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14.        79通常在餐馆,付现金的客人比用信用卡的客人给的小费要多。科学家却认为,因为使用信用卡可使人意识到自己拥有超过自己实际拥有现金的购买力,因而使用信用卡可以使顾客更愿意花更多的钱。问支持科学家论点的证据?有两个混淆选项:A,上述调查中,所有用现金支付的客人都没有信用卡。B,实验表明,在某餐馆,顾客仅仅因为看到帐单上显示了某一信用卡公司的标志,就更愿意用该信用卡付帐。(GWD)

15.        82电脑密码可以让机密信息得以很好保存。但是很多职员为了好记,都将自己的生日设为密码,这就给密码的保密性增加了不可靠因素。所以,为了更好的提高密码的保密性,应该将随机选定的密码分配给职员。WEAKEN项:为了记住这些随机选定的密码,职员有可能将其记在显眼的位置上。(GWD)


16.        [版本1]  111海边停车场罚款,10块钱的那道。旅游胜地游客乱停车,管理者让大家停到离海滩较远的停车场去收费每天10块,但游人们不遵守纪律,市长决定用罚款解决问题, 问削弱市长决定的选项,我选市长推行的罚款政策对不遵守纪律的车罚款是10块
[版本2] 766海滩边上的公路总是有非法停车,因为不少游客停下来看风景。 而停车场距离海滩比较远,而且 $10。 政府为改善,准备开始对乱停的人开罚单。政府认为这样就能改善状况。 问政府的目的可能无法达到。 建议选,罚款也只有10块钱。

17.        112鲸鱼在淡水和海水的题,选离岸很远的石头上没有化石
[版本1]鲸鱼本来是生在淡水胡里的,但在某年的化石理发现,鲸鱼生活在咸水里,他们develop to adapt to the salty water.这样可以推断,生活在咸水里的鲸鱼must have had to go to fresh lake frequently!问infer.
A.无法发现其它的鲸鱼化石;B海水淹没了陆地;E. 海水流入了淡水。
答:在50 million 年前的一个与内陆有大面积海域相隔的小岛上不可能发现这种有**##的动物的化石
答:50M-60M之间,它们无法跨越宽的海洋,所以,以前离淡水远的海洋,变成大陆后,不会有鲸鱼的化石。 (GWD)
[版本3] 393 Whales originaled in freshwater lakes and rivers of ancient asia about 60million years ago。 Not until about 10 million years later did species of whales develop 专门kidneys enabling them to drink salt water. Although fossil evidence shows that some early whale species that lack salt kidney sometimes frequently swam in earth's saltwater oceans, thest species must have to return frequently to freshwater river to drink.1. fossiles of whale species different from between 60 million and 50 million years ago will not be found to continents that were at times sperated from ancient asia by wide expanse of ocean.2. among fossiles from later than 55 million ago, none are fossile of whale species sperated the drink only fresh water.3.Fossiles of whale drank fresh water will not be found in close proximity to fossile of whale speices than drank salt water.4. between 50 and 60 million years ago, fresh water lake and river on which whale originate were invade gradually by salt water. answer:1 (GWD)


18.        √[版本1] 115吃饭洗手:吃饭前洗手。因为洗手水温度不高,不足以杀死污染食物的细菌,因而洗手对减少细菌污染食物误作用。 问:Assumption
[版本2]  741normally people use water to wash hand before lunch, but because too short a time, can not kill the bacteria. So it is no use to wash hand before lunch. Ask assumptionanswer: foam, soup can not kill the bacteria

19.        [版本1] 127以前用于治疗某种传染病的药是A和B。 这两种药的疗程是7天,但由于很多人服药3天后就停药了,这些人中很多再次被传染。现在发明了一种新的药C,这种的疗程只有3天。所以,让患者服用新药再次被传染的机会比服用旧药低。
A, 新药虽然疗程短,但价格和旧药相同.
B, 那些对A过敏的患者,对C也过敏.
D, 已经有一些医生开处方时,给患者开新药.
E, 不管新药,旧药,大多数患者在服用3天后病都会好.  (GWD)
[版本2] 1106TT-9-Q13:The traditional treatment of step infections has been a seven-day course of antibiotics, either penicillin or erythromycin.  However, since many patients stop taking those drugs within three days, reinfection is commonin cases where those drugs are prescribed.  A new antibiotic requires only a three-day course of treatment.  Therefore, reinfection will probably be less common in cases where the new antibiotic is prescribed than in cases where either penicillin or erythromycin is prescribed.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
A   Some of the people who are allergic to penicillin are likely to be allergic to the new antibiotic.
B   A course of treatment with the new antibiotic costs about the same as a course of treatment with either penicillin or erythromycin.
C   The new antibiotic has been shown to be effective in eradicating bacterial infections other than strep.
D   Some physicians have already begun to prescribe the new antibiotic instead of penicillin or erythromycin for the treatment of some strep infections.
E Regardless of whether they take a traditional antibiotic or the new one, most patients feel fully recovered after taking the drug for three days.


20.        √131Two bridges: A is in renovation so no payment needed to pass it. Therefore, the toll fee of B should be increased to compensate the loss since majority of people use bridge B and ....(to continue)
My answer: It is inconvenient for people to switch between the bridges.
某岛是个东西向长条形,和某大城市的beach平行,现在在岛的西部有一桥,结果发现去东部的vacationer会遇到两个问题:开车距离太长;会造成交通堵塞。所以有人提出一个建议,在岛的东端也造一座桥,可以解决这些问题。问weaken;答案很混淆,我最后还是选了机井里的e, 说在西部造另一座桥的cost比造东桥低;但我觉得这个答案不足以weaken论点,因为论点中说两个问题,并未涉及cost,而在西面造另一座桥不能改变开车距离长这个问题。但是由于时间紧迫,就选了这个。记得另外有个奇怪选项是说在非vacation时间,根本就没有这种问题。大家判断看看。


21.        137解释现象。一种小螃蟹,幼年的时候挖坑,一种东东爬到它的背上。长大了就能够站在湍急的水中,而不用挖坑,这种东东也很少在它背上。然而,在一个水流非常不湍急的地方,这种小螃蟹不用怎么挖坑,那种东东数目也很少。
科学家发现某种有shell的生活在beach上的东东的shell上有一种寄生东东,带壳的小东东身体较弱,需要在beach上挖洞burrow 以躲避猛烈的tides,研究发现带壳的小东东壳上的寄生东东比带壳的adult东东要来得少,科学家得出结论带壳的小东东躲在burrow里使寄生东东不容易寄生在小东东的壳上,研究又发现在weak tide的beach上带壳的小东东壳上的寄生东东并没有significant increase 。
(so 寄生的东东不能在带壳的小东东壳上accumulate,还没等你significant increase他那边已经换壳了!) (GWD)

22.        138洗衣机, 厂家说新的型号的洗衣机更省能源,所以省电,可以根据实际测试,新型号的洗衣机每次洗一个Full Load所用电力比老型号的洗衣机要多。这是怎么回事呢,答案里面说,新型号的洗衣机每个Full Load所装载的衣物远远多于旧型号的洗衣机,言外之意就是,原来用旧型号的洗衣机洗十次的衣物,这下用新型号的洗衣机一次就洗完了,那么即使新型号的洗衣机洗一次衣物花费了三倍于旧型号的洗衣机所用的电力,总体来说洗的次数少了,所以还是省电了。


23.        [版本1] 223机场拥挤, 从东边出口起飞的飞机占60%,从西边出口起飞的飞机占40%。 为了减轻交通堵塞,管理人员想建在东边建新的出口以缓解压力,问evaluation 我选:东边起飞的飞机和西边起飞的飞机的每架飞机是否载客一样。
[版本2] 243一个机场东面和西面都有通道,东面航班的旅客流量占60%, 西面的占40%。于是建议:在东面再建造一个通道。Evaluation!我选:比较两个通道的旅客流量中中转旅客的比例。这里的中转旅客指的是在这个机场转机的人。注意点: 原题目里面说的通道,指的是进出机场的通道。
[版本3] 987为了要提高efficiency,机场要建railroad,然后可能有两个entrance,发现60%的旅客航班到达A所以应该建在A,是什么assumption 答案到那里的不是转机旅客

24.        230某沿海5年前大污染,当年90%以上的海龟蛋都没有孵化.环境学家预测将对未来的海龟数目有大影响.但近几年来发现海龟数目是上升的,所以环境学家的预测是错误的.问weaken.海龟要到10岁以后才会来产蛋.应为说明这个危害要到10年以后才明显的发生;10年以后产蛋的就会下降了.注意,文章只是说海龟蛋没孵化而非海龟都死光了.


25.        237有一种海藻产生的毒素可以使海龟长瘤,使用化肥后海龟长瘤的更多了。一般认为农药使海龟的免疫力下降了。问削弱。答案是化肥使海藻长得更茂盛了。

26.        √240有一题说中世纪(还是罗马时期,不记得了)的文献中记载商业船队海难的资料很少,but当时的商船都是沿着地中海海岸航行的,所以事故都是因为触礁,很少船航行在海的中间,问削弱:1当时往来地中海的重要港口的路线就有要穿过海中心的。2答案中还有有记载事故发生在海中心的。

27.        [版本1] 244有一座吊桥, 有船过的时候升起来,现在为了解决交通问题,打算重建一座新的大桥,能让给多的车辆通行,这作新的大桥的跨度很大,有桥墩支撑的拱桥高度足够绝大多数的船只通行。问这个计划不可能实现的原因。 答:绝大多数船只的宽度大于桥墩之间的宽度。
[版本2] 907有个什么drawbridge就是类似于吊桥,可以吊起来让比较高的船通过.某城市为了减少吊桥对桥上汽车交通的影响决定修个更高的drawbridge 这样不用吊起桥船也能通过了. 问WEAKEN选:换了更高的桥,更高的船也就往这个港口跑了
[版本3] 992某城市有一座可升降的桥,在巨轮通过时,需要被lift,让轮船通过,这样会阻碍桥上汽车通行。现在该市要造一座新桥,柱子之间的距离比老桥宽,高度也比老桥更高,问“造新桥可以改善汽车通行”的削弱。--我选:新桥的车流量是老桥的两倍。


28.        √245有题是说Marco Polo文献没有提到长城,而因为长城在中国极为重要,去过的人都会提到,所以断定他没到中国的。问评价 答案是:It is unlikely that the author of the books eliminated as a naïve overstatement of the Marco Polo’s description of Great Wall.

29.        253boldface[版本1] :保护环境的某个组织想通过从农民手中将土地买过来的方式,来保护那些有可能被开发商使用的土地。但是这个计划不和逻辑。(But this plan is ill logical.)因为第一,农民总是将土地卖给出价高的人。而开发商显然出价比较高。第二,农民只有在土地没有办法耕种的时候才会卖。而土地要能够耕种,就必须要现代化。所以,环境保护组织应该才有这样的政策:帮助农民完成现代化,这样才可以保护土地不被开发商利用。 问第二句话和最后一句话的作用。


30.        [版本1] 327 version1.关于阑尾炎的,说他有时候致命,所以现在一般都采取切除的办法,但是有些时候切除手术是不必要的。一种新的test出现了,可以使误诊率减小到2%,医生因此可以避免不必要的切除手术,但是,(后面一句没看懂),因为什么?填空
[版本2] Which of the following most logically completes the passage Appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) is potentially fatal; consequently, patients with symptoms strongly suggesting appendicitis almost always have their appendix removed. The appropriate surgery is low-risk but performed unnecessarily in about 20 percent of all cases. A newly developed internal scan for appendicitis is highly accurate, producing two misdiagnoses for every 98 correct diagnoses. Clearly, using this test, doctors can largely avoid unnecessary removals of the appendix without, however, performing any fewer necessary ones than before, since________________ a: the patients who are correctly diagnosed with this test as not having appendicitis invariably having medical conditions that are much less serious than appendicitis b the misdiagnoses produced by this test are always instances of attributing appendicitis to someone who does not, in fact, have it c: all of the patients who are diagnosed with this test as having appendicitis do, in fact, have appendicitis d: every patient who is diagnosed with this test as having appendicitis has more than one of the symptoms generally associated with appendicitis e :the only patients who are misdiagnosed using this test are patients who lack one or more of the symptoms that are generally associated with appendicitis
[版本3] 962GWD 21-4 Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
Appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) is potentially fatal; consequently, patients with symptoms strongly suggesting appendicitis almost have their appendix removed. The appropriate surgery is low-risk but performed unnecessarily in about 20 percent of all cases. A newly developed internal scan for appendicitis is highly accurate, producing two misdiagnoses for every 98 correct diagnoses. Clearly, using this test, doctors can largely avoid unnecessary removals of the appendix without, however, performing any fewer necessary ones than before, since…………………
A. the patients who are correctly diagnosed with this test as not having appendicitis invariably have medical conditions that are much less serious than appendicitis
B. themisdiagnoses produced by this test are always instances of attributing
appendicitis to someone who does not, in fact, have it
C. of the patients who are diagnosed with this test as having appendicitis do, in fact, have appendicitis
D. patient who is diagnosed with this test as having appendicitis has more than
one of the symptoms generally associated with appendicitis
E. theonly patients who are misdiagnosed using this test are patients who lack one or more of the symptoms that are generally associated with appendicitis


31.        340[版本1]有一种农药, 对棉花有害, 但对大豆没有害处, 不过如果用了, 一年之后都会留在土壤里, 有一个农民, 在不同的地里种了大豆和棉花, 结果他那片地都没用那种农药, 问原因. 我选的是那个农民每隔一年就把大豆和棉花换过来种, 据说这样土地会变得很肥沃

32.        346 A recent poll found that over 80 percent of the residents of Nalmed Province favored a massive expansion of the commuter rail system as a means of significantly easing congestion on the province's highways and were willing to help pay for the expansion through an increase in their taxes. nevertheless, the poll results indicate that expansion of the rail system, if successfully completed, would be unlikely to achieve its goal of easing congestion, because______ A. most people in favor of expanding the rail system reported less congestion during their highway commute as the primary benefit they would experience B of the less than 20 percent of residents not counted as favoring the expansion, about half claimed to have no opinion one way or the other C the twice-daily periods of peak congestion caused by people commuting in cars have grown from about an hour each to almost two and a half hours each in the past 20 years D expanding the commuter rail system will require the construction of dozens of miles of new railed E the proposed expansion to commuter rail system will make it possible for some people who both live and work at suburban locations to commute by rail.



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