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72.        926公司发现体型out of shape的员工比fit的员工的医疗费更多,于是想实施一个健康计划,让体型不好的员工多锻炼,就可以减少医疗费支出,问评价。我选了个这个计划本身是否会产生更更大的医疗费用因为……

73.        946. 房屋火灾保险比水灾保险保费便宜很多,但是却不是因为火灾和水灾赔偿数量有不同,因为这种不同可以被忽略(题目很绕,实际就是说赔火灾和赔火灾的赔款差不多),那么报废不同的原因是———— 完成原文 我选的是因为认为他们房子面临火灾危险的人比认为他们房子面临水灾危险的人多得多(我想意思就是说买火灾保险的人要比买水灾保险的人多得多,既然赔款差不多,买火灾保险的人多,那么每个人的保费就低了)


74.        949研究发现,古代人类的身高是和食物中的蛋白质摄取有关,蛋白质摄取越高,身高越高。最近考古发现一个山洞里原始人的骨骼,发现比较年代较近的骨骼比年代较远的骨骼要矮,所以推测,晚期原始人的食物中蛋白质含量比早期原始人要少。问weaken:  我选的是:这些骨骼中较为早期的是比较特殊的原始人(一个看不懂得名词,据推测大概是头人,首领的意思),他们的食品中的蛋白质比其它common 原始人要高。(指出导致现象的其他原因,是原始人的地位问题,而不是时间先后影响饮食中蛋白质的含量)


75.        958Mayor: Migrating shorebirds stop at our beach just to feed on horseshoe-crab eggs, a phenomenon that attracts tourists. To bring more tourists, the town council plans to undertake a beach reclamation开垦 project to double the area available to crabs for nesting.
Birdwatcher: Without a high density of crabs on a beach, migrating shorebirds will go hungry because shorebirds only eat eggs that a crab happens to uncover when it is digging its own nest.
Which of the following, if true, would provide the mayor with the strongest counter to the birdwatcher’s objection?
A Every year a certain percentage of crabs are caught by fishermen as bait for eel traps.
BHorseshoe crabs are so prolific that given favorable circumstances their numbers increase rapidly.
C On average, tourists who come to the town in order to watch birds spend more money there than tourists who come for other purposes.
DThe additional land madeavailable by the reclamation project will give migrating shorebirds more space.
ESome of the migrating shorebirds make only one stop during their migration form South America to Canada.


76.        962 Anyone who pays tax will not be punished, since John is not punished, he must pay tax Which parallel the above statement with the similar flaw?
a) People along with dog is not lonely. Amy must have a dog, because she is lonely

77.        √【版本1】972 天山-7-13
Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium transmitted to humans by deer ticks. Generally deer ticks pick up the bacterium while in the larval stage from feeding on infected white-footed mice. However, certain other species on which the larvae feed do not harbor the bacterium. Therefore, if the population of these other species were increased, the number of ticks acquiring the bacterium and hence the number of people contracting Lyme disease would likely decline.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
A Ticks do not suffer any adverse consequences from carrying the bacterium that causes Lyme disease in humans.
B There are no known cases of a human’s contracting Lyme disease through contact with white-footed mice.
C A deer tick feeds only once while in the larval stage.
D A single host animal can be the source of bacterium for many tick larvae.
E None of the other species on which deer tick larvae feed harbor other bacteria that ticks transmit to humans


78.        973 GWD-5-Q30:
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
The irradiation of food kills bacteria and thus retards spoilage. However, it also lowers the nutritional value of many foods. For example, irradiation destroys a significant percentage of whatever vitamin B1 a food may contain. Proponents of irradiation point out that irradiation is no worse in this respect than cooking. However, this fact is either beside the point, since much irradiated food is eaten raw, or else misleading, since _______.
A many of the proponents of irradiation are food distributors who gain from food’s having a longer shelf life
B it is clear that killing bacteria that may be present on food is not the only effect that irradiation has
C cooking is usually the final step in preparing food for consumption, whereas irradiation serves to ensure a longer shelf life for perishable foods
D certain kinds of cooking are, in fact, even more destructive of vitamin B1 than carefully controlled irradiation is
E for food that is both irradiated and cooked, the reduction of vitamin B1 associated with either process individually is compounded


79.        【版本1】977Many winemakers use cork stoppers软木塞; but cork stoppers can leak, crumble, or became moldy发霉, so that those winemakers must often discard a significant proportion of their inventory of bottled wine. Bottlemaster plastic stoppers, which cannot leak, crumble, or mold, have long been available to winemakers, at a price slightly higher than that of traditional cork stoppers. Cork prices, however are expected to rise dramatically in the near future. Clearly, therefore, winemakers who still use cork but wish to keep production costs from rising will be forced to reconsider plastic stoppers. And since the wine-buying public’s association of plastic stoppers with poor-quality wine is weakening, there is an excellent chance that the Bottlemaster plastic stopper will gain an increased share of the market for wine-bottle stoppers.
In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
A) The first is a judgment that has been advanced in support of a position that the argument opposes; the second is the main conclusion of the argument.
B) The first is a judgment that has been advanced in support of a position that the argument opposes; the second is conclusion drawn in order to support the main conclusion of the argument.
C) The first is the main conclusion of the argument; the second provides evidence in support of that main conclusion.
D) The first is the main conclusion of the argument; the second is a restatement of that main conclusion.
E) The first is a conclusion drawn in order to support the main conclusion of the argument; the second is that main conclusion.
Many winemakers use cork stoppers; but cork stoppers can leak, crumble, or became moldy, so that those winemakers must often discard a significant proportion of their inventory of bottled wine. Bottlemaster plastic stoppers, which cannot leak, crumble, or mold, have long been available to winemakers, at a price slightly higher than that of traditional cork stoppers. Cork prices, however are expected to rise dramatically in the near future. Clearly, therefore, winemakers who still use cork but wish to keep production costs from rising will be forced to reconsider plastic stoppers. And since the wine-buying public’s association of plastic stoppers with poor-quality wine is weakening, there is an excellent chance that the Bottlemaster plastic stopper will gain an increased share of the market for wine-bottle stoppers.
In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
A)     The first is a judgment that has been advanced in support of a position that the argument opposes; the second is the main conclusion of the argument.
B)      The first is a judgment that has been advanced in support of a position that the argument opposes; the second is conclusion drawn in order to support the main conclusion of the argument.
C)     The first is the main conclusion of the argument; the second provides evidence in support of that main conclusion.
D)     The first is the main conclusion of the argument; the second is a restatement of that main conclusion.
E)      The first is a conclusion drawn in order to support the main conclusion of the argument; the second is that main conclusion.
Many winemakers use cork stoppers; but cork stoppers can leak, crumble, or became moldy, so that those winemakers must often discard a significant proportion of their inventory of bottled wine. Bottlemaster plastic stoppers, which cannot leak, crumble, or mold。(然后描述变了)现在的两者的价格差不多,但是不久cork要涨价。可是很多造酒者还是要用cork。说明价格不是他们考虑的唯一因素。我选的是两个都是evidence支持结论的。


80.        985gwd的金子的问题,就是谁谁发现了金子,然后回报给女皇,女皇派人去但是什么也没发现,所以说当时的测金子的手段是错了,问assumption.

81.        988再来一个,rabbit吃了植物是对农业有害,所以government proposed a plan to adopt virus to decrease the number of rabbit, but this may cause the decrease另一腰灭绝的动物bille?那个削弱观点说计划对农业有利也会增加对bille的威胁--答案说rabbit吃了植物,此植物是B得主要食物(所以威胁并不增加)

82.        990一道说每天降雨量分为4档:0:不下雨;1:(0-1inch) 21-2inch) 32 inch 以上)记录表明1990年代的1,2档的天数都小于1910年代,但是1990年代的平均降雨量要大于1910年代,问:以下哪个是可能的
我选了:1910年下雨量为3档的天数小于1990年下雨量为3档的天数 (这个就是gmat的狡猾之处啦:因为虽然1910年代的1,2档天数多于1990年代,但不不代表1910年代1,2档的降雨量多于1990年代,所以1910年下雨量为3档的天数大于1990年下雨量为3档的天数也是有可能的)
38: GWD-29-Q35
In Patton City, days are categorized as having heavy rainfall (more than two inches), moderate rainfall (more than one inch, but no more than two inches), light rainfall (at least a trace, but no more than one inch), or no rainfall.  In 1990, there were fewer days with light rainfall than in 1910 and fewer with moderate rainfall, yet total rainfall for the year was 20 percent higher in 1990 than in 1910.
If the statements above are true, then it is also possible that in Patton City
A   the number of days with heavy rainfall was lower in 1990 than in 1910
B   the number of days with some rainfall, but no more than two inches, was the same in 1990 as in 1910
C   the number of days with some rainfall, but no more than two inches, was higher in 1990 than in 1910
D   the total number of inches of rain that fell on days with moderate rainfall in 1990 was more than twice what it had been in 1910
E  the average amount of rainfall per month was lower in 1990 than in 1910


83.        1005 飞机上安装passenger电话,航空公司只有profit,因为安装和维护都是电话公司,航空公司只收取每个电话的一部分话费,问support 选了电话的重量不至于重到引起extra fuel cost

84.        √1032The government proposes to cut back billboard广告牌 that displays advertisements along highways. However, since the billboards will be fewer but demand will stay the same, the billboard company will charge high prices for advertisements

85.        √1035某国想要更新跨国火车,新的火车最高时速125,旧的火车最高时速85,可是现有铁路最高只能承受85的时速,所以新火车不会提高跨国火车运行速度(WON'T SHORTEN THE TRIP)。问WEAKEN. 我选了因为新的火车可以减少TRIP与TRIP间所需的维修时间。

86.        1038甲厂产量2000,乙厂1000。乙新引进了一个设备,可以把产量加倍。但这不会影响甲。因为( ) A 乙通常产出的都是为甲公司的产品的翻新 E 甲主要出口,乙主要满足本国。


87.        √1050打一种针可以抑至感冒.这种药可以使不能上班的人去上班,因此也就使感染感冒的人数上升.咳嗽使感冒的症状之一.虽然这种药可以抑止咳嗽,但也使人们更多的接触而使得患感冒的人数增加. 问两个sections的作用.

88.        1070政治家說: 為什麼你門記者一直把焦點放在我門的個性(personality)上面阿? 面對大眾選民~妳們應該要放在我門的政策~外交等等, 因為這些才是genuinely political issue
記者說: 因為妳們的個性會引想妳們的每一個issue阿!
記者是針對政治家的那一個方面做反對? (我半猜的) issue(參考看看)~A選項是personality~ 也有 genuinely political


89.        1074经理们通常认为临时工相对正式员工忠诚度不高,因而影响企业的表现。 但是另有人声称临时工和正式员工一样对企业忠诚。问assumption? 答案应该是那些有正式员工被临时员工替代的企业不比那些从未有正式员工被临时员工替代的企业表现差

90.        1077GWD-6-Q28:原题
Which of the following most logically completes the argument below?
According to promotional material published by the city of Springfield, more tourists stay in hotels in Springfield than stay in the neighboring city of Harristown.  A brochure from the largest hotel in Harristown claims that more tourists stay in that hotel than stay in the Royal Arms Hotel in Springfield.  If both of these sources are accurate, however, the county’s “Report on Tourism” must be in error in indicating that _______.
A.      more tourists stay in hotel accommodations in Harristown than stay in the Royal Arms Hotel
B.       the Royal Arms Hotel is the only hotel in Springfield
C.       there are several hotels in Harristown that are larger than the Royal Arms Hotel
D.      some of the tourists who have stayed in hotels in Harristown have also stayed in the Royal Arms Hotel
E.       some hotels in Harristown have fewer tourist guests each year than the Royal Arms Hotel has



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