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- 13746
3月20日北京USC Marshall面经把,希望明天面试的朋友good luck!
3月20日下午2:00北京金融街westin酒店 Interview with USC Marshall Interviewer: Grace Kim
1. Go through resume 2. current job: role& responsiblity 3. Why MBA 4. reason behind every job change 5. career goal (long term and short term) 6. failure case 由于我讲的是一个关于team work的story,她接着追问 what do you think is the positve and negative thing about working as a team? 7. tell me something that you are most proud of about ur career? 8. what's people's biggest misconception on you? 9. Why did you choose your English name as "XXX"? 10. if you can tell me only one thing, what do you want me to remember about you?
接下来就是我的question了,问了两个question,一个是关于我的career focus的,另外一个是关于目前经济形势下对学校的课程和career service center有没有什么影响或相应调整。
大约总共持续了30多分钟,然后就带着一种最终解放(这是我最后一个Interview)的喜悦十分happy的走出酒店。不知道结果如何,Grace说会在early april通知。Keep finger crossed....