" />Detroit. Nike was one of them. He worked in a factory. There was no available automatic in that factory. Some part of the work must be done by ax. And the ax was awkward to handle. So Nick availed himself of every opportunity to improve instruments. He would design two to three instruments a month on an average. By and by, he became an authority on it. As one of the best workers, he was awarded bonuses often. Recently, Nick was assigned to fix an engine to avert any possible damage. He drew an axis on it first then fixed it carefully. He also brought an auxiliary engine with him. But just after he finished repairing, he was aware of his mistake right away. An awful accident happened next. The engine exploded and a big fire ensued. The people who stood on the avenue tried to extinguish the fire, but its of no avail. Fortunately, nobody was injured. The boss awaited Nick at the meeting room. Nick didnt want to avoid punishment. To his surprise, the boss didnt blame him. Instead, he gave a book about aviation to Nick. And the author was the boss himself!




George was a little backward since his childhood, but he was awarded a badge for his hard work in study. So it was't surprising that he had attained a bachelor's degree without any background. The first day George came to a village after graduation, he saw birds fly back and forth over it. There was a stream back of a bar. Suddenly a girl lost her balance and fell down in front of him. "You have to back up then turn around", he said and helped her up. Then he bandaged up her injured ankle. The girl judged him to be a bachelor from his simple baggage. She invited him to her home. The house was decorated with some colored balloons and banners. A badminton racket was hung on the wall. But iron bacterium had made it rusty. Her father, Mr. White was a barber, but he himself was almost bald. Mrs.White ran a bakery. And her bacon bread was famous. The girl backed her mother up whole-heartedly. So their bakery would never go bankrupt. That evening, George invited the girl to see a movie that was banned in the 60's. She used a rubber band to tie her hair then followed him. They went out with the bang of the door behind them. But George backed down what he said soon. He decided to treat the whole family to a big dinner first.


乔治从孩童起就有点迟钝,但他因为学习努力而被授予徽章.所以他没有什么背景也获得了学士学位并没有让人吃惊.乔治毕业后来到一个村庄的第一天,他看到鸟儿在村子上空来来往往地飞翔.在一个酒吧后面有一条小溪.突然有个女孩在他前面失去了平衡而跌倒了."你得往后退,然后转过来,"他说着并帮助她起来.然后他用绷带扎缚她受伤的脚踝,女孩从他简单的行李上判断他是个单身汉.她邀请他回家.她家的房子被一些彩色的气球旗帜装饰着.一个羽毛球拍挂在墙上.但是铁细菌已经让它生锈了.她的父亲,怀特先生是个理发师,但他自己几乎已经秃顶.怀特夫人经营着一个面包店.她的熏肉面包非常出名.女孩全心全意支持她的母亲.于是他们的面包店永远也不会破产.那天晚上,乔治邀请女孩去看一场在60年代禁止的电影.她用一根橡皮带子扎紧头发然后跟他走.他们地关了门走出去了.但乔治很快放弃了他说的话.他决定先请他们全家人吃顿大餐.fficeffice" />



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