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Irene had a fancy for fantastical stories since childhood. Anything to do with old myths and legends fascinated her. Every night, her mind gave in to fatigue and she fell asleep. At the age of 25, Irene won her fame by her first novel. Her novel was by far better than that of any other writers in the city. She became the favorite writer in the readers' hearts. They were in favor of her. They were favorable to her ideas. But Irene's father-in-law was constantly finding fault with her. They had so far failed to reach an agreement. Irene was sure that her husband was far from a fool. But he pretended not to see this. He could not overcome his fatal weakness, cowardly character. So Irene longed to travel to places as far as she could arrive. Her judgment was frequently faulty, but her love for her husband was not false.  It was a painful farewell. Then, Irene paid the bus fare to the airport. On the airplane, she fastened her seat belt and wondered what she would face. Ladies liked to follow the fashion. But Irene did not. She did not want to go to a fashionable place. In the country she arrived at, thousands of people died of famine. Irene was not really familiar with local laws, which brought some trouble to her. Sometimes she wondered what fate had in store for her next. All the way, she faxed her essays back to the publishing company.


自孩童起,艾琳就喜爱异想天开的故事。任何与古代神话和传奇有关的事情都会强烈吸引她。每天夜里,她会思考到疲劳不堪才人睡。25岁的时候,艾琳的第一本小说给她带来了名声。她的小说比那个城市的其他作家写的书好得多。她成了读者心中最喜欢的作家。他们支持她。他们赞许她的思想。但是艾琳的公公却一直挑剔她。他们迄今为止没有达成共识。艾琳肯定她的丈夫远非一个笨蛋,但他装作看不见这点。他无法克服他致命的弱点:懦弱。于是艾琳渴望去远至她能够到达的地方旅游。她的判断经常有错误,但她对丈夫的爱却不是虚伪的。那是痛苦的告别。然后,艾琳付车费去机场。在飞机上,她扎牢了安全带然后思考她将面临什么。女士们喜欢追赶时髦。但艾琳不是这样。她不想去一个时髦的地方。她到达的那个国家,成千上万的人死于饥荒。艾琳对当地法律不很熟悉,这给她带来一些麻烦。有时候她不知道等待她的命运是什么。一路上,她都把她写的短文传真回出版社。fficeffice" />


 Aleck went to a local federal college. The college charged high fees. At first Aleck enjoyed the fellowship of his classmates. But soon he was fed up with them. Quite a few students laughed at his feminine features. For example, Aleck had a small figure and he was too feeble to practice fencing. But other students often felled him at the fence class for fun. A person who cornered could be the fiercest one. Aleck belonged to a fellowship of revenge. He felt like doing something fearful. He wanted to be a figure known to everyone. He thought out a feasible plan. One night, Aleck fed in the password and then operated the networking computer.  Its feedback was quick. He figured out the exact figures of his classmates' credit cards. At a feudal festival, Aleck provided a feast for all of his classmates at home. Slinkingly, he built a fence around the yard to keep them out. Next, he fetched a bag of chemical fertilizer and exploded it! The fence was on fire! Even Aleck's man-made fiber coat caught fire. Aleck took a ferry to escape. He came to the countryside. Anything grew in that fertile ground. It was a fiction. But who could say it would not happen?


 亚力克上了当地的联邦大学。大学收取的学费很高。起先亚力克很喜欢与同学们的伙伴关系。但很快他对他们感到厌倦了。不少学生嘲笑他的女性的特征。比如,亚力克的体形很小并因为太虚弱而不能练习击剑。但其他学生常常在击剑课上把他砍倒来取乐。一个人被逼到死角时是有可能成为最凶猛的人。亚力克属于一个报仇团体。他想要做些可怕的事情。他想成为一个众所周知的人物。他想出一个可行的计划。一天晚上,亚力克输入计算机密码然后操作联网计算机。它的反馈很快。他算出他同学信用卡的具体数字。在一个封建的节日,亚力克在家里为所有的同学准备了一次宴会。偷偷地,他在院子的四周围上了围栏防止他们出来。接下来,他取来一袋化学肥料然后爆炸了它!围栏起火了!甚至亚力克的人造纤维外衣也着了火。亚力克乘着渡船逃离了。他来到乡下。这块肥沃的土地上长满了各种植物。这是一篇小说。但谁能说它不会发生呢?fficeffice" />


One night, a fishery was on fire. At first the dry sticks caught fire then a firm house nearby it flared up in the wind. The great flames flared through the darkness. The owner of the fishery shook his fist at the fire. The wind flapped in his face and his eyes were flashing. He looked as if he was about to flare up. Flashes of lightning illuminated the scene. The firemen came with their fittings. Fortunately, the casualties were finite. But the fishery was confronted with a financial crisis. The repairs to it would be financed by the government. A new fireplace fixture was fixed in the wall. The lake water passed through a new filter before it was piped to the house. For the owner of the fishery, the government offered him a fitting position in a firm. First of all, he should fill in all the blanks on an application for the job. Finally, the police found out the reason of the accident. A boy set fire to a firework, and it burned on the sticks. The police reported its findings after the thorough investigation.


一天夜里,一个渔场烧着了。最初是干木柴着火,然后它附近一所坚固的房子也在风中突然燃起来。巨大的火焰在黑夜里闪烁渔场主对着大火挥舞着拳头。风拍打着他的脸,他的眼睛闪闪发光。他看起来像是要突然发怒的样子。闪电的闪光照亮了现场。消防队员带着他们的配件来了。幸运的是,人员伤亡有限。但渔场面临着财政的危机。政府渔场的修缮提供资金。新的壁炉固定物固定在墙上。湖水经过新的滤器过滤后通过管道进入室内。对于渔场的主人,政府给他在一家公司提供了一个适合的职位。首先他得填写好工作申请表上的所有空格。最终,警方查明了事故原因。一个男孩点燃了一个爆竹,爆竹在木柴上燃烧起来。警方在彻底调查后报告了调查结果fficeffice" />


There was a folk story as follows. Edward ran a bakery. His bread had plenty of flavors. And the price of his bread fluctuated according to the people's needs. Both country folks and town folks liked his bread. Every day a flock of customers waited for his store to open. All that came to his bakery should go over a flyover first. They flattered him about his cooking. Edward would flush with embarrassment. Being shy was the only flaw in his character. As a matter of fact, Edward was very fond of cooking and foodstuff. His bakery was flourishing for four reasons. First, he focused his attention on his work. Second, he made bread with the best flour. Third, he had flexible flesh to work well. He folded the dough and then flattened it with his palms. From time to time, he used some cooling fluid to cool the dough. The last reason was, he could speak dialect fluently. One day, Edward caught a flu. He went to the riverbank to relax. The river flowed southwest to the ffice:smarttags" />Atlantic. It flushed after the heavy rain. A fleet was seen in the distance. Several branches floated down the river. One of them was locked by the flaw of a stone. Edward picked it up and flung it into the river. He liked to see foam on the river. The frightened fish fled away. The fog closed in so Edward went home.




I read a story recently. Benny got a new job. The contract would remain in force for a period of 3 years. And it came into force last month. Because Benny was a foreigner, his colleagues often made a fool of him. For example, smoking was forbidden in the forge, but they put cigarettes into his pocket. Benny always forgave them. One day the boss announced a competition and its format. Benny would be foremost to enter it. Like his forefather, Benny had the ability to foresee the future. It was important for a factory to formulate the production process. Benny suggested that the boss format the production process, and so forth. The boss approved his proposal after Benny formulated it. It was fortunate to work for a wise boss. Benny forged a new set of forks with great skill. Before the formation of a new idea, he would touch his forehead with his forefinger. On the day of evaluation, Benny went forth to show the samples. He forecasted that at least one of his products would pass the exam. His mother had told him his fortune and she said luck was forthcoming. Benny won the first prize of the competition. He was awarded a fortnight's holiday and 100 thousand dollars. Both holiday and fortune were satisfying, but Benny liked the former better. The foregoing story was by an English writer.


我近来读了一则故事。本尼得到了新工作。合同三年有效,并且它从上个月起就生效了。因为本尼是个外国人,他的同事常常愚弄他。比如,锻工车间禁止吸烟的,但他们把香烟放进他的口袋里。本尼总是原谅他们。一天,老板宣布了一次竞赛和竞赛样式。除了本尼没人愿意最先参加。像他的祖先一样,本尼有能力预知将来。对工厂来说,规划生产工序是很重要的。本尼建议老板格式化生产工序等等。老板在本尼系统地阐述了建议后批准了它。为一位明智的老板工作真是幸运。本尼非常技巧地锻造一套新*。在一个新主意形成之前,他会用食指来抚摩额头。到了验收的那天,本尼走向前展示样品。他预测他的作品中至少有一样会通过测试。他的母亲已经告诉了他关于他的命运,她说好运即将到来了。本尼赢得了一等奖。他被奖励一个两星期的假期和10万美元。假期和财产都是令人满意的,但本尼更喜欢前者前述的故事是一个英国作家写的。fficeffice" />



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