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similar to 与 just as 的区别?

请问NN们, similar to 与 just as 的区别?


Although fruit can no longer grow once it is picked, it continues for some time to respire, taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide, similar to the way human beings breathe.

A similar to the way human beings breathe.

B similarly to human beings who are breathing.

C just like the breathing of human beings.

D as human beings when breathing.

E just as human beings do when they breathe

 answer is E

请问为什么不能选 A?

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楼主我的想法是,ETS讲究比较对称。如果是similiar to的话,他后面接得词必然有一个前面的对称词,  可是这里的it的way 逻辑指带了fruit breathe的一个概念,所以不对称。 as human beings do (breathe)符合对称,看着漂亮. 所谓的对比优先考虑like,as,我觉得也是从逻辑意思上来的.



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