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Succession Wave 继任风波fficeffice" />

subsequent  a.随后的,后来的

substance  n.物质,实质;大意;财产财物

substantial  a.实质的,真实的;坚固的,结实的;富裕的

substitute  n.代替品,代用品;v.代替,替换

subtle  a.精巧的;细微的,微妙的

subtract  v.

suburb  n.市郊,郊区

subway  n.地铁

succeed  v.成功;继承,接替

successful  a.成功的

succession  n.连续,系列;继任,继承

in succession  连续地

successive  a.连续的,接连的

successor  n.继承人

such as  ….那样的,诸如,例如

such …that  那样的以至于

suck  v.吮,吸

all of a sudden  突然

sue  v.控告,对提出控诉,起诉

suffer  v.受痛苦,患病;受损失,遭受;忍受忍耐

sufficient  a.足够的,充分的

sugar  n.

suggestion  n.建议,意见;暗示

suicide  n.自杀,自取灭亡

suit  v.合适,相配;适应;一套西服;诉讼

suitable  a.适合的,适宜的


The old mayor retired. Somebody must substitute him. Mr.Pearson succeeeded in the succession. He was born in a family with abundant substance. He inherited substantil property subtracted legacy tax. Mr Pearson lived in a substantil castle in the suburb. And he had many luxuries, such as subtle watches and expensive cars. He didn’t eat sugar. So honeyhad been used as a substitute in his recipes. Mr. Pearson was thought a suitable successor. All of a sudden, the subsequent thing surprised everybody. The old mayor died on the subway. It was proved that he died from poisoning. His family sued Mr. Pearson. They heard they once quarreled because the old mayor didn’t accept his suggestion. On the day of trial, Mr.Pearson wore a black suit. the black suit suited him very well. Nobody noticed his subtle strain. The substance of his defense was that he was innocent. Mr Pearson’s defense was successful. The substantial sincerity of his words moved the jury. And his lawyer supplied sufficient evidences to prove that the old mayor committed suicide. The old mayor underwent four successive operations within a month. There was such much pain he suffered in succession from his illness that finally he sucked poison. Mr. Pearson won his suit at last.fficeffice" />


老市长退休了。必须有人来代替他。ffice:smarttags" />ersonName w:st="on" productid="皮尔逊">皮尔逊ersonName>先生在继任中成功了。他出生在一个物质丰富的家庭。减去遗产税,他继承了富裕的财产。ersonName w:st="on" productid="皮尔逊">皮尔逊ersonName>先生住在郊区一座坚固的城堡里。并且他有许多奢侈品,例如精巧的手表和昂贵的汽车。他不吃糖。于是他的菜单里蜂蜜被用做代替品。ersonName w:st="on" productid="皮尔逊">皮尔逊ersonName>先生被认为是个合适的接任者。突然,随后的事情让所有人都吃惊了。老市长死在了地铁傍。他被证明是死于中毒。他的家人起诉ersonName w:st="on" productid="皮尔逊">皮尔逊ersonName>先生。他们曾经听到他们争吵。因为老市长不接受他的建议。审判那天,ersonName w:st="on" productid="皮尔逊">皮尔逊ersonName>先生穿了一套黑西服。黑西服非常适合他。没有人注意到他细微的紧张。他辩护的实质就是说他是无辜的。皮尔逊先生的辩护和成功。他的话里真实的诚挚感动了陪审团。并且他的律师提供了足够的证据表明了老市长是自杀。老市长在一个月内经历了4次连续的手术。他因为他的病而那样连续的受痛苦,以至于最后他吮吸了毒药。最终皮尔逊先生赢得了他的诉讼。fficeffice" />


Ivan and his superior 依凡和他的上级fficeffice" />

sulfur/sulphur  n.

in sum  总而言之

sum up  总结,概括

summarize/summarise  v.概括,总结

summary  n.摘要,概要;a.概括的,简略的

summon  v.召唤,召集,传讯;使出,鼓起(勇气),振作(精神)

summon up  鼓起勇气,奋起,唤起

sunrise  n.日出

sunset  n.日落

sunshine  n.日光,日照

super  a.超级的,极好的

superb  a.极好的,高质量的

superficial  a.表面的,肤浅的

superfluous  a.多余的,过剩的

superior  a.优良的,卓越的;优于的,比….多的;n.上级,长官

superiority  n.优势,优越性

supermarket  n.超级市场

supersonic  a.超音速

supervise  v.管理,监督

supplement  n. 补遗,增刊,附录v.增补,补充

suppose  v.猜想;假定,以为;让,设

suppress  v.压制,镇压;抑制,忍住;查禁

suppreme  a.极度的,最重要的;至高的,最高的

make sure of/that  查明,确认;务必,确定

surface  n.表面,面,外表


To supplement his ordinary income. Ivan did a part-time job in a supermarket. His superior, a young woman summoned him and his colleagues to have a meeting. She supervised the Commodity Department. She summarized the situation and encouraged them to work hard. Her superiority made her a very superior kind of women. In sum, Ivan fell in love with her at first sight. She brought sunshine into his life. But he must suppress his feelings beneath his calm surface. Ivan helped his superior to write summaries of all kinds of reports. He summed up the turnover for her. But the woman thought he was too superficial to be her boyfriend. So she never said superfluous words to him. One night, the sulfur in the storage caused the fire. Ivan fought the fire so bravely that he got hurt. Before he was sent to hospital, he summoned up his courage to express his love. He said, “I really wanted to enjoy the sunrise and sunset together with you” Ivan supposed that his superior must refuse him. But she answered, “Suppose we go for a trip after you recover.” Ivan was surprised. He asked again to make sure that she accepted his love. It was the supreme moment in his life. Ivan’s burns were superficial and soon got well. They took a supersonic aircraft to a beautiful city. Then they spent a super week at the seaside. And Ivan found that his superior’s dancing was superb. He love her more.fficeffice" />


为了补充收入,依凡在一家超级市场兼职。他的上级,一个年轻姑娘召集他和他的同事开会。她管理日用品部门。她概括了形势并鼓励大家努力工作。他的优势使她成为那种非常卓越的女性。总而言之,依凡对她一见钟情。她给他的生活带来了阳光。但他必须抑制平静的外表下面的感情。依凡帮助他的上级写各种报告的摘要。他为她总结营业额。但她认为他太浅薄,无法做她的男朋友。于是她从来都不对他说多余的话。但一场事故改变了她的看法。一天夜里,库房里的硫磺引起了火灾。依凡奋力救火,以至于受伤了。在被送往医院前,他鼓起勇气表达了他的爱。他说:我真的想同你欣赏日出日落。依凡猜想他的上级一定会拒绝他。但她回答:你痊愈后让我们一起旅游去吧。依凡呆住了,他又问了一遍来确定她已接受了他的爱。这是他一生中最重要的时刻。依凡的烫伤是表面的,因此很快就好了。他们乘坐超音速飞机去了一个美丽的城市。然后他们在海边度过了极好的一周。并且依凡发现他上级的舞技极好,他更加爱她了。fficeffice" />


A War Suspect 一名战争嫌疑犯fficeffice" />

Before the battle, soldiers swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully. They suspended their march in front of a swamp. Soon they found they were surrounded by swarms of enemies. But the soldiers would rather die than surrender. A soldier was injured heavily, Hope sustained him in his struggle. Finally he lost his consciousness. He dreamed a black swan and several swallows flying in the sky. It was a surprising dream. When he opened his eyes, he saw a lamp suspended from the ceiling. He found he was in a hospital. The hospital was in beautiful surroundings. The branches of the trees were swaying in the wind. A surgeon asked him what’s his surname. The surgeon had saved many lives by surgery. He surpassed other surgeons in skills. The soldier took the medicing at one swallow and the surgeon took away the surplus medicines. The solider didn’t know he was under suspicion. He was suspected by his superior. Few survived after the battle. The superior was suspicious of his survival, -- he thought the soldier might be a traitor. When the soldier knew that, he felt disappointed. So he left the hospital and climbed up a high mountain. He stood on the top of it and surveyed the whole city. Little by little, he calmed down. And he dedided to survey the whole event.


打仗之前士兵们都宣誓要忠诚的履行职责。他们在一块沼泽地暂停了行军。很快他们发现他们被一群群的敌人包围,但士兵们宁死不投降。一名士兵受伤的很严重,是希望在支撑着他战斗。最后他还是失去了知觉。他梦见一只黑天鹅和几只燕子在空中飞翔。这真是个令人惊奇的梦境。当他睁开眼睛的时候,他看见一只灯悬挂在天花板上。他发现自己在医院里。 医院的环境很美丽。树枝在风中摇摆。一名外科医生问他什么。这名外科医生运用外科学救了很多人。他的技术超过其他的外科医生。士兵一口下药,外科医生剩余的药拿走了。士兵不知道他受到猜疑。他被他的上级怀疑。几乎没有人在战斗后幸存。他的上级怀疑他的幸存他认为士兵有可能是个叛徒。当士兵知道这事后,他非常失望。于是他离开医院爬上了一座高山。他站在山顶俯瞰整个城市。渐渐地,他冷静下来。他决定调查整件事。fficeffice" />


A Medical Symposium 一场医学专题报告会fficeffice" />

A medical symposium would be held in a hall. the systematic arrangement of chairs made the hall look spacious. There were two swords on the wall of the hall. They were put in symmetry. They were the symbol of the symposium. Before the symposium, the floor of the hall had been swept. All the clocks in the hall had been synchronized. A symphony orchestra came in first. They synchronized their steps. After the symphony orchestra finished its performance, the chairman stepped on platform. His assistant switched the speaker on. The chairman switched the subject from syndrome to synthetic medicine. He talked about how to produce medicine by synthesis. His speech sympathized with the audiences. A Swiss was busy making notes. He was a doctor. He was sympathetic when his patients died. So he researched different symptoms of different illnesses to work out better medicines. This Swiss wore a sweater and now he sweated all over. And a swift bee stung his hand and it swelled up. The Swiss couldn’t focus his attention on the speech. He looked out of the window. Some children were playing on the swings. They were swinging happily. At the end of the symposium, the chairman announced that he would collect good papers in a symposium.


一场医学专题报告会在一个大厅里举行。椅子被系统的摆放使大厅看起来很宽敞。大厅的墙上有两把,它们对称的放着,它们是专题报告会标志。在专题报告会之前,大厅的地板已经被打扫过了。并且大厅里所有的时钟被调整成了同步。一个交响乐团最先入场。他们脚步划一的进来。在交响乐团表演完后,主席走上讲台。他的助手帮他接通麦克风。主席把话题从综合症转换合成药。他谈到如何用合成法来制造药品。他的演讲让观众共鸣。一个瑞士人忙着记笔记。他是个医生。当他的病人去世时他会很同情。于是他研究不同疾病的不同症状以研发更好的药品。这个瑞士人穿着一件毛衣。因此热得浑身是。并且一只敏捷的蜜蜂叮了他手一口。他的手肿胀起来。瑞士人无法专心听演讲了。他看着窗外,一些孩子在玩秋千,他们正快乐的摇摆着。专题报告会结束时,主席宣布他会收集好的论文放进专题论文集里。fficeffice" />



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