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 Mr. Dawson used to be a Latin teacher and live on an island of 30 degrees north latitude. Once he found his latent abilities he left the island by ship. The ship launched on a nice day. Mr. Dawson and his wife moved into a new apartment. The wife employed a company to lay out the apartment. The company changed the layout completely. Later Mr. Dawson became a lawyer. Recently, he worried about a case of lead poisoning. There were several layers of inside stories in this case. Mrs. Dawson laid the baby down quietly and said to her husband, "Why don't you lay off for a while until your mind is fresher? Let's have tea on the lawn." The latter agreed with her. He laid that case aside then he went to the lavatory to wash his face. To relax himself, Mr. Dawson began to laugh and his laughter could even be heard in the next room. After that, he laid down a plan of action. He took a leaf out of the notebook to write it down. First of all, Mr. Dawson laid off one of his assistants because he was a hidden spy. Then he distributed leaflets to the other assistants to explain the action program. Under Mr. Dawson's leadership, the team worked well. He played a leading role. The day before the trail, Mr. Dawson sent his best suit to the laundry. The laundry came back the next morning. Mr. Dawson walked into the court from a lateral door. He was very confident.




A liberal librarian should be liable for the library's safety. Mr. Hall was a high level qualified librarian. He had his license for 10 years. The days started to lengthen in March. Mr. Hall spent more time in the library. After work, he used lens to make telescopes. One afternoon, he heard some steps. He followed then found no less than three books were stolen. Mr. Hall moved a lever to close the door first. Then he chased the thief, frightening him at the same time, "Stop or I will let off the gun!" He caught the thief with a cord but was surprised to find it was a boy. The boy cried, "Let go of my hand!" Mr. Hall let out the cord to let the boy loose. The boy let down his fist. His fear had already lessened. Mr. Hall let the boy in his office. The boy spoke in whisper lest Mr. Hall would blame him. He said he had not enough money for food, let alone books. Mr. Hall let out a sigh. He had a liberal mind. Compared with stealing money, stealing book was the lesser evil. He said to the boy, "If you are a liar, you will let me down. Every one is liable to error when he is poor. I let you off this time. You hold no liability of damages." Mr. Hall liberated the boy from fear The boy gained his liberty. To his surprise, the liberal librarian even gave him some money! The boy left with grateful tears.






When Mr. Mill was young, his purpose in learning was to be a teacher. Now he was a learned professor. That morning, Mr. Mill had lean pork and lemon tea as breakfast. Then he put on his leather gloves to go to the classroom. The classroom was 25 feet in length and 20 feet in width. He would have a legal lecture this time. Until then did Mr. Mill realize that he had left his textbook behind in the office. But he did not seem to be in the least nervous. He leant on the chair and began his lecture at leisure. He explained the legal rights of the people at length. Nothing was left out. The topic lent itself to discussion. After discussion, the students came to understand it at length. Before the class was over, Mr. Mill asked the students if they were at leisure these days. He suggested them read at least one book on the legal rights. A student noticed Mr. Mill's left leg was lame. Mr. Mill answered, "I am a member of the School Football League. In my last match, I tried to leap a linebacker. I wanted to create a legend but I hurt my leg. Please don't leak the news. You are in league with me. OK? Your leakage will damage my reputation!'' Mr. Mill made a face. All the students laughed.


Diana was a chemical teacher. She taught her students something like lime could be obtained by burning limestone. One night she saw a dog lie under a tree when she was passing by. It was too weak to lift its limp paws. It was likely to be hurt by the fallen limb. Diana knew her limitations. In the light of her mother's comments, her love had no limit. In fact, there was much likeness between her mother and her. Diana held the dog in her arms. The dog licked her hand. Its head touched her shoulder lightly. Diana went to a hospital. Only a limited number of hospitals were available to animals. A full moon lightened their path to the hospital. The doctor said the problem lied in its forelimb and it would not die. Diana's heart lightened when she heard it. Two weeks later, the dog could walk with a limp. One day, there was some likelihood of rain. In a lift, Diana met a man who asked her if she had a cigarette lighter. The man approached her and suddenly he took out a dagger, "Give me your purse!" Just then, the dog jumped at a lightning speed. It bit his wrist. The man cried and rushed out of the lift. Diana would remember this during her lifetime. The dog cast light on her of its love. The dog never lied, and it even saved her from danger. When they returned home, to reward the dog, Diana lifted the lid of the lot and took out a big bone for him.




A literary man lived on writing. His penname was Lion. The readers felt a little difficult to understand his literature literally. His language was living and changing all the time. But little by little, they were in line with his opinion. Lion lived up to what readers expected of him. Before he wrote a new novel, he listed all the things he had to do. Liquor was the most important thing. He thought there was a link between drinking liquor and writing literature. Liquor was a kind of liquid food to him and made his mind lively. He loved the feeling from the liquor kissed his lips. Lion lingered round the bar all the night. During the past 10 years, he gained quite a little knowledge about liquor. About his health, the doctor said it was just a touch of liver. He still drank 1 liter of liquor every morning. After that, he put on a shirt made of linen. Next he began to write in the living-room. It would last a long time until he finished the novel. Then he would take an air liner to another city for travel. In the airport, the passengers lined up in a "1" formation. Once Lion even saw several birds fly in line when he was in an airplane.


一名从事写作的男子*写作生活。他的笔名叫狮子。读者照字面意义理解他的文学作品会感到—点困难。他的语言是活的,而且一直在变化着。但逐渐地,他们会与他的观点一致狮子从来不辜负读者对他的期望。在写新的小说之前,他会把他必须要做的事情列表是最重要的东西。他认为在喝和写文学作品之间是有一种联系的。对他而言是一种液体的食物并且可以使他的思维活泼。他喜爱亲吻他嘴唇的感觉。狮子整晚在酒吧逗留。在过去的10年里,他获得不少关于的知识。关于他的健康,医生说他只是有点问题。他仍然每天早上喝ffice:smarttags" />。那之后,他穿上一件亚麻布衬衫。接下来,他在起居室开始写作。这种情形会持续到他写完小说。然后他会乘一架班机去另一个城市旅游。在机场,乘客们排队站成“1字型。狮子还曾经在飞机上看见有几只鸟儿成一直线地飞翔。



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