- 精华
- 0
- 积分
- 10700
- 经验
- 10700 点
- 威望
- 1069 点
- 金钱
- 1069 ¥
- 魅力
- 1069
这样,70多,80多,多出来的部分就浪费。所以,我们的80/100 ,一般都到不了3.0
但是,他所列出的 每个具体的等级,如B-, C+等,我并不清楚到底相当于百分制的多少。然而,我相信有了更细的等级,我们算出的GPA,就 可以比较接近的用百分制的加权平均分来估计了。
Undergraduate Grade Point Average
All applicants for graduate study at Duke University are required to provide an undergraduate grade point average (UGPA) on their applications. Use the following guidelines when calculating your UGPA.
The UGPA includes all undergraduate course work completed at the time of submission of the application.
If you attended more than one school, the grades from all undergraduate schools must be added together to arrive at the UGPA for the bachelor's degree.
Do not include courses that were dropped or courses that did not award letter grades (e.g. satisfactory/unsatisfactory, pass/fail, credit only). Courses in which failing grades were received must be included, however. Also, if you repeated a course, you must include both grades in your UGPA calculation.
Do not include graduate level courses that you have completed unless they counted toward your undergraduate degree requirements. (There is a place on the application for you to provide your graduate grade point average.) The following values are assigned to letter grades when calculating the UPGA.
4.0 = A+, A 2.8 = B- 1.5 = D+
3.8 = A- 2.5 = C+ 1.0 = D
3.5 = B+ 2.0 = C 0.8 = D-
3.0 = B 1.8 = C- 0.0 = F
Step 1. Multiply the grade values (see above) times the number of credit hours. Sample:
Grade Credit Hours X Grade Value = Grade Points
A- 15 3.8 57
B+ 8 3.5 28
C- 7 1.8 12.6
F 3 0.0 0.0
Step 2. Add the total number of credits (15 + 8 + 7 + 3 = 33) and the total number of grade points (57 + 28 + 12.6 + 0.0 = 97.6)
Step 3. Divide the total number of grade points by the total number of credits (97.6/33 = 2.96 |