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GWD 4-39


Unearthed in China, fossils of feathered dinosaurs offer the most dramatic evidence yet discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds.


  1. offer the most dramatic evidence yet discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds
  2. offer evidence more dramatic than what has yet been discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds
  3. offer more dramatic evidence of the close evolutionary relationship than any yet discovered between dinosaurs and birds
  4. have offered the most dramatic evidence of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds that have yet been discovered
  5. have offered more dramatic evidence than any that has yet been discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds
first of all, I took B, C, E out because in the original sentence is "most", but these three use "more"
then I was confusing A and D, maybe that clause after bird in D is not clear, so D is not right? Am I right? I cannot figure it out.
I don't know what "yet discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds" mean and what is the function in the sentence?
Can sb. explain?
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no signal to use "have offered",so it is not correct. use "offer" is better. also the orignal sentence use "offer"





  1. offer the most dramatic evidence yet discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds.似乎看上去很简洁,往下看。
  2. offer evidence more dramatic than what has yet been discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds 这话写的,看着就累,what has...罗嗦,
  3. offer more dramatic evidence of the close evolutionary relationship than any yet discovered between dinosaurs and birds 3 than any yet discovered 先不说它写的对不对,把它拉到了of the close evolutionary relationship后面干嘛?不是纯粹找事么?产生歧义:是relationship than yet discovered, 还是evidence?还是fossiles?
  4. have offered the most dramatic evidence of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds that have yet been discovered有歧异,是化石刚被发现,还是龙和鸟刚被发现?
  5. have offered more dramatic evidence than any that has yet been discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds

than any没有排除自己




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