Q39. Unearthed in China, fossils of feathered dinosaurs offer the most dramatic evidence yet discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds. - offer the most dramatic evidence yet discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds
- offer evidence more dramatic than what has yet been discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds
- offer more dramatic evidence of the close evolutionary relationship than any yet discovered between dinosaurs and birds
- have offered the most dramatic evidence of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds that have yet been discovered
- have offered more dramatic evidence than any that has yet been discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds
first of all, I took B, C, E out because in the original sentence is "most", but these three use "more" then I was confusing A and D, maybe that clause after bird in D is not clear, so D is not right? Am I right? I cannot figure it out. I don't know what "yet discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds" mean and what is the function in the sentence? Can sb. explain?