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Prep 一道语法题求助NN

Even though her career was cut short when she was in her prime and fifteen recordings she made were disappointing artistically as well as technically, Olive Fremstad (1871--1951) has never entirely forgotton by opera aficionados.

A. though her career was cut short when she was in her prime and the fifteen recordings she made were

B. though her career was cut short while in her prime, with the fifteen recordings she made

C. as her career had been cut short when she was in her prime, with the fifteen recordings she had made

D. with her career having been cut short when she was in her prime, and the fifteen recordings she made were

E. with her career cut short while in her prime, and that the fifteen recordings she made were

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也就是说如果去掉she made,变成with the 15 recordings disappointing artistically as well as technically就可以了对吗?



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