发信人: caniggia (夕阳武士), 信区: EconBiz 标 题: ★金融时报全球商学院RESEARCH排名(不是那个MBA的) 发信站: BBS 大话西游站 (Sun Apr 20 19:29:30 2003), 转信
是FT发給上榜学校的REPORT,基于PUBLICATION 欧洲研究最好的商学院是LSB(个人认为LSE更好一些不过大概不算商学院吧) INSEAD的RESEARCH的确SOSO 香港科技大学的商学院的确不错, 你要不是TOP10毕业的想进去可不容易。 不过据我们这一个曾在那儿做教授的教授说, 在那边感觉研究退步很快,因为香港的学术风气就是 埋头写论文,而不是真正RESEARCH SOMETHING。
------------------------------ 1 University of California at Berkeley: Haas US 2 MIT: Sloan US 3 University of Pennsylvania: Wharton US 4 Harvard Business School US 5 Cornell University: Johnson US 6 University of California at Irvine US 7 University of Chicago GSB US 8 Columbia University GSB US 9 University of Michigan US 10 Northwestern University: Kellogg US 11 Stanford University GSB US 12 London Business School UK 13 Duke University: Fuqua US 14 Pennsylvania State University: Smeal US 15 Purdue University: Krannert US 16 Vanderbilt University: Owen US 17 University of North Carolina: Kenan-Flagler US 18 Dartmouth: Tuck US 19 Arizona State University: Carey US 20 Yale School of Management US 21 University of California at Los Angeles: Anderson US 22 Ohio State University: Fisher US 23 Washington University: John Olin US 24 University of Western Ontario: Richard Ivey Canada 25 University of Texas, Austin US 26 University of Maryland, College Park: Smith US 27 Insead France 28 New York University: Stern US 29 University of Wisconsin-Madison US 30 University of Toronto: Rotman Canada 31 Emory University: Goizueta US 32 University of Pittsburgh: Katz US 33 Michigan State University: Broad US 34 University of Virginia: Darden US 35 University of Melbourne Australia 36 University of South Carolina: Darla Moore US 37 University of Rochester: Simon US 38 Indiana University: Kelley School of Business US 39 University of Iowa School of Management US 40 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong 41 Georgetown University: McDonough US 42 University of Georgia: Terry US 43 Southern Methodist University: Cox US 44 Wake Forest University: Babcock US 45 Australian Graduate School of Management Australia 46 IMD Switzerland 47 Case Western Reserve: Weatherhead US 48 McGill University Canada 49 Carnegie Mellon University US 50 Cranfield School of Management UK 51 Thunderbird US 52 Rotterdam School of Management Netherlands 53 Warwick Business School UK 54 York University: Schulich Canada 55 University of Notre Dame US 56 Manchester Business School UK 57 City University Business School UK 58 Ashridge Management College UK 59 Imperial College Management School UK 60 Babson College: FW Olin US 61 The College of William & Mary US 62 Lancaster University School of Management UK 63 University College Dublin: Michael Smurfit Ireland 64 Brigham Young University: Marriott US 65 Iese Spain 66 HEC France 67 Rice University: Jones US 68 University of Bradford Management Centre UK 69 SDA Bocconi Italy 70 Esade Spain 71 Edinburgh University Management School UK 72 Nijenrode Netherlands 73 ITESM: Monterrey Institute of Technology Mexico 74 Instituto de Empresa Spain 75 EAP France
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