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标题: 请教几道LSAT题? [打印本页]

作者: bigmouse    时间: 2003-8-6 15:44     标题: 请教几道LSAT题?

3. Citizen of Mooresville: Mooresville's current city council is having a ruinous effect on municipal finances.Since a majority of the incumbents are running for reelection, I am going to campaign against all these incumbents in the upcoming city council election. The only incumbent I will support and vote for is the one who represents my own neighborhood, because she has the experience necessary to ensure that our
neighborhoods interests are served. If everyone in Mooresville would follow my example, we could substantially change the council's membership.
Assuming that each citizen of Mooresville is allowed to vote only for a city council representative from his or her own neighborhood, for the council's membership to be changed substantially, it must be true that
(A) at least some other voters in Mooresville do not make the same exception for their own incumbent in the
upcoming election
(B) most of the eligible voters in Mooresville vote in the upcoming election
(C) few of the incumbents on the Mooresville city council have run for reelection in previous elections
(D) all of the seats on the Mooresville city council are filled by incumbents whose terms are expiring
(E) none of the cha1lengers in the upcoming election for seats on Mooresville's city council are better able to serve the interests of their neighborhoods than were the incumbents
answer :A my choice: E

9. Nutritionist: Vitamins synthesized by chemists are exactly the same as vitamins that occur naturally in foods. Therefore, it is a waste of money to pay extra for brands of vitamin pills that are advertised as made of higher-quality ingredients or more natural ingredients than other brands are.
The nutritionist's advice is based on which one of the following assumptions?
(A) It is a waste of money for people to supplement their diets with vitamin pills.
(B) Brands of vitamin pills made of natural ingredients always cost more money than brands that contain synthesized vitamins.
(C) All brands of vitamin pills contain some synthesized vitamins.
(D) Some producers of vitamin pills are guilty of false advertising.
(E) There is no nonvitamin ingredient in vitamin pills whose quality makes one brand worth more money than another brand.
answer :E my choice :B

10. Most people are indignant at the suggestion that they are not reliable authorities about their real wants.Such self-knowledge, however, is not the easiest kind of knowledge to acquire. Indeed, acquiring it often requires hard and even potentially risky work. To avoid such effort, people unconsciously convince themselves that they want what society says they should want.
The main point of the argument is that
(A) Acquiring self-knowledge can be risky
(B) Knowledge of what one really wants is not as desirable as it is usually thought to be
(C) People cannot really want what they should want
(D) People usually avoid making difficult decisions
(E) People are not necessarily reliable authorities about What they really want
answer:E my choice :B

14. Professor: Members of most species are able to communicate with other members of the same species,but it is not true that all communication can be called "language." The human communication system unquestionably qualifies as language. In fact, using language is a trait without which we would not be
Student: I understand that communication by itself is not language, but how do you know that the highly evolved communication systems of songbirds, dolphins, honeybees, and apes, for example, are not languages?
The student has interpreted the professor's remarks to mean that
(A) different species can have similar defining traits
(B) every human trait except using language is shared by at least one other species
(C) not all languages are used to communicate
(D) using language is a trait humans do not share with any other species
(E) humans cannot communicate with members of other species
answer: D my choice :A

17. Biographer: Arnold's belief that every offer of assistance on the part of his colleagues was a disguised attempt to make him look inadequate and that no expression of congratulations on his promotion should be taken at face value may seem irrational, in fact, this belief was a consequence of his early experiences with
an admired older sister who always made fun of his ambitions and achievements. In light of this explanation, therefore, Arnold's stubborn belief that his colleagues were duplicitous emerges as clearly justified.
The flawed reasoning in the biographer's argument is most similar to that in which one of the following?
(A) The fact that top executives generally have much larger vocabularies than do their subordinates explains why Sheldon's belief, instilled in him during his childhood, that developing a large vocabulary is the way to gel to the top in the world of business is completely justified.
(B) Emily suspected that apples are unhealthy ever since she almost choked to death while eating an apple when she was a child. Now, evidence that apples treated with certain pesticides can be health hazards shows that Emily's long-held belief is fully justified.
(C) As a child. Joan was severely punished whenever she played with her father's prize Siamese cat.Therefore, since this information makes her present belief that cats are not good pets completely understandable, that belief is justified.
(D) Studies show that when usually well-behaved children become irritable, they often exhibit symptoms of viral infections the next day. The suspicion, still held by many adults, that misbehavior must always be paid for is thus both explained and justified.
(E) Sumayia's father and mother were both concert pianists, and as a child. Sumayia knew several other people trying to make careers as musicians. Thus Sumayia's opinion that her friend Anthony lacks the drive to be a successful pianist is undoubtedly justified.
answer :C my choice: E

21. It is very difficult to prove today that a painting done two or three hundred years ago, especially one without a signature or with a questionably authentic signature, is indubitably the work of this or that particular artist. This fact gives the traditional attribution of a disputed painting special weight, since that attribution carries the presumption of historical continuity. Consequently, an art historian arguing for a
deattribution will generally convince other art historians only if he or she can persuasively argue for a specific reattribution.
Which one of the following, if true, most strongly supports the position that the traditional attribution of a disputed painting should not have special weight?
(A) Art dealers have always been led by economic self-interest to attribute any unsigned paintings of merit to recognized masters rather than to obscure artists.
(B) When a painting is originally created, there are invariably at least some eyewitnesses who see the artistac work, and thus questions of correct attribution cannot arise at that time.
(C) There are not always clearly discernible differences between the occasional interior work produced by a master and the very best work produced by a lesser talent.
(D) Attribution can shape perception inasmuch as certain features that would count as marks of greatness in a master's work would be counted as signs or inferior artistry if a work were attributed to a minor artist.
(E) Even though some masters had specialists assist them with certain detail work, such as depicting lace,the resulting works are properly attributed to the masters alone.
answer :A my choice D


[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-6 15:45:45编辑过]

作者: uclb5550    时间: 2003-8-6 23:42

1. in my view, the word "exception" in choice A should be changed into expectation. otherwise, the answer is unexplanable. for choice E, you can easily exclude it since if all of the challengers are not better than the present incumbent, then how the council's membership be changed substantially?

2. you have to make clear one simple fact that all vitamin pills are synthesized product. then the meaning of this ariticle is that it is pointless to claim one brand of synthesized pill is better off than anohter brand of synthesized pill in terms of their vitamin content. for choice B, there is no such comparison between the pills made of natural vitamin and pills made of synthesized vitamin. for choice E, you can know that there is no other elements to justify the price difference except for vitamin content, which means all synthesized pills have the equal quality.

3. see the last sentense "to avoid such effort, people unconsciously convince themselves that they want what society says they should want", from these words, you certianly know that what people want is not actually what they want. right? therefore choose E.

4. in asking that how do you know that the highly developed communication systems of s,d,h,a are not languages, the student refers that those are also languages. then the question is same to why s,d,h,a those other animals dont share the same triat of using lauguage with human. so choose D.

5. i suggest you either to read thoroughly again the article and the answer choice and make a comprison between the two or simply get rid of it. in my view, it is not very difficult if you really understand their meaning. the structures of presentation of the two are quite similar, even identical.

6. in the article, it is said that the traditional attribution carries special weight. the question asks you to find certian situation to prove otherwise. for choice A, you know that art dealers have "always" attribute unsigned paintings to masters rather than to obscure artists, or unfamous artists, purely under the economic concern, which means this traditional way of attribution is not necessarily authentic. so, this is why traditional attribution should not have special weight.

for my view, friend, your major problem is laid in reading comprehension. all of your choosed answers show you dont understand the article well. therefore, you have to make additional effort to find what is the conclusion of the article. generally, it is always the last sentense or the first sentense.
作者: uclb5550    时间: 2003-8-8 12:36

作者: atongmu    时间: 2003-8-9 17:42

以下是引用uclb5550在2003-8-8 12:36:44的发言:
作者: uclb5550    时间: 2003-8-9 19:57

哈哈哈!!! 多谢理解。 看起来人的素质确实不一样呀! 其实我只不过是想知道他哪里还不明白,或者我哪里没有讲清楚,可惜他。。。。。。
作者: smart    时间: 2003-8-9 21:16

作者: bigmouse    时间: 2003-8-9 21:19

作者: smart    时间: 2003-8-9 21:27

bigmouse :

作者: uclb5550    时间: 2003-8-9 22:25

算了,老弟, 误会你了。

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