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I like to think of a resume as an ad for you. Just like an ad,

• a resume must present you in good light
• a resume must use appropriate language
• a resume must be visually appealing
• a resume must portray facts accurately
• a resume must be customized to the situation and customer
• a resume must not be a shameless plug.

Most people write their first resume in response to a specific requirement, such as a job application or a college admission application. It is important to grow out of your first resume and adapt to its current use. This means:

• A resume should emphasize your strengths as they relate to the specific use of the resume.
• The format of the resume should be such that even a cursory glance should throw up some impressive information to the resume reader.
• The resume should follow the instructions provided in each specific case.

So, does this mean that you need to write a resume afresh every time? Well, some people do tweak their resume each time they use it. But repeatedly reworking your resume isn't really required. A lot depends on the scope of your resume. Follow the links on this page to learn more about preparing a solid resume that can be used in a wide variety of situations.
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