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CNN上面推荐了一些12月份即将上映的美国大片,LZ觉得这是一次练习听力和口语的绝佳机会。以下是这几个电影的详细介绍:1."Out of the Furnace" (December 6)

What it's about:故事情节
The story of a desperate man seeking justice for his family has been told with success earlier this year — see Hugh Jackman's "Prisoners" — but Scott Cooper's "Out of the Furnace" is taking a different approach. This crime thriller centers on brothers Russell and Rodney Blaze. The former is a blue-collar steel mill worker who spends his nights caring for their terminally ill father. The other brother, Rodney, is an Iraqi war vet who literally loses himself in an infamous crime ring. When police fail to locate Rodney, Russell takes the search for his missing family into his own hands.

一个为了帮家人申冤早已经绝望的男人被人告知今年上半年他付出的努力会得到回报-——看到休·杰克曼的“囚犯”——但斯科特·库珀的”Out of the Furnace“ 却与众不同。这个犯罪恐怖片围绕着Russell和Rodney Blaze兄弟展开。前者是一个蓝领钢铁厂工人,他在晚上照顾身患绝症的父亲。Rodney 是一位伊拉克战争老兵,但逐渐在一个臭名昭著的犯罪团伙中迷失了自己。当警察无法定位Rodney, Russell决定自己寻找失踪的家人。

Who it stars: 演员表

Christian Bale (Russell Blaze); Casey Affleck (Rodney Blaze); Zoe Saldana; Woody Harrelson; Sam Shepard and Forest Whitaker.

2. "The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug" (December 13)

What it's about:故事情节
If you really need to know what "Desolation of Smaug" is about, start with J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit," as that's the basis for Peter Jackson's trilogy. But Jackson has taken some liberties with translating Tolkien's children's classic to the big screen. As hobbit Bilbo Baggins joins 13 dwarves on their mission to reclaim their land from the vile dragon Smaug, the crew encounter mythical obstacles as well as a character of Jackson's own imagination, Evangeline Lilly's elf Tauriel.

如果你真的需要知道”Desolation of Smaug“ 是什么样的电影, 那先从J.R.R. Tolkien的“The Hobbit”这部电影讲起,因为这是Peter Jackson 三部曲的基础。但是Jackson已经取得认可,可以将Tolkien孩子的经典搬上荧屏。 霍比特人Bilbo Baggins 与13个小矮人的使命是从邪恶龙Smaug那里收回他们的土地。船员们遇到神秘的困难,以及Jackson以自己的性格为原型想象出来的 精灵Evangeline Lilly。

Who it stars: 演员表
Martin Freeman (Bilbo Baggins); Ian McKellen; Richard Armitage; Orlando Bloom; and Benedict Cumberbatch as the voice of Smaug.

3. "her" (December 18, limited)

What it's about:故事情节
A modern but sincere love story, "her" follows a lonely, heartbroken writer named Theodore who finds love 2.0 with an operating system. Set in a futuristic Los Angeles, the OS is a female personal assistant named Samantha who can put Siri to shame.

这是一个现代又富有真情的爱情故事,“her”是一个孤独,受过情感创伤的作家,名叫Theodore。她非常喜欢用2.0操作系统。电影情节设置在未来的洛杉矶, 这个操作系统是一个女性私人助理,叫Samantha,她的功能让Siri自愧不如。

Who it stars: 演员表
Joaquin Phoenix (Theodore); Scarlett Johansson (Samantha); Amy Adams; Chris Pratt; Rooney Mara; Olivia Wilde; and Portia Doubleday.

4. "The Wolf of Wall Street" (December 25)

What it's about: 故事情节
In the 1990s, penny stockbroker Jordan Belfort was living a life of extreme decadence won from his fraudulent scheming — that is, until his house of cards began to crumble and resulted in his arrest. Belfort's swindling, already captured in his memoir "The Wolf of Wall Street," is making the leap to the big screen with Leonardo DiCaprio as the "wolf" himself.

在20世纪90年代,股票经纪人Jordan Belfort 用他的诡计多端过着极其堕落的生活——直到他的房子开始崩盘,最后被捕。Belfort的骗局在他的回忆录”The Wolf of Wall Street“里面被剖析出来。菜昂纳多以”Wolf“身份回归荧屏。

Who it stars: 演员表
Directed by Martin Scorsese, "The Wolf of Wall Street" also stars Jonah Hill; Margot Robbie; P.J. Byrne and Jon Favreau.
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