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Provide Timely Helpfficeffice" />

Benjamin was born in slums. He only had a pair of slippers to wear. And his shirt had a long slit. His house was on the slope of the riverbank. Benjamin worked at a factory that was 5 miles or so from his house. There was a slogan on the factory’s wall, “Work for yourself.” Benjamin was smart. He was ever so diligent. He worked so hard that his boss liked him very much. So far Benjamin had done very well at factory. He saved all his money in a pot, so that he could buy some gifts for his girlfriend next month, a smoonth mirror, an overcoat and so on. But a sly smuggler had been on watch for the pot for a long time. One day, the smuggler set fire to Benjamin’s house. Then he smashed the door open in the name of fire fighting. Under the cover of the smog, He snatched the pot on the sly.  That evening, Benjamin had some snack as supper then went home. He was caught in the snowstorm, so that his clothes were soaked, He made his way home. To his shock, his house was burned and the pot was gone. He couldn’t imagine who could be so mean as to do a thing like that. He couldn’t smooth his anger and sadness. The next day, Benjamin’s boss heard of his misfortune. He gave Benjamin some money. “I am not a snobbish boss,”he said to Benjamin, “I’d like to help you out of trouble.”


本杰民出生在平民窟。他只有一双拖鞋可穿。他的衬衣上有一条细长裂缝。他的房子在河岸的斜坡上。本杰民在一家离家大约ffice:smarttags" />5英里的工厂工作。工厂的墙上贴着标语你为你自己工作。本杰民很聪明伶俐。他非常勤快。他工作如此努力以至于他的老板非常喜欢他。迄今为止本杰民在工厂里工作得很好。他把他所有的钱存在一个罐子里。为的是下个月他可以买一些礼物送给他的女友,一面平滑的镜子、一件外套等等。但一个狡猾的走私犯已经窥见那只罐子很久了。一天走私犯放火烧本杰民的房子,然后他以救火的名义打碎了门。在烟雾的掩护下,他偷偷地攫取了那只罐子。那天晚上,本杰民吃了快餐晚饭,然后回家。他遭遇了暴风雪结果他的衣服都浸湿了。他摸索回家去,让他震惊的是,他的房子被烧毁了,罐子不见了。他不能想象是谁如此卑劣以至于干出这样的事情。他无法平息他的愤怒和沮丧。第二天,本杰民的老板听说了他的不幸。他拿给本杰民一些钱。我不是一个势利的老板,他对本杰民说:我愿意帮助你摆脱困境。fficeffice" />


A Strong Man’s Weak Moment 坚强的人脆弱的时候fficeffice" />

This soldier was the sole survivor of the battle. Military disciplines solidified the soldiers but most of them died in this so-called patriotic war. The soldier stood up as soon as he woke up. Extreme cold solidified water. The food had frozen solid. Such problems were not readily soluble. Its solution required a few hours. The soldier took out a solar cell. But the sun had no sooner started to shine than it was clouded over a gain. He couldn’t solve the problem now. The soles of his shoes were broken. the mud had soiled his socks. The soldier began to sob. He wanted to take a shower with soap. He wanted to drink a chocolate soda. He wanted to watch soccer game. And he missed his family. His father was a peasant, making his living from the soil. His mother was a sociologist, researching socialism. When he left to go up the line, they looked at him with a solemn expression. Sometimes, he doubted whether he could see them again. After sobbing, the soldier felt somewhat sober. He knew he must do something somehow. He took some soluble tablets first to keep himself warm. Then he began to walk forward. He firmly believed that he could get to the destination sooner or later.


这名士兵是这场战斗唯一的生还者。军事纪律让士兵们团结,但大多数人都死于这场所谓的爱国战争中。这名士兵一苏醒过来站起来。极度的寒冷使水凝固。食物已经冻成固体了。这样的问题并不容易解决解决需要几个小时。士兵掏出一个太阳能电池。但太阳有点光芒给乌云挡住了。他现在无法解决问题。他的鞋底已经断了。泥土已经弄脏了他的短袜士兵哭泣起来。他想用香皂洗淋浴,他想喝瓶巧克力汽水。他想看足球节目。并且他想念他的亲人。他的父亲是个农民,靠土地为生。他的母亲是个社会学家,研究社会主义。当他出发去前线的时候,他们用严肃的神情望着他。有时候,他怀疑自己是否还能见到他们。哭泣之后,士兵感觉稍微冷静了。他知道必须设法做点什么。首先他吃了些可溶性的药丸来使自己暖和些。然后他开始前进。他坚信自己迟早会达到目的地。fficeffice" />


Don’t Give Up 不要放弃fficeffice" />

Charlie lived in southern part of the ffice:smarttags" />Soviet Union. He was a sophomore in a famous university. He devoted every spare moment to aeronautics. His father was a specialist in this field. From childhood, Charlie heard many stories about sophisticated spacecraft from his father. In spring, they two dug pits with a spade then sowed seeds. And they often used a spear to frighten sparrows. Whenever Charlie thought of his father, there was a spark in his eyes, But nobody told Charlie stories any more since his father died. Past events make Charlie’s heart sore. But he believed that the soul lived forever, which comforted him to some degree. This afternoon, Charlie heard a bad news coming from a reliable source. That is , the school doctor didn’t think he had a sound constitution for astronaut examination. The sophisticated school doctor had a sour temper. He disliked Charlie. Charlie felt sorrowful about the news. He couldn’t eat food this evening. Further more, the hot weather had soured the soup. He sorted his books then went outside for a walk. Charlie walked southward to a bridge. The bridge had a span of 60 meters. Standing on the bridge, he could see the river waves sparkling in the moonlight. He said as if his father was watching him, “I won’t give up!”


查理生活在苏联南部。他是一所著名大学的大二学生。他把他所有多余的时间用在航空学上。他的父亲是这方面的专家。从孩童起,查理从父亲那里听到许多关于先进的宇宙飞船的故事。在春天,他们两用铁锹挖坑然后播种种子。他们两还常常用恐吓麻雀。无论什么时候查理想到父亲,他的眼里都有明亮的火花。但自从他父亲死后就没有人告诉查理故事了。往事让查理的心疼痛了。但他相信灵魂永生,一定程度上这让他有些安慰。今天下午,查理从可靠的来源知道了一个坏消息。那就是,校医认为他没有健全的体格参加宇航员测试。那个老于世故的校医脾气很。他不喜欢查理。查理对这个消息感到伤心。今晚他吃不下东西。再说,炎热的天气已经让汤发酸了。他整理了他的书,然后出去散步。查理向南行走来到一座桥。桥的跨度ffice:smarttags" />60。站在桥上,他可以看见河水在月光下闪耀。他说:我不会放弃的。他感觉好象他的父亲在望着他。fficeffice" />


A Splendid Explorationfficeffice" />

Dr. Connor was distinguished in biology spheres. He specialized in animal species. His specialty was researching spiders. Dr. Connor cared more about the spiritual life than the substantial life. So he spit in contempt on his father’s speculating. Then his father abolished his right of inheritance out of spite. Last summer, we joined in Dr. Connor’s expedition. We didn’t want to be spectators only. Dr. Connor made careful specification for this exploration. There was a specific tool for each job. The specifications were ready for us. He gave us very specific in structions. Then he put on his spectacles and showed us some specimens of spiders. We were poor at spelling so we couldn’t spell those spiders’ names. Finally he specified the particular time togather. The next day, we set out in spite of the rain. All of us were in high spirit. The truck speeded up after it left town. Day 1, Dr. Connor got a bad spill trying to ride a horse. Day 2, he spilt the coffee all over his book. Day 3, it cleared up. The spectacular sunrise made us exclaim in surprise. We remenber that splendid spectacle forever. Day 4, we saw a hot spring. All of us splashed in it except Dr. Connor. He needed to speculate on the situation before making the decision. Day 5, Dr. Connor found a spider spinning on a sphere. He spun with excitement. Totally, we spent 15 days in explortation. In a word, it was splendid.


ffice:smarttags" />ersonName w:st="on" productid="康纳">康纳ersonName>博士在生物领域很出色。他专攻动物物种。他的专长是研究蜘蛛ersonName w:st="on" productid="康钠">康钠ersonName>博士注重精神生活甚过物质生活。因此他轻蔑的唾弃他父亲的投机行为。而他父亲则出自怨恨废除了他的继承权。去年夏天,我们参加了ersonName w:st="on" productid="康钠">康钠ersonName>博士的探险队。我们不想只做观众ersonName w:st="on" productid="康钠">康钠ersonName>博士详述了探险内容。每项工作都有特定的工具。说明书也为大家准备好了。他给我们明确的指示。然后他带上眼镜给我们展示了一些蜘蛛样本。我们的拼写法很差,所以我们不出蜘蛛的名称。最后他指定会合的特定时间。次日,尽管下雨我们还是出发了。我们大家精神高涨。卡车在离开城镇之后加速。第一天,ersonName w:st="on" productid="康钠">康钠ersonName>博士在试图骑马时重重地摔下来。第二天,他溅出咖啡在书本上。第三天,天晴了。壮观的日出让我们叹不已。我们永远记得那壮丽的奇观。第四天我们看见了一个温泉。我们都到里面去泼水,除了康钠博士。他需要在做决定前推测一下形势。第五天,康钠博士发现了一个正在球体织网蜘蛛。他兴奋的旋转起来。我们一共花费15天来探险。总而言之,感觉是极好的 fficeffice" />


Unimaginable Magic Performance 不可思议的魔术表演fficeffice" />

David went on the stage at the age of 20. He very stable to face any problem. Ambition was the spur that made him work hard. As a magician, his reputation spread all over the world. Last week, his performance was held at a big stadium in ffice:smarttags" />Spain. A famous company sponsored the performance. The spokesman of the company announced the beginning of the performance. All staffs including David appeared on a square stage. he wore a white suit with black spots on it. He said, “Spain is my favorit holiday spot.”Then he took out a sponge. He poured water on it, Then he squeezed the sponge. It was dry now! All the audiences smiled except a little boy. He spotted his grandfather’s collar with ink. The boy was spoiled by his grandfather. He cried and nearly spoiled the performance. Fortunately, the following program attracted him. David opened the stable door. A sportsman pricked his spurs into the horse. They came on the stage. David stabbed the horse with a staff. The horse turned into a squirrel! All the audiences on the spot applauded spontaneously. The third one was surprising. David split a stack of logs. Once he split, one log began to sprout leaves. Next, David sprinkled a spoon of sugar on it, and it blossomed. In the last game, David sprayed paint on the wall. Then three beauties walked out of it.


大卫20登上舞台,从那时起他面对任何问题时都很稳定。雄心是使他努力工作的刺激物。作为一个魔术师,他的名声传播到了世界各地。上周,他在西班牙的一个大体育场表演。一个著名的公司主办了这场表演。公司的发言人宣布表演开始。包括大卫在内的所有员工都出现在正方形的舞台上,他穿着一件白底带黑斑点的西服。他说:西班牙是我喜爱的度假场所然后他拿出一块海棉。他倒水在上面然后压榨那块海绵。它竟然是干的了!所有的观众都笑了,除了一个小男孩。他用墨水弄脏了他爷爷的衣领。这个男孩被他的爷爷宠坏了。他哭喊着几乎扰乱了表演。幸运的是接下来的节目吸引了他。大卫打开了马厩的门。一名运动员踢马上的马刺。他们来到舞台上。大卫用一根棒子戳那匹吗。马儿变成了松鼠所有在场的观众都自发的鼓起掌来。第三个节目让人惊奇。大卫柴火。他每一下,一根柴火就开始发芽了!接着,大卫在它上面喷洒一匙糖后,它就开花了。在最后的节目里大卫在墙上喷射上油漆,然后三个美女从墙里走了出来。 fficeffice" />



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