1. A successful exchange student usually has met the following requirements: l A good academic record at CEIBS, namely GPA lMotivation, leadership, language skills, social responsibilities, dealing with stress/pressure, and international outlook. l Significant contributions to CEIBS by getting involved in Ambassador Programme, Student Committee, Student Clubs etc. l The competition and slots availability of the exchange school l Willingness to share the experiences with interested future students after returning by attending Exchange Info-Session, giving feedbacks etc.
2. Expense is a case by case problem, it depends on which school you will go to.
3. Yes. There are 8 Asia Link scholarships each year to support CEIBS students to exchange at IESE in Spain and CBS in Denmark. The scholarship covers return air tickets to Barcelona/Copenhagen, and a per diem of 30 euros per day for 98 days (14 weeks). For details of application, please see more details on the separate Asia-link Scholarship introduction and application. Some business schools also offer some subsidy to CEIBS MBAs. |