holddreams 当前离线
各位XDJM帮忙看下,33或34岁的年龄申请北美TOP 5 MBA是优势还是劣势?在下国内名校毕业,现在国内著名高科技企业管理销售数亿美金和800人的product line,有海外工作经验,在公司中经历了丰富的岗位锻炼,并且英语非常好。TOP MBA于我是一个梦,也是冥冥中一个使命,希望能够和most talent people对话,拓宽国际化视野。我现在31岁,计划用2~3年时间准备,届时年龄较大会不会成为入学的障碍啊?
AJingJing 当前离线
why you want to study MBA with people much younger and less
experienced than you are? what can you learn from your classmates? Maybe
you should look at EMBA.
greedier 当前离线
xueguelili 当前离线
yumeeiko 当前离线
bah-toronto 当前离线
ououbodao 当前离线
chriszou 当前离线
Persephoner 当前离线
需要解决: Why still need a MBA, if you are alreday so "牛", why mba a
necessary step to achieve your career goal; And why not EMBA? Other than
that, you should be quite competative candidate. 加油!
自2003年开始提供 MBA 申请服务以来,保持着90% 以上的成功率,其中Top10 MBA服务成功率更是高达95%