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Martha wanted to enter Iron People Competition. Her motive was to make some money and a cup on a silver mount. She just mortgaged her house. Her competitors mostly were males. Each player was given 5-pound food at most. Every one must make the most of it. Every one could eat no more than a mouthful food every meal. On the first morning, the sky was a mosaic of blue and white. The players mounted a high mountain. More or less they felt tired. At night, they lied down on the moss to sleep. Mosquitoes and mice visited them. The next day ,they needed to cross a river. It seemed that the mountainous waves would turn the ship over. A man was hurt. Martha suggested they stop to help him. But her motion was rejected. The others thought the situation became more and more urgent. Time lost return no more. Martha had a high standard of morality. Her moral sense let her made a decision. She quit and escorted the wounded man back. She carried the man, walking on the motorway. The motorway was dirty, and moreover, it was dangerous. Their movement was slow.On the way, Martha found a car, but its motor was broken. It took her an hour to fix it. She drove the car to the hospital quickly but the man was dead. His injuroes proved mortal. Even though man is mortal, Martha mourned for the dead friend.fficeffice" />


玛莎想参加铁人赛。她的动机是想挣点钱和得到一个戴银底座的奖杯。她刚刚抵押了她的房子。她的竞争对手大部分是男性。每个选手分配到不超过ffice:smarttags" />5的食物。每个人必须充分利用它。每个人每顿仅仅能吃一口食物。第一天早晨,天空像一幅蓝白镶嵌的图画。选手们登上一座高山。或多或少,他们感到累了。晚上,他们躺在苔藓上睡觉。蚊子老鼠来拜访他们。第二天,他们需要渡河。山一般的波浪似乎要把船儿打翻。有个人受了伤。玛莎建议他们停下来帮助他。但是她的提议被否决了。其他人认为形势越来越紧急,时间流失就不再回来。玛莎有高尚的美德。她的道德感让她做了一个决定。她退出了比赛护送伤员回去。玛莎背着伤员走在高速公路上。高速公路很脏,而且很危险。他们的移动很缓慢。路上,玛莎发现了一辆车子,但发电机是坏的。她花了一个小时修好。然后她开车飞快去医院,但那人已经死了。他受的伤势致命的。虽然人终有一死,玛莎还是哀悼那位死去的朋友。fficeffice" />


Our town built a cinema recently. In a few weeks, the audiences multiplied tenfold. Last week I saw two movies. One was a musical. The other one was about an ancient Greek myth. This evening, there would be a thrilling movie. After my delicious supper, roast mutton and fried mushroom, I went to the cinema. It rained and the rain turned dust into mud. But a multitude of people had gathered at the gate of the cinema. I could hear someone murmuring in the crowd. The film began on time. It said about a famous musician. He had multiple achievements on music. One night the musician was murdered mysteriously in the municipal museum! Why he went there was a mystery to everybody. His wife was mute on the subject. The police suggested they give mutual support to each other. But she only kept on muttering to herself. At the end of the movie, the big and muscular killer appeared again! fficeffice" />


我们的小镇最近建了一座电影院。几个星期内,观众倍增10倍。上周我看了两部电影。一部是音乐片,另一部是关于古希腊神话的。今晚将有一部恐怖。在吃过可口的晚饭,烤羊肉和煎蘑菇后,我去了电影院。天下着雨,雨水把尘土变成了泥浆。但众多的人已经聚集在电影院的门口。我可以听见有人在人群里小声抱怨。电影准时开演。电影说的是一个著名的音乐家。他在音乐上有多样的成就。一天夜里,这个音乐家市政博物馆被人神秘地谋杀了!他为什么去那里对所有人来说都是件神秘的事情。他的妻子对此话题保持缄默。警方建议他们双方相互支持。但她只是自己咕哝着什么。在电影的结尾,那个高大而且肌肉发达的凶手又出现了!fficeffice" />


A naval officer was of English nationality. He had served in the English Navy for many years. Once he came back home every time, some naughty boys followed him. They asked him to narrate his exciting navigation. This time , he told them a strange nation. There were two colors in their national flag, namely, blue and white. The native people were nearly naked in summer. It was quite natural for them to do that. They cared naught for it because they didnt have nasty minds at all. But more and more people would visit that place; there was necessity for them to wear clothes. The situation would necessitate it . To add to their beauty, woman painted their nails and wore wooden necklaces around their necks. The native people had narrow range of interests. They liked to make their houses neat and take a nap in the afternoon. What in nature made the nation attract visitors? The native people were very na?ve. They were hospitable by nature.fficeffice" />


一名海军军官有着英国国籍.他为英国海军服务多年了.每次他一回家,一些淘气的孩子就跟来了.他们要他叙述他激动人心的航海.这次,他对他们讲了一个奇异的国家.他们的国旗是两色的,也就是,蓝白两色.本地的人们在夏天几乎裸体的.他们那样做是很自然的.他们毫在意,因为他们根本就不存在肮脏的念头.但越来越多的人将游览那里, 他们就有穿上衣服的必要性.形势会使这一点成为必要.为了增添美丽,妇女们涂指甲,颈脖上戴木制的项链.本地的人们兴趣狭窄.他们喜欢把房子弄整洁,然后下午小睡一阵.本质上这个国家有什么吸引游客呢?本地的人民非常天真.他们天生好客.fficeffice" />


Mrs. Watson had a nephew and a niece. They were lovely,nevertheless,they were naughty. But Mrs. Watson never had a negative attitude towards them. And she never neglected their education. She told them nitrogen forms most of the Earths air; Whats neutron; the nervous system is the network of nerves in the body. And she told them it was impolite to call back people Negroes. Mrs. Watson always kept neutral when the two children fought. They themselves would negotiate a peace treaty soon. The children nicknamed her Glasses Aunt because she wore her glasses all the time. Mrs. Watson was friendly to her neighbors. They greeted each other with a nod. That day, the children spent the afternoon netting butterflies. Mrs. Watson asked them to buy 200 grams net weight of sugar with ten nickels before they went home. A neighbor visited Mrs. Watson. He complained the children made too much noise and damaged his window. Fortunately, the damage was negligible. Mrs. Watson sat on pins and needles. She found the children. The boy was climbing a tree. He was trying to put a bird back into its nest. Glasses Aunt praised their noble deeds, but also she blamed their bad conducts. Neither her nephew nor her niece said anything. Later, the whole neighborhood noticed that the two children acted much better than before. fficeffice" />


ffice:smarttags" />ersonName w:st="on" productid="沃森">沃森ersonName>太太有一个侄子和一个侄女。他们很可爱,不过,他们也很淘气。但ersonName w:st="on" productid="沃森">沃森ersonName>太太对他们从没有否定的态度。而且她也从来没有忽视对他们的教育。她告诉他们是构成地球大气的主要成分;什么是中子神经的系统是身体的神经网络。并且她还告诉他们称呼黑人“Negroes”是不礼貌的。ersonName w:st="on" productid="沃森">沃森ersonName>太太在孩子们打架的时候保持中立。他们自己会很快商议和平协议的。孩子们起绰号为“眼镜阿姨”因为她整天戴着眼镜。ersonName w:st="on" productid="沃森">沃森ersonName>太太对邻居很友好。他们互相点头打招呼。那天,孩子们以下午都用网捕蝴蝶。ersonName w:st="on" productid="沃森">沃森ersonName>太太要他们回家前用10镍币200重的糖。一个邻居来找沃森太太。他抱怨孩子们弄出太大的喧闹声而且还损坏了他的窗户。幸好,损坏是微不足道的沃森太太如坐毡。她找到孩子们。男孩正在爬树。他试图把一只鸟儿放回它的去。眼镜阿姨表扬了他们高尚的行为,但同样也批评了他们不好的行为。她的侄儿说话,她的侄女也不说话。后来,四邻们都发现两个孩子的举止比以往好多了。fficeffice" />


Mr. Porter was a notable detective. He had been nominated as the police sergeant. Nonetheless, he was only the nominal one. But he did not care. He was pleased to the normalization of relationship between the police and the people. In the northern hemisphere, spring is in March and April. On April 4, the police notified Mr. Porter to follow the tracks of a notorious murderer. Mr. Porter started out notwithstanding the heavy rain. He left before noon to catch the ship in time. And he decided to pay for the nominal fare himself. The ship sailed northward first, then northeast, finally northwest. Everything was absolutely normal. Mr. Porter took out a notebook and wrote down anything he thought noteworthy. He found the murder easily because of the noticeable scar on the latters forehead. Mr. Porter subdued him with a gun. Then he called the police. At first, the police did not have a notion of what he meant. They thought what he said was nonsense until they arrived at the ship. They asked him what reward he wanted. Mr. Porter answered that he needed nothing but a few days rest.fficeffice" />


波特先生是个著名的侦探。他被任命为警长。不过,他只是名义上的。但他不介意。他很高兴警方和人民之间关系的正常化。在半球,春天在三四月份开始。44号,警方通知波特先生去跟踪一名臭名昭著的杀人犯。尽管天下大雨,波特先生还是出发了。他中午之前动身以及时赶上那条船。并且他决定自己出钱付那微不足道的船费。船已开始向北行驶,接着东北方向,最后是西北方向。一切都非常正常。伯特先生掏出一个笔记本写下他认为值得注意的事情。他很容易找到了那个杀人犯,因为后者的额头上的伤疤非常显而易见。波特先生用一只枪制服了他。然后他告之警方。一开始,警方对他指的什么没有一点概念。他们认为他在废话胡说,直到他们到达了那条船。他们问他想要什么报酬。波特先生回答他们仅仅想要休息几天。fficeffice" />



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