Purdue面经: 给我面的是Sailes. 是African American.说话比较快,有点囫囵吞枣的赶脚。。。我都是连蒙带猜的听,而且不确定的还要用自己的话重复一遍,问他是不是这个意思,然后再回答... 1.tell me about yourself. 2.why Purdue & our program? 3.how will you impact other students? 换句话说就是 How do you make others remember you? 4.what special trait can you contribute to our program? 5.情景模拟:教授分配了一个case study,两个组员说,抄袭另一个大学的研究成果,你会怎么办? 6.Career plan. 7.in what way do you think our program will help you? 能想到的就是这些啦,SKYPE面的,感觉好快,20分钟左右就完事了,周一面的,周五来的offer~效率很高滴学校哦!
USC南卡面经: SKYPE,给我面的是Sally, 是个典型美国lady,很nice很职业~好像刚开始她也有点紧张,还结巴了几句嘻嘻(*^__^*) ,先叙述了一下他们review所有application的过程,参加面试的是已经筛选过一轮之后的学生,希望我接下来的面试能好好发挥blablablabla,语速也超快的,一定要好好适应才行~~ 真的很感谢论坛的前辈提供的面经,很多问题都是类似的~ 1. self introduction 2. Career plan 3. Why USC & our program 4. Tell me about a meaningful experience 5. Do you prefer team work or individual work? 6.How do you solve conflicts or differences inside your team? 7.What will you do/prepare to find an internship here? 8.Tell me about your strengths 9.What do you think are the key characters in doing HR 也面了不到20分钟,后来我有看自己偷偷拿手机录的录像,发现我一直在对着屏幕傻乐。。。不过有表情总比没表情好点嘻嘻
攒RP求dream school offer啦~~~!!希望大家都好运! |