3. UTS UTS 1999年学生人数27,000人,留学生2,700多人。 杰出课程:计算机、工程、建筑 Tuition: Master of CS by thesis: 15,000*2 years Master of CS by course: 14,500*1.5 years Ph.D. of CS: 15,000*3 years Total Courses fees for local Australian resident: Master of Science in Computing: $14,400 M. Sci in Internetworking: $18,000 M. Sci in Interactive Multimedia: $18,000 M. Business in IT management: $18,150 M. Sci in Operational Research: $9,600 本科生starting salary: $38,979(national $35,341)其中数学计算机专业:$44,993(female4万, male5万) 本科生最好找工作的专业:工程、计算机、护士、法律 研究生就业率最高的专业:计算机(4%失业率) 研究生starting salary51,910(national 48,389)其中数学计算机专业:$54,620(female4.6万 male5.9万) 点评:UTS位于悉尼市,虽然学校规模小、学业要求松、但是毕业后前途好,起薪高。有志有留在澳洲的广大学子,UTS是第一选择。 The Faculty of Information Technology at UTS is renowned as one of the foremost, and most highly regarded providers of IT education in Australia. Graduates of our innovative courses in IT+Computing, Mathematics and Mathematics and Finance are sought after by industry and the professions, and enjoy high levels of employment both in Australia and overseas. In 1998 the GCCA Graduate Destinations Survey showed that over 90% of graduates from the Faculty were in full-time employment. This regard is also shown through the depth of industry involvement in our academic programs and in our research and consulting profile. The Faculty is the fastest growing faculty at UTS and comprises two disciplines, computing and mathematics, which form the basis of "enabling technologies" for applications in most other disciplines. The academic staffs of the Faculty are organized into four departments: Computer Systems Information Systems Mathematical Sciences Software Engineering All of the departments contribute to the teaching of the Faculty's courses, and our expert staff and strong links with industry and the professions ensure that our courses are current, relevant and consistently the premier programs of their kind. The Faculty has a commitment to cooperative education; both of the work experience "sandwich" form and the cooperative scholarship format and more recently, the Faculty has been instrumental in the development at UTS of courses that can be delivered in Work-Based Learning mode. The Faculty's successes in research are demonstrated through our many achievements such as being the home to one of the first Key Centers (in Advanced Computing), and our current active contributions to the national CRC for Enterprise Distributed Systems Technology and ac3 the Australian Center for Advanced computing and Communications at the Australian Technology Park. The Faculty is also a partner in the Key University Research Strength in Quantitative Finance, one of the leading centers for quantitative finance on the Pacific Rim.