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I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in … Sciences with a specialization in … in 2002 at … university
I am an undergraduate in…University , the largest university anda cradle of scientific and technological talents in China.
As a student majoring in Computer Science, I began my odyssey since I entered undergraduate program. Indeed, having entered this splendid computer world, I am more than greedy for something new.
点评:Odyssey 和more than greedy for something new 这种句式不知道是从哪里学到的,很多同学在用。但你要知道,老外最恨抄袭,最喜原创,所以利害关系大家想想吧。
I am a problem solver. I have an impulse as a kind of instincts to solvevarious problems before me and enjoy doing that. Since I was a little boy, a voice from President Franklin Roosevelt has constantly hovered around my mind, "The world can be changed by man's endeavor, …
点评:一副救世主的形象,小时候就受富兰克林的影响,立志改变世界。ps的写作一定要个人化具体化,别吹大牛,甚至带着一种霸权主义思维。 |