Interview with Yale SOM I am posting my interview experience with Yale I went to Yale on Monday, toured the campus (the campus is actually a two-story U-shape cozy building). The lounge where students rest and socialize is a connector between the two wings of the building. It’s pretty nice, facing a beautiful lawn through an entire wall of glass windows. I also met several friendly Chinese students there. Most second year's secured ibank jobs in hk. A first year just got an intern at GS in hk. I am not sure if Mr. Yale is one of them. Following that I went to lunch, paid by Yale. I was not impressed by the food though. There was a lunch-box vendor outside SOM building selling Thai food, which is a good thing! I also went to a class "advertising management". Not much different from the classes I attended at other university in the U.S. but the professor was more willing to give control to students. Here comes the interview. The interviewer was a nice, pretty ABC girl (second year student). She told me upfront that due to the strict time limit (30minutes), she may interrupt me from time to time and that would not suggest she was not interested in my speech. She asked several standard questions: 1. Go through your resume 2. Why MBA 3. Why Yale SOM 4. What are the challenges you faced in your current work. 5. Since she is not familiar with my current industry (mostly analytical). She emphasized on my life outside work: 6.  ersonal interests 7. Experience in organizing one of the conference type activities. We had some interactions on the difference between Yale and other schools, namely Yale’s mission of educating leaders for the society. Of course we talked about the new curriculum. She was very proud of both. At about 20 minutes, she closed her notes and asked if I have questions for her. I used this opp to demonstrate that I had down my homework researching the school. we finished in exactly 30 minutes and she greeted me mistakenly by "congratulations"! we both laughed at it and I joked "I hear that" She sent me thank you notes before I even got the chance to thank her! Second years are used to send thank u notes, whichever her role is. Overall, Yale is a different school than others. You want to research thoroughly and show your real interest and why that matters to you. Just my two cents. Hope this helps. |