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help~~~~what is LSM?

read a lot mentioning OG and LSM for SC, what is it? Where can I download it? Will go for GMAT on Jan 18, but you see, I know nothing (( 555~~~ Help me, thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!![em23]
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lZMis 刘振民的那本语法。OG is "the official guard for gmat" if you have ever taken class in new-oriental, you know both of them all.


sorry, it is official guide not "guard"


Hi, thanks for your help!

I took XDF's classes and the GRE/TOEFL about two and half years ago It's tough for me to pick up the GMAT that I planned to "deal with" two years ago. I'm sorry I still can't skip it But it's real nice to be here. When I prepared for GRE, there were already a lot JJ, I missed them. Now it's time to take advantage, finally~~

Can you give me a link about LZM? I'll try to find it now. Thanks a lot!


sorry, 刘振民的那本书全称叫“GMAT 语法改错精解”你可以到书店去买这本书。 as for official guide, you can download it from the download center here directly.


I have no access to the bookstore I'm in America now, so... I've downloaded a lot today, already forgot what's what should have nothing like "YU FA XIANG JIE". So as far as you know, there is no e-version on-line, right? Just searched around, no luck yet

When would you take the test? Or you are already closer to b-school now? Good luck, anyway~



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