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Robert's father worked in a freight company. His mother was a housewife. The family never had friction. To afford to send their son to go to college, the couple spent only a fraction of their earnings. When he was only 3 years old, Robert knew 1/2 and 1/4 are fractions. And now Robert was a freshman at a big university. The foundation of the university took place over 100 years ago. It was famous for its ornate fountain and its attractive forum. The topic recently was the framework of dinosaur fossils. Robert found that several classmates were friends with him on the first day. To be frank, he wanted to make friends with them too. It was winter, but the air in the campus was fragrant because of winter sweets. Breathing it, Robert felt as if he was set free from a cage. Suddenly, he heard some cry, "Help!" It was from the lake. The ice of the lake fractured under the weight of the students skating on it. It was frequent in the winter. And one of them fell into the lake. The other students were frightened by this. Not only did Robert have a powerful frame, but also a warm heart. He dived into the lake. The student was saved but Roberts leg fractured in two places. When his mother heard of this, she dropped the vase on the floor, and it broke into fragments. In a sliver frame on the table, there was a photograph of her son. She was proud of her brave son but could not help crying.


罗伯特的父亲在一家货运公司工作。他的母亲是个家庭主妇。这家人从来没有摩擦。为供儿子上大学,两夫妇只花了收入的一小部分。当罗伯特3岁的时候,他就知道12l4都是分数。现在罗伯特是一所大型的大学的大一学生。这所大学的建立有一百多年了。它因为它那华丽的喷泉和吸引人的论坛而著名。最近的论题是恐龙化石结构。第一天,罗伯特就发现几名同学他很友好坦白地说,他也想同他们交朋友。当时是冬天,但校园的空气因为腊梅而变得清。呼吸着空气,罗伯特感觉自己像是被人从牢笼释放出来一般。突然他听见“救命”的呼喊声。喊声来自湖边。湖面的冰在滑冰学生们的重量下开了。这在冬天是时常发生的。其中一个学生落人湖中。这情形使其他的学生惊恐。罗伯特不仅有一副强壮的骨架,更有一颗见义勇为的心。他跳人湖中。那名学生得救了,但因此罗伯特的腿两处骨折。当他的母亲听到这个消息,她把花瓶掉在地上摔成了碎片。桌上一个银框架里是一张儿子的照片。她为儿子骄傲,但仍然忍不住哭泣起来。fficeffice" />


A frog and a squirrel were neighbors. There was a fundamental difference between the two of them. The squirrel was diligent while the frog was lazy. In autumn, the frog made fun of the squirrel's diligence. He said, "Don't make so much fuss over saving your food." The squirrel answered, "I only fulfill my obligation to build up a reserve fund. The main function of it is to help me to get through the winter. If you make a fuss of yourself in fruitful autumn, you will regret it in the cold winter." The frog frowned at her words and became furious. So he left without a goodbye. The winter came. The squirrel had no expensive furniture, but she had a furnace to keep her warm. Furthermore, she had a beautiful fur overcoat. Her house furnished everything that was needed for one's life. For example, the fuse-box was in the kitchen. Coal was used as fuel. Fried pine nuts were prepared for her dinner. On the contrary, the frog went to and fro on the frontier, looking for something edible. The ground was covered with frost. The terrible weather frustrated his hopes of finding food. He was too tired and hungry to walk any further.The next day, he was found dead, frozen. The squirrel attended the frog's funeral and felt very sorry for him.


一只青蛙和一只松鼠是邻居。他们俩之间有着基本的区别。松鼠很勤奋而青蛙很懒惰。在秋天,青蛙取笑松鼠的勤劳。他说:“不要为储藏食物忙乱成那样子嘛。”松鼠回答:“我只是履行自己的职责来建立后备基金。它的主要作用就是帮助我度过冬天。如果你在果实累累的秋天太娇惯你自己的话,你将在寒冷的冬季后悔的。”青蛙对她的话皱眉并且暴怒起来。因此他没有道别就离开了。冬天来临了。松鼠没有昂贵的家具,但她有炉子来取暖。而且,她还有漂亮的毛皮大衣。她的房子装备了所有个人生活所需的一切。比如,保险丝盒子在厨房里。煤是用来做燃料的。油炸松子是她的正餐。与之相反,青蛙在边境来来回回地寻找能吃的东西。地面上覆盖着霜冻。可怕的天气挫败了他寻找食物的希望。他又累又饿,再也无法走得更远。第二天,他被发现已经死了,身体是冷冻的。松鼠参加了青蛙的葬礼,并且为他的死感到非常难过。fficeffice" />


亚当斯先生描绘银河系的画儿在一家著名的画廊展出。他是个天才,很早就赢得了名声。并且他每年都慷慨地捐赠许多钱。画廊的灯泡都充了气态的氖,这使得灯光五颜六色。开幕式是那个季度最盛大的集会一群杰出的艺术家都来参加了。所有的人都穿着得体的衣服。与此同时,一伙同性恋正在来画廊的路上。通常同性恋和他们的父母之间有着代沟。此外,一些人还把他们当作垃圾。这种仇恨产生于偏见。实际上,人们不能从一两件事情上就归纳出一个结论。研究指出,一个人的性取向取决于他或她的基因。幸运的是,关于这点,一个新的观念正在推广。那即是,道德伦理应该根据社会的需要而相应调整。这些人一想到能看展览就很快乐,突然发电机上的一个齿轮坏了。在汽油用光之前他们冒险驾驶着汽车到修车厂修理。一名工人修好了他们的车子,又用一个量表给车加了两加仑的汽油。很快,汽车像一匹马那样又在公路上奔驰起来。20分钟后,他们气喘吁吁地来到了画廊。所有的人包括亚当斯先生都惊奇地注视着他们。不过作为一个真正的绅士,他真诚地欢迎了他们。fficeffice" />


The school was said to be haunted by a giant ghost. A student did encounter it. The news got around quickly. Somebody did not see what the student got at, so he got down what he saw to get his encounter across. "That evening, after I got through my geometry examination, I got around to doing my geography homework. That was the duty I could not get out of. I got down to some geographical questions. However, I have more interest in geology. And I will get around to explore more places. Ok, I get back to the subject. My homework was getting along much better. Somebody called my name, and I saw a ghost getting in the classroom while gesturing at me! I got off the classroom as quickly as I could. It was surprising that the ghost moved aside to let me get by. I climbed to the top of a tree. The ghost could not get at me, so he waited. How on earth did I get into such a ridiculous situation? I knew I could not let the ghost get the better of me. If only I could get out of my timidness, I would feel better. I managed to get over my fear then got through to the police with my mobile phone. The police car came soon. The policemen got off the car. They got together under the tree. The ghost got away. Then I could get down from the tree. I went home. I got a cold that night. Colds are spread by germs. I got over my illness very slowly."




It was winter morning. The rising sun looked liked an orange globe. It glittered in the gigantic sky. Its light glared on the ice. The skaters glided gracefully over the ice. Charles glorified the glorious scene. There was a glow of health in his face. He put on his gloves then went to work. Charles was a gifted technician. He was a glory of his profession. No one knew he was a business spy. He didn't give himself away so far. The secretary gave out newspapers. He glanced at the headlines in it. Then he saw one of them, "It was criminal to give away business secrets!" Charles glared at the newspaper, feeling gloomy about his future. Though the air-conditioner gave off warm air, he felt cold. A glimpse of his face would tell you that he was worried. He gave back the newspaper to the secretary. Finally, Charles gave in. He gave up his criminal mind. His evilness gave way to his conscience. He made up his mind to give himself up. So he wrote a letter and then glued a stamp onto the envelope. Next, he sent it to the police.


Mr. Adams's pictures about the Galaxy were shown in a famous gallery. He was a genius and he won his fame very early. And it was generous of him to contribute a lot of money every year. The lamps of the gallery were full of gaseous neon, which made the light colorful. The opening ceremony was the biggest gathering of the season. A galaxy of artists attended it. All of them wore in nice garments. At the same time, a gang of gays was on the way to the gallery. In general, there was a generation gap between the gays and their parents. Furthermore, some people regarded them as garbage. This hatred was generated by prejudice. In fact, one could not generalize a conclusion from a few facts. Studies showed that a person's *** intention was decided by his or her genes. Fortunately, a new opinion was being generalized in this regard. That is, the ethics should be geared to the society's needs. These men were gay at the thought of seeing the show when suddenly a gear of the generator was broken. They gambled to drive the car to the garage for repair before their gasoline had been used up. A worker fixed their car and added 2 gallons of fuel to their car by using a gauge. Soon, the car galloped along the road again like a horse. Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the gallery, gasping for breath. All of the people including Mr. Adams gazed at them with surprise. But as a genuine gentleman, he welcomed them sincerely.


戴维是名希腊人。他是雅典大学的毕业生。他在学校里学了很多东西。比如语法老师每堂课都强调语法的规则,物理老师画图表来解释重力。戴维逐渐地取得进步。毕业典礼在豪华的大厅举行。这是戴维参加的最庄重的场合。每个毕业生都举止庄重亲切的校长发表了演讲。他的头发已经变了,于是他在上面抹油让它闪亮。戴维被分配到乡下。他被给予许多特权来培育农作物。那时,玉米是他那个乡村最重要的谷物。但是贪婪的鸟儿老是吃它。看起来它们以为理所当然。农民们是无法容忍浪费一大米的。为了解决这个问题,戴维培育出了一种新型的不对鸟儿口味的玉米。农民们对他所做的事情非常感激。为了表达他们的感激,他们送给他一大篮子的葡萄。一个女孩还送给他一条ffice:smarttags" />10重的金项链来表达爱意。如果戴维的母亲在坟墓里有知的话,她一定会为他感到高兴的。fficeffice" />



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