25 Random Things - Russell Davis, Assistant Director of MBA Admissions 1. I lived in 5 countries growing up - Singapore, Japan, England, Hong Kong...and the US. I was the son of an ex-pat who worked in the energy industry. 2. I have visited 30+ countries...I love to travel...likely as a result of my experiences growing up. 3. I have two girls - Parker Joy (8 years old) and Lucinda Willie (6 years old). Nothing or no one makes me laugh as hard as they do. 4. I met my wife, Pamela Joy, on Dec 31, 1999, in Key West, at approximately 10pm. We were married approximately 18 months later. 5. If I could take a nap every day, I would. 6. I am a passionate music lover, including seeing as much live music as I can...shows, music festivals, whenever, however. 7. I am a 5th generation Texan. And while my kids were born in North Carolina, they are actually Texans because nationality runs through the paternal line. 8. When I first learned I would be moving to North Carolina from Texas the beginning of 1999, I was a little nervous and unsure of how I would like it. I am happy to report that now I can’t imagine living anywhere else! The quality of life is great, the weather is great, and it is a great place to raise my family. 9. I was on two record albums (the predecessor to cds) in college playing baritone sax. They are big band jazz records. 10. I can watch over and over again the movies - Steel Magnolias, Love Actually, and Singles. 11. I hate chick flicks. 12. Absurdity is my favorite form of humor. 13. I was a member of the house improvisation troupe, The Laff Staff, at The Laff Stop in Austin, TX, for over 6 years. We performed four nights a week, every week, during that time. 14. I eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch almost every Mon thru Fri. I do not get tired of fruit, orange juice, salads and broccoli! 15. I am like an eight year old when there is snow in the forecast. I get very excited and keep looking out the window for the first flakes! 16. I enjoy decorating our home, and Pam lets me. 17. I do not enjoy yard work. 18. Having children gave me a new perspective on life, ok, this is not a revelation. Prior to having kids, I always enjoyed looking down the road to what was next. Now I am much more interested in what is happening today as well what new thing my kids will say or do when I wake up tomorrow. 19. I am an avid beach volleyballer. Once spring arrives, I play as often as I can...though usually no more than a couple times a week...only because my kids aren't ready to start playing yet. 20. I have a younger brother, Clayton, and an older sister, Angela. Yes, Angela Davis. But not the '60s radical Angela Davis. 21. I went to three different high schools. Freshman year at St. Mary's Int'l School in Japan (60 people in my class); Sophomore year at Dulles High School in Sugarland, Tx (1500 people in my class...largest high school in TX at the time); Junior and Senior years were at the American School in London (170 in my class...ah, just right). 22. I met John Wayne in a coffee shop in Singapore...yes, I was very young...but remember it. He was very big. 23. My favorite directors are The Coen Bros, Terrance Malick and Stanley Kubrick. My favorite authors are Cormac McCarthy, John Irving, Joe Lansdale, Victor Gischler and Ken Follett. I particularly enjoy historical fiction and biographies. 24. I love movies and some would call me a fanatic because I love to know the backstory of how a movie was made, as well who was the director, cinematographer, producer and can typically name a long list of actors from just about any movie. I can wake up at 2am in the morning and watch a movie in its entirety. Sometimes, it’s the only peaceful time when I can steel away to watch a movie uninterrupted. 25. I used to work at another business school, not too far down the road, as Student Services Manager. I received an outstanding contribution award for creating an intranet for the students. The content was easy to come up with, I simply listened to the questions the students asked for 6 months, kept a record of them, and then created a self-service tool they could use to get those answers 24/7. |