The decision by one of the nation’s largest banks to admit to $3 billion in potential losses on foreign loans could mean less lending by commercial banks to developing countries and increasing the pressure on multigovernment lenders to supply the funds. (A) increasing the pressure (B) the increasing pressure (C) increased pressure (D) the pressure increased(C) (E) the pressure increasing 看了前人的讨论,大体明白为什么B不能有the,为什么动名词不对,但我的疑问是,C选项难道不会引起歧义吗?increased 到底是跟谁平行?OG说跟less,但跟could平行不管是从语法上还是从逻辑上也解释得通吧? 也不知是不是自己想太多了(OG11里好像也有这题,当时做的时候完全没象这些,反倒做对了,总结了11的错题,现在做10反而。。。) |