- 精华
- 0
- 积分
- 1212
- 经验
- 1212 点
- 威望
- 83 点
- 金钱
- 740 ¥
- 魅力
- 309
第二类 - IS牛校,有一个强大的IS Program(一堆牛人并且名声在外)或很牛的牛人(出过AIS Fellow,MISQ/ISR主编等) (排名不分先后,括号中为著名教授)
University of Texas–Austin (McCombs) (Prof. Sirkka Jarvenpaa, AIS Fellow)
University of Maryland–College Park (Smith) (Prof. Hank Lucas, AIS Fellow; Prof. Ritu Agarwal)
Georgia State University (Robinson) (Prof. Detmar W. Straub, Prof. Michael Gallivan)
Indiana University–Bloomington (Kelley) (Prof. Alan Dennis; Prof. Iris Vessey, AIS Fellow)
Case Western Reserve University (Prof. Kalle Lyyntinen, AIS Fellow)
Michigan State University (Prof. Vallabh Sambamurthy, ISR Cheif Editor; Prof. .Cheri Speier)
Bentley College (McCallum) (MA) (Prof. M. Lynne Markus, AIS Fellow)
University of Britishi Columbia (Prof. Izak Benbasat, AIS Fellow)
University of Centrel Florida (Prof. Carol Saunders, AIS Fellow, AIS Past President, MISQ Chief Editor)
University of Oklahoma (Prof. Robert Zmud, AIS Fellow, ISR past editor; Prof. Traci Carte)
University of Arkansas (Prof. Viswanath Venkatesh, Prof. Moez Limayem, previously with the City U of Hong Kong)
University of Pittsburgh (Katz) (Prof. Dennis Galletta, AIS Fellow, AIS President) |