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冬天的清晨,升起的太阳像一个橘红的球体。它在庞大的空中闪耀。阳光在冰面上闪光。溜冰者们在冰面上优美地滑行。查尔斯赞美壮丽的景色。他的脸因健康而发红。他戴上手套去上班。查尔斯是一个有天赋的技师。他是他那个行业的光荣。没人知道他是个商业间谍。他迄今没有露马脚。秘书分发报纸。他扫视了二下标题,看见了其中一条是:“泄露商业秘密是犯罪的!”查尔斯怒视着报纸,感到前途阴暗。虽然空调释放着热空气,他仍然感觉寒冷。你只要一瞥他的脸就明白他很担心。他将报纸送还给秘书。最终,查尔斯屈服了。他放弃了犯罪的念头。他的邪恶他的良心让了路。他决定自首。于是他写了一封信并在信封上粘贴了一张邮票。接着,他寄给了警察局。fficeffice" />


Mr. Carson was a governor of M state. He went in for governing. He used to be a military officer. In a battle, a bomb went off just behind him but he survived. The state went for Democrats. Two years ago, the state went through a test. Schistosomiasis was popular in M state. A female doctor went deeply into it. She went through many documents then invented a kind of medicine that was good for it. She managed to go without others' help. Somebody gossiped that she grabbed at the opportunity of becoming famous. But in fact she did it out of the goodness of her heart. There were enough medicines to go around. So schistosomiasis had been wiped out for good in M state. To appreciate the doctor, Mr. Carson visited her, and two assistants went along with him. He wore a new tie to go with his suit. The police examined their car and allowed them to go ahead. The doctor was a graceful woman. She went for classical music. Also, she went in for playing golf. She played golf as good as a professional. She even went for the golf championship that year. They talked and Mr. Carson knew something about her father. The doctor's father had no head for business, and he went under. He had gone off to ffice:smarttags" />Edinburgh. The candle had gone out and Mr. Carson said goodbye to the doctor. But he had made his mind to go after her. He was not the sort of man who would go back on his word. Two years went by, and they married.


卡森先生是M州的州长。他致力于管理。他曾是一名军官。一场战斗中,一颗炮弹就在他身后爆炸而他幸存下来了。这个州拥护民主党。两年前,这个州经历了一场考验。血吸虫病在M州流行。一名女医生深入研究此病。她详细检查了许多文件然后发明了一种对此病有效的药。她没有别人的帮忙也行。一些人流言蜚语说她抓住了成名的机会。实际上她做此事是出自内心的善良。药品足够分配,于是血吸虫病在M州被永久消灭了。为了感谢医生,卡森先生拜访了她,两名助于随行。他戴了一条新领带他的西服协调。警察检查了他们的车后允许他们前进。医生是名文雅的女士。她喜爱古典音乐。并且,她还沉迷于高尔夫球。她打高尔夫打得和职业运动员几乎—样好。她甚至竭力想取得那年的高尔夫球赛的冠军。他们交谈起来,于是卡森先生知道了她父亲一些事情。医生的父亲没有商业头脑,他破产了。他动身去了爱丁堡。蜡烛熄灭了,卡森先生告辞。但他已经决定要追求她。他不是那种违背诺言的人。两年过去后,他们结婚了。fficeffice" />


Davy was a Greek. He was a graduate of ffice:smarttags" />laceName w:st="on">AthenslaceName> laceType w:st="on">UniversitylaceType>. He learned a lot of things in the university. For example, the grammar teacher stressed grammatical rules in each lesson. The physics teacher drew a graph to explain gravity. Davy made progress gradually. The commencement was held in the grand hall. That was the gravest occasion Davy had ever taken part in. Each graduate behaved with gravity at it. The gracious principal made a speech. His hair had turned gray, so he put grease on it to make it shiny. Davy was assigned to the countryside.  He was granted many privileges to cultivate crops. At that time, corn was the most important grain in his village. But the greedy birds kept eating it. It seemed that they took it for granted. The peasants could not bear wasting a grain of rice. To solute the problem, Davy cultivated a new kind of corn which the birds disliked its taste. The peasants were grateful to him for what he did. To show their gratitude, they gave him a big basket of grapes. A girl gave him a gold necklace of ten grams to express her love. If Davy's mother knew it from the grave, she would feel happy for him.


A grocer built up a greenhouse nearby a gulf. On the day the greenhouse was open to the public, the grocer greeted the guests at the door. The greeting to all the guests took more than half an hour. His wife ground coffee beans for the guests. The smell greeted every one. All of the guests spent a wonderful day. But that night, the greenhouse caught fire. The frightened wife gripped her husband's arm. It grieved them to see the greenhouse burning into ashes. The couple groaned in pain. They should be certainly on guard. The gross of the damage was 50 thousand dollars. The next day, the arsonist was arrested at a gymnasium. He was a guy who chewed gum all the time. His language and behavior were gross. He exploded the gunpowder for fun but it caused the fire. The arsonist was only 14. He wasn't grown-up. He needed some guidance in his growth, but his parents died years ago. Having known everything, the grocer gave up the prosecution. Instead of this, he wanted to adopt the boy! Then the boy felt guilty. He gave his guarantee that he would never do bad things again.


一名杂货商在一个海湾附近建造了一个温室。在温室对外开放的那天,杂货商在门口迎接客人。光是对所有客人的问候就花去了超过半小时的时间。他的妻子为客人磨碾咖啡豆,香气扑鼻。所有的客人度过了愉快的一天。但那天夜里,温室着火了。受惊吓的妻子抓紧丈夫的胳膊。看着温室烧成灰烬真使他们悲伤。这对夫妇痛苦地呻吟。他们早该防范一些的。损失的总额5万美元。第二天,纵火犯在一家体育馆被逮捕了。他是一个整天嚼着口香糖家伙。他的言行很粗鲁。他爆炸火药找乐子,却造成了大火。纵火犯才14岁。他还没有成人。他在成长过程中需要一些引导,但他的父母几年前就死了。知道一切后,杂货商放弃了起诉。取而代之的是,他愿意领养这个男孩!直到那刻男孩才感觉内疚了。他保证再也不做坏事了。fficeffice" />


Mr. Arnold was a man who hewed to the line. He had his haircut once a month. He had his habitual breakfast, hamburger and ham sandwich every morning. That morning, it hailed heavily. Mr. Collins, a neighbor lived close at hand, asked his help. His daughter was boxed up in the forest. Mr. Arnold was hampered by a difficulty. He didn't have his useful tools on hand expect a hammer made by hand. But the custom of helping each other had been handed down in that village. So he promised to handle the situation. On the one hand Mr. Arnold invited a handful of villagers, on the other hand he called the police. They would act hand in hand. Every villager handed in an application to express his determination. The villagers handed on the girl's photographs. Mr. Arnold handed out the handbooks to everyone. He asked them to read the handout carefully. The police came and Mr. Arnold handed over command of the action. Then they set out. From time to time, they halted for a rest because Mr. Collins was handicapped by his eyesight. They had the situation well in hand. An hour later, they found the girl's handkerchief. The success was on hand. They soon found her! The whole village hailed the returning heroes! Christmas was at hand, the girl recovered. She brought a handful flowers to Mr. Arnold.


阿诺德先生是个循规蹈矩的人。他每个月理发一次。他每天早上都是惯常的早餐,汉堡包火腿三明治。那天早上,冰雹下得厉害。柯林斯先生,一个住在附近的邻居来向他请求帮助。他的女儿被困在森林里了。阿诺德先生被一个困难阻碍:他有用的工具没在手边;惟一的工具是把手工制作的铁锤。但互相帮助的传统在那个乡村是流传下来的。于是他许诺处理这事。一方面,阿诺德先生请了少数村民帮忙,另一方面他报了警。他们将携手联合行动。每个村民都递交了一份志愿书表明他的决心。村民们依次传递女孩的照片。阿诺德先生分发手册给每个人。他吩咐他们认真阅读散发的文字材料。警察赶到后阿诺德先生移交了行动指挥权。然后他们出发。不时地,他们要止步休息一会儿,因为柯林斯先生的视力妨碍了他。局势在控制中。一小时后,他们找到了女孩的手帕。成功临近了。然后他们很快找到了她!整个乡村都欢呼英雄归来!圣诞节即将到来,女孩康复了。她给阿诺德先生带来一把花。fficeffice" />


Jacob loved his wife very much. His tastes were in harmony with hers, which brought them into harmony. They ran a hardware store weekdays. On weekends, they hatched chickens or went hunting for hares. The harvest of crops was bad that year because of the flood. The government ordered to harness the fiver. Many men including Jamb volunteered to help. They stayed on the riverbank day and night. Their homes were quite handy, but everyone hung on to their work. Hardly anybody left his post. Two month later, Jacob hardly finished his work when he hastened home. But he was shocked to see that his wife was with an escaped criminal! "Harboring criminals is an offence in law!" Jacob said to his wife. She looked at him with hatred, "I want to divorce you." He said to his wife, "It is harmful for you to make a hasty decision. I will give you some more time." He left home in haste. Jacob found a job on a harbor. He hauled the fish into the boat everyday. It was a hateful job. But a strong man would bear hardship without complaining. Life on a boat had hardened him. At night, Jamb hung about at the harbor. There was a handy place for the telephone. He wanted to call his wife, but always hung back. One night, he did call. A man answered the phone, "Hang on, she is coming. Darling, your call." Jacob hung up the phone. His heart was broken.


杰可伯非常爱他的妻子。他的爱好同她的爱好协调,这使得他们很融洽。他们在工作日里经营着一个五金店。周末,他们小鸡或是出去打野兔。那年因为洪水的缘故,农作物收成不好。政府下令治理河流。许多人包括杰可伯都自愿帮忙。他们日夜地呆在河岸上。他们的家都很近便,但每个人都将自己的工作坚择下去几乎没有人离开自己的岗位。两个月后,杰可伯刚一完成工作,就赶忙回家去。但他震惊地看到他的妻子和一名逃犯在一起!窝藏罪犯是犯法的!”他对妻子说。而她憎恨地回答:“我要与你离婚。”杰可伯对妻子说:“做出草率的决定对你是有害的。我愿意给你多一些时间。”他匆忙地离开了家。杰可伯在一个港口找到一份工作。他每天将鱼拖曳到船里。这是份可恨的工作。但一个坚强的男人是会忍受困苦而不抱怨的。船上的生活已经使他变硬朗了。晚上,杰可伯在港口徘徊。有个方便的地方可以打电话。他想给妻子打电话,但总是踌躇着。一天晚上,他终于打了。一名男子接了电话:“等一下,她就来。亲爱的,你的电话。”杰可伯挂断电话。他的心碎了。fficeffice" />



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