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NYU interview (any tips?)
NYU interview (any tips?)
if i pick interview in HK (off-campus), are there a list of alumni for me to contact or the schools will assign the alumni for me to interview? thx
if i pick off-site interview, would it be conducted by march?
it sounds a bit late for that.
and the alumni interview is rarely conducted as stated in the info below.
pls advise... thx
"transfer from NYU website"
Off-Site Interviews
If you are invited to interview but are not able to come to Stern, you may ask to be considered for one of our limited off-site interviews. Typically we conduct off-site interviews in Europe and Asia (although this can change from year to year).
Candidates participating in off-site interviews are not at a disadvantage to those interviewing at Stern. However, if timing is an important consideration, please note that you may be able to interview sooner in New York than at our off-site interview days (which typically occur in March).
For priority consideration for off-site interviews, apply by December 1.
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Alumni/Phone Interview Requests
Alumni or phone interview requests are almost never granted and need to be for extreme circumstances. We expect you to come to New York to conduct your interview in person.
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NYU interview in Shanghai (2006-3-13 )
I was interviewed with the senior assoicate director Margaret Mckegney. The interview lasted around 30 min
It was quite a laid back chat, no tricky question at all, even no why MBA ( maybe it is very clear to see from my essay)
1) Why I choose my first job upon graduation
2) Reason for jump into M&A area
3) What do u do for fun
4) If u were not able to realize your short-term goal, what else would u do
5) If I give u a free air tickets, where u wanna go most ( quite astonish @ this question)
6) Other chat questions forget le
The whole interview went very smooth and feel that time flied so fast. The adcom definately very familiar with your essays, so better than blind interview


NYU上海面试经历 (2006-3-12 )
第二天一早九点再次给Mckegney房间打电话,呵呵,她告诉我在business center。给business center打电话,问面试从几点开始到几点结束,一个MM告诉我从上午九点到下午五点。当时已经九点十分,她十分好心的告诉我,不用着急,因为Stern MM还没到呢!
我以为我之前会有几个面试的朋友,可是当我提前30分钟到的时候,Stern MM还在Lobby里转悠。我和她打了招呼,在lobby里聊了一会天。这个MM挺年轻的,个子1.65左右,挺nice,说酒店很好,上海是个购物的好地方。然后说她在等一个校友。我们继续聊了一会。然后那个校友到了,他们到会议室去了,我在lobby的玻璃窗前继续欣赏浦东清朗的上午风光。到了我的面试时间,Stern MM已在门口等我。送给我Stern的宣传页,还有一件T恤。问我是否愿意由这个校友来面试我,说他是Stern上海校友会的头,有IB经历,可能对我的背景更熟悉一些。我说当然可以,不过不能亲自和她面试,我表示有点遗憾。
整个面试时间刚刚好半个小时。出来的时候Stern MM在门外迎接我。我又和她寒暄了几句,邀请她到北京来。面试的会议室和lobby很近,人来人往的,我也不知道是否有其他的朋友在等待。一直到现在都有一个问题在困惑我,Stern到底安排了几个学生面试,节奏好像非常缓慢。这可真不是纽约的节奏哟


NYU Stern interview experiences
Just came back yesterday. Interviewed in the morning, had a lunch with a 1st year student, and then sat in a class.
Yes, you will receive a t-shirt and a folder filled with program info customized to your application and interests. A very nice thing that the school has done for applicants.
A 2nd year student interviewed me, and an adcom staff sat next to her. I think more and more 2nd-year students are picking up the interview now. As far as I know all other applicants being interviewed that day are 2R, I am the only 1R. Hope I can get a quicker decision.
The interview is NOT BLIND. I can never say anything louder on this post than this. My first question was about my last essay! Read your essays carefully and prepare possible questions. The school also took time to find an interview that has similar background and similar career interests as mine. During the interview she asked a specific question about my work. So if you spend 5 hours preparing a blind interview, doubling that amount for Stern interview is not unreasonable.
Following is a list of questions that I can remember. Not necessarily in the original sequence.
1. What your boss would describe you.
2. Why MBA
3. Why Stern
4. Why did you come to US
5. What are the companies you want to work for after you graduate
6. What’s your back-up plan if you failed to find an internship in the companies that you are interested in.
7. I think there was a question about my work in my company
8. What do you do for fun
Overall impression is that the school really took their time and resources to know every applicant. The school invites only smaller percent of applicants to interview but gives a higher percent of admission in the interview pool. I have never doubt the location advantage of the school and its great community, and this trip just made that impression stronger.


NYU Stern interview
Got an interview invitation from Stern. Feb. 2 - 3, one day interview plus one day Stern Women in Business Conference. Or I can schedule an interview on another day, and do not attend the conference.

My question is, the decision release date is Feb 15. If I wait until Feburary to get my interview, is this a little too late? The email says it doesn't matter, but I suspect the sooner an interview is done, the better.



NYU interview experience
本来已经贴在‘Any NYU news?'里了,但是怕等NYUinterview的同志看不到,就再贴一遍:

Questions are very tailored. The interviewer is very familiar with my application. 我没有遇到典型的Why MBA, why NYU的问题。问题主要围绕我的career goal, 简历,着重问我的oversea experience. 她在整个谈话过程中都非常友好及放松,但看得出来非常有经验,有一点穷追猛打的劲头。比如她问道我在一个多元文化环境里工作的例子,我就提供了一个,结果她说what else? 我临时没有想到什么特别的例子,就说了一下不同国家及背景的co-worker的不同个性以及怎么和他们合作。不知道她觉得满不满意。最后是问问题时间,还谈到了中国的发展。她说她去过中国几次,每次都感到中国的变化等等。
还有一个小插曲我在纽约的地铁上问路的时候遇到一个Stern的教授(part-time),他说他刚从上海回来,他在上海有自己的公司。一路聊了很多我却忘了问他的名字。后来面试的时候我提到这个插曲,结果interviewer就问我这个教授叫什么名字,of course我没答上来不知道她是不是觉得我在make up the story.
re-familiar with your application, 要引导她向自己擅长的方向引。
Hope this helps.


Interviewed today with adcom member at stern. The interviewer will know ALL of your application material and will formulate questions from your resume, essays or rec's. It lasted exactly 30 minutes, the last 5-10 of which were for your own questions. Everyone was very nice, and the atmosphere was semi-relaxed and semi-formal. Questions were why NYU? Why now? What other school are you applying to? Goals? Leadership examples? Those sort of questions.

There was only one other person who was there for an interview in the waiting room. I think they get busy with the invites and interviews towards mid january.

Now only the wait is left.

Good luck.


NYU interview:
Well I had my interview today...I don't know how well it went...I am usually a good interviewer having sat at both sides of the table, but today I felt just average in my responses...I actually had thoughts of re-answering some questions but decided against it...

Anyway...The format was pretty standard...Why NYU...How do others perceive you...What roles have you played in the past...What will you do outside of class if you attend Stern...The normal type of b-school questions that everyone seems to get...No one question stood out in my mind and I was pretty much prepared for every question she asked...I didn't get the GMAT question, because my stats are much higher than NYU's avg...

I hope that I didn't come off as rehearsed...I realized this was a problem as an undergrad because when I was looking for jobs and interviewing I seemed to almost robotically shoot off answers to the questions asked later on in my job search...The result was that the people I interviewed with first I got job offers, the later ones sent me GFY letters...

I was very fortunate to meet another prospective student who happened to be eating lunch with me...Wut a fantastic girl...She was an American from Texas, graduated from Yale, and is now working in Seoul, Korea...When the lunch dude asked where she was from both of us were perplexed by her Seoul response...Even though I'm Korean I just didn't expect an American girl to be working and living there...He He...She was a little worried about her GMAT score...But I told her not to worry about it. Mainly, of her fabulous work experience and the initial impressions I got just talking with her...This would definitely be a person that I would love to go to NYU with, I just hope Columbia, Wharton and Kellog don't steal her away...But I fear that she might choose another school because her intended concentration is not Finance...I wanted to go to Korea this summer to visit my family, but also catch some of the World Cup, but I was unable to secure tickets...She told me that she had a ton of extra ones and if I wanted to I could drop her a line and hook me up...Wow!!!

The guy I had lunch with was kewl too...Very open to questions and frank about the things going on at NYU...I attended a class and met some other first and second year students, all of whom welcomed me with open arms and gave me their contact info if I had any questions...I was thoroughly impressed by the quality of people going there, as well as applying...

I asked the admissions interviewer about what direction Stern wants to go in...Obvisouly they want to keep their finance reputation, but they really want to be the best in everything...They are very concerned about the rankings and seem to have this sibling rivalry with Columbia...Expect NYU to grow in caliber and strength as the years go on...It is going to much tougher to get into this school as years go by...

All I can say about NYU was that is was so much what I had hoped for and more...Even though I see NYU as the underdog in the fight between it and Columbia, I for one have always loved to root for the underdog, and with all that has been going on, I like the chances with this underdog...

So...Now it's waiting time...Good luck to all who are still waiting to hear word...I hope this helped



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