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In the 1950s, many immigrants from other countries came to this country. They immersed themselves in work. This caused a notable impact on the local economy. The impact impaired the power of the imperialistic country. The newspapers became impatient at first. It incited the government to impose tax on all of the immigrants. None of them would be immune. It also said that some immigrants should be imprisoned because they had seized an immense amount of money from the local people. The implication of its statement was to give the immigrants an implicit threat.  The immigrants seemed to be immune to the threat. Comparing the threat to a kind of disease, they were immune to it. But silence didn't imply consent. The President recognized the importance to improve on the relationship between the two sides. He was a person who was rather impartial. So the people had implicit trust in him. He said, "We cannot do improper things on an impulse. It is impossible to impose our wishes on somebody else. The government is implementing a new policy to help the unemployed. Next we will import more scientific implements to improve our work efficiency." The impressive speech by the President gave the people an impetus to reunite the country.




 Last year, Mr. Hardy's factory incorporated with a chemical plant. The workers' job was to remove impurities from the silver. Mr. Hardy's income had increased 200 % over the last year. Incidentally, it didn't include his new house. That was incredible. His high cost of living index incurred a prosecutor's suspicion. What was the incidence of the tax? Why was Mr. Hardy's office inaccessible to anyone else? His investigation was indicative of his interest in this problem. And his independent thinking helped him to find the truth. The index to the factory's accounts indicated that Mr. Hardy defalcated. The workers were inclined to believe him innocent. But the fact became increasingly apparent. Mr. Hardy was a grafter indeed. Mr. Hardy was totally incapable. He did not fulfill his individual responsibility at all. An indispensable trial was held. There were fifty people present, inclusive of some workers. Mr. Hardy's explanation was inadequate. His manner was very indifferent. The workers were indignant. To their indignation, he had cheated them. After the trial, Mr. Hardy stayed indoors for a whole afternoon. Then he drove his car out. The road he took had a deep incline. His car rolled over then exploded. The incident remained very clearly in the witnesses' minds.


去年,哈迪先生的工厂与一家化工厂合并了。工人们的工作是去掉银金属里的杂质。哈迪先生的收入去年增加了 200%。顺便提及,这还不包括他的一幢新房。那是不可思议的。他的高生活消费指数招致了一名检察官的怀疑;税收发生在谁身上?为什么哈迪先生的办公室其他任何人都达不到?他的调查暗示了他在这个问题上的兴趣。而他的独立思考帮助他找到事情真相。工厂账目的索引表明哈迪先生贪污。工人们倾向于相信他是无辜的。但事实日益明显。哈迪先生实际上是个贪污犯。作为一个董事来说,哈迪先生完全无能。他根本没有履行他个人的职责。必不可少的审讯举行了。有50人在场,包括一些工人在内。哈迪先生的解释很不充足。他的态度又非常冷淡。工人们很愤慨。让他们愤慨的是他欺骗了他们。审讯之后,哈迪先生在室内待了整整一个下午。然后他开车出去了。他走的那条路有一个很陡的斜坡。他的车子翻转然后爆炸了。这场事故深深印在目击者的脑海里。


This country was an industrial country. The industry was beginning its initial prosperity. The western city was a highly industrialized area. Mr. Spencer worked in a factory there. Because he believed success came from industry, he was very industrious. He had an inherent interest in induced current and in the induction field. Mr. Spencer developed an infrared medical tool. He inferred from the market survey that it had great market value. Mr. Spencer informed his boss of the important information. His boss was rather influential in the government circles. Though the boss worried the inevitable inflation could influence the factory, he encouraged his inferiors to produce the new product. Even though hard work induced tiredness; Mr. Spencer had no feeling of inertia. No one could induce him to leave his office except his son, a lovely infant, Mr. Spencer researched the ingredients of the infant's food. He kept his son from the infectious flu. He taught him the initial letter of the word "ffice:smarttags" />London" was L. Teaching infants took infinite patience. Fortunately, his son inherited the father's' ingenious mind. Sometimes they drove out to a hill. The car would move faster and faster down the hill because of inertia. And the boy often broke into an infectious laugh. The family lived a district thickly inhabited. The inhabitants there all liked this little boy.




An incident happened in an inland town. An innocent child died oddly in an inn. His mother was injured badly too. A doctor injected the drug into her arm to help her calm down. Since no other people were present, the mother was suspected. The suspicion was a severe injury to her heart. Losing the son caused instability of her mood. An inspector was sent to inspect it. He was a man of deep insight. He inquired the way of a local person. Upon inquiry, he learnt that the inn was near an inlet. The police had blocked the inlet to the inn. A policeman took the inspector to an inner room. He inserted the key into the lock then opened it. The inspector saw the woman. She insisted on her innocence. The inspector's inner feelings told him that she was innocent. The woman said that on that night they were sleeping when innumerable insects flew into the room. Then she lost her consciousness. The inspector inputted the information of the insects into a computer. He found out that the insect was the killer! It was a kind of poisonous insect. To avoid more tragedies, the inspector initiated an innovation. He was the initiative person of the innovation. His wife was a constant inspiration to him. Inspired by the lamp, the inspector installed an electrical installation to attract that kind of insect. Once it touched the installation, it would die.




Mr. Edwards worked as an instructor in a medical institute. As a scientific institution, the institutions there were strict. The integrity and high intelligence were integral parts of a good intellectual. Mr. Edwards never insulted his students. Instead of, he treated them as friends. He taught the students how to integrate theory with practice. For instance, rubber was used to insulate electrical wires. He taught the students to make the insulator. His method of instruction was most suitable. Since the medical instruments were insufficient, the institute imported some. All the goods were received in- tact. The instructions were in the boxes. Mr. Edwards's class got a new instrument. Mr. Edwards was drinking a cup of instant coffee at that time. Hearing of this, he came back to the classroom instantly. Then he saw a student was going to touch a red button on the instrument. Mr. Edwards acted on instinct to run towards him. He intended to stop the student. But it was too late. The instrument exploded. Mr. Edwards made an instantaneous decision. He covered the student with his own body. After the explosion, the instrument was still there, but not in its integrity. Furthermore, Mr. Edwards was injured. The insurance company insured him. Mr. Edwards was insulated because of his sickness. All the students missed him.





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