1. ADMISSIONS Harriet (Admissions): Ok, folks, we are ready to begin. Do you have any questions regardingAdmissions. sishit1809: Hello Harriet! I waswondering if there a provision for the enrolled students to take a gap semesterin the middle of the year?
jurals: Yes, I would like to askwhen you plan to issue final decision for admission for 2014 Fall?
Harriet (Admissions): Hi sishit:I have never heard of anyone taking a gap during the year.
Harriet (Admissions): Hi jurals:All decisions will be sent out by the afternoon of March 10th.
utkarsh_1992: Hi, for the students whohave already interviewed, will you be releasing decisions on 10th only or wecan expect something before that also?
PMattam228dfb: Hi, I would like to knowwhether the application deadlines for 2014 are over for Mfin program.
Harriet (Admissions): One thing I want to suggest if you haven't seen them already is to checkout the student blogs. The latest posts are about the Finance ResearchPracticum and the Warren Buffet trek where they go to Omaha to meet with theirhero. Here's the link: Harriet (Admissions): http://mitsloan.mit.edu/mfin/student-experience/
jurals: Thank you for your promptanswer, Harriet. Among those who have gone through the interview process,approximately how many of them will be admitted?
shameek124: Good Morning Harriet! Isthe MFin program planning to increase the size of the class for the incomingclass, given that this program is becoming more and more recognized ?
Harriet (Admissions): Hi utkarsh: I really do expect that we won't be releasing any decisionsbefore March 10th. haibei: Good morning Harriet, I amjust wondering, if I have another opportunity that requires me to respondbefore 3/10, is it possible to get a sooner response from MIT?
haibei: I do not mind waiting andpaying the deposit thought since MIT is my first choice.
haibei: *though
Harriet (Admissions): Hi jurals: Last year about 1/3 of the pool got interviewed and about 1/3of that subset got admission offers. utkarsh_1992: Hi harriet, thanks! Also,any chance that the result will be available after 10th? Because i need to askfor an extension from other universities regarding the initial deposit.
utk101: Hi Harriet! Once accepted,are students allowed to defer if they want to get work experience or due tosome other unusual circumstances? If yes, how long can they defer for?
Harriet (Admissions): Hi everyone: Our Program Office staff member has now arrived and issetting up. She was stuck in traffic. Sishit, if you want to resend yourquestion which was more program than admission-related, please do so. Harriet (Admissions): Hi Utkarsh: No, I can pretty much guarantee that all decisions will goout on the 10th, as long as technology gods are smiling on us. Harriet (Admissions): Hi utk: We have deferred admission in the past and are always willing toconsider requests on a case-by-case basis. utkarsh_1992: Thank you so much for theinformation.
utk101: Thanks for the informationHarriet!
PMattam228dfb: Hi, Iwould like to know whether the application deadlines for 2014 are over for Mfinprogram.
Harriet (Admissions): P.S. The deferrals have usually been for one year. voyaoyuxing: Good morning Harriet, Ihave a question that since I noticed from previous chats that you are trying tosend out all interview invitations by 2/14, for those who haven't receivedinvitation, is that an automatic rejection? Thank you very much!
Harriet (Admissions): Hi PMattam: Well, the deadline was January 2nd so off the top I would sayit really is too late. We finished reading and will be finishing interviewinglater this week. But if you want to email me privately I will confirm with theDirector of Admissions whether or not we could take a very lateapplication. shameek124: GoodMorning Harriet! Is the MFin program planning to increase the size of the classfor the incoming class, given that this program is becoming more and morerecognized ?
mmy1129: Hi Harriet, this is MengyunMiao. Very nice to meet you again. Since I have been interviewed ten days ago,I am care about that will you send out the rejected letter first or send outthe offer first?
utk101: Are we expecting amoderator on the Current Students chat window? I had a few questions!
Harriet (Admissions): Hi shameek: I have not heard anything about expanding the size of theclass in the future. I know for sure that this year we are holding with our aimfor 120 or so students. Harriet (Admissions): Hi mmy: We have written to applicants we are not planning to interviewand so the next time we will be writing to applicants is March 10th. Please bepatient. Harriet (Admissions): Hi voyaoyuxing: I think this answers your question too. emmanuel.quevedo.hernandez: HiHarriet!I have a question: additional letter/email recommendations fromMITSloan alumni are well-received? ikerduke: Hi Harriet! Is theadmission letter sent out on March 10th an unconditional offer or conditionaloffer? If conditional, conditional on what? SThorold11a8eb: Is work experience infinance given much weight in the admissions process?
Harriet (Admissions): Hi emmauel: Absolutely, we love to hear from anyone in the MIT communityincluding alumni, so have that person write an informal letter of recommendation. mmy1129: Thank you, Harriet! Inoticed that the interviewer was taking a lot of notes during the interview.Thus, I am wondering whether the admission committee will discuss these notestogether or the interviewer's opinion is the main factor of the admissiondecision?
Harriet (Admissions): Hi ikerduke: Well, the admission letter might be contingent on proof thatthe candidate actually got the undergraduate degree or we sometimes might ask acandidate to take a course online before matriculation or an English languagecourse, but generally most admission letters are not conditional. martin2098@hotmail.com: HiHarriet, Similar question to the above: Is there a percentage breakdown ofvarious factors such as academic performance, letters of recommendations, etc.?
Harriet (Admissions): HiSthorold: Because there is no chance for an internship during our one year MFinprogram, it's great to have a finance related internship before matriculation,but I wouldn't say that it's an absolute must.
SThorold11a8eb: great, cheers
Harriet (Admissions): Hi everyone: Not that I want to push you all out of my chat room, butDebra from the Program Office is here and happy to answer program-relatedquestions as well as Student Life so please visit her in her own chat room Harriet (Admissions): Hi mmy: The interviewer does a write-up (that's why I take copious notestoo because I'd never remember details) but then wehave all day admissions meetingdiscussing candidates so it is just one factor (albeit an important one) in theadmissions decision.
Harriet (Admissions): Hi martin: No, actually, there is no formula for admission whereeverything is worth a certain percentage. It's much more holistic, Harriet (Admissions): viewing the entire application in relation to the pool. mmy1129: Thank you so much, Harriet.One follow up question about the interview:even though I had deep and detailedconversation with my interviewer during the interview, can I provide additionalupdates from now to the decision released date?
martin2098@hotmail.com: Thank youHarriet. This might be a strange question: Since March 10 is a relatively latedate, is there an opportunity for the more eager applicants like myself andmany others to submit a "pre-deposit" or the like to indicatepreference priorities?
emmanuel.quevedo.hernandez: Manythanks Harriet! Have a nice day!
Harriet (Admissions): Hi mmy: I've heard on the one hand that we aren't adding anything new tofiles at this point, but I have seen people expand on points made in theinterview during the thank you note. |