9-6-9.Authorities in California required drivers to use their headlights on a certain road during the daytime as well as at night and found that annual accident rates on the road fell 15 percent from the previous level. They concluded that applying the daytime rule statewide would lead to a similar reduction in accidents.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the authorities' argument?
(A) Because an alternate route became available, the volume of traffic on the test road decreased during the test period.
(B) Drivers were informed of the requirement to use their headlights on the test road by means of a series of three conspicuous signs in each direction of travel.
(C) Under certain conditions, among them fog and heavy rain, most drivers in California already use their headlights during the daytime.
(D) Full-scale application of the daytime rule would cause headlight bulbs to burn out sooner than they currently do and thus to require more frequent replacement.
(E) The test road was selected to include a great variety of the sorts of road conditions that drivers in California are likely to encounter.
9-6-10. Which of the following, if true, most logically completes the passage?
Every fusion reaction releases neutrinos. To test a hypothesis about the frequency of fusion reactions in the Sun, physicists calculated the number of neutrinos the Sun would produce annually if the hypothesis were correct. From this they estimated how many neutrinos should pass through a particular location on Earth. The fact that far fewer neutrinos were counted than were predicted to pass through the location would seem to prove that the hypothesis is wrong, except that------.
(A) the physicists, using a different method for estimating how many neutrinos should reach the location, confirmed their original estimate
(B) there are several competing hypotheses about the frequency of solar fusion reactions
(C) there is not enough energy in the Sun to destroy a neutrino once it is released
(D) the method used to count neutrinos detects no more than approximately ten percent of the neutrinos that pass through
(E) neutrinos released in the fusion reactions of other stars also reach the Earth
答案是E,想不通,如果原句中的fewer改为more,那么E才对,所以我认为A对,因为hypothesis是针对fusion reaction的,而estimate是针对count的
9-3-8. At the Shadybrook dog kennel, all the adult animals were given a new medication designed to reduce a dog’s risk of contracting a certain common infection. Several days after the medication was administered, most of the puppies of these dogs had elevated temperatures. Since raised body temperature is a side effect of this medication, the kennel owner hypothesized that the puppies’ elevated temperatures resulted from the medication’s being passed to them through their mothers’ milk.
Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the kennel owner’s hypothesis?
(A) Some puppies have been given the new medication directly but have not suffered elevated temperatures as a side effect.
(B) The new medication has been well received by dog breeders as a safe and effective way of preventing the spread of certain common canine infections.
(C) None of the four puppies in the kennel who had been bottle-fed with formula had elevated temperatures.
(D) an elevated temperature is a side effect of a number of medications for dogs other than the new medication administered at the kennel.
(E) Elevated temperatures such as those suffered by most of the puppies in the kennel rarely have serious long-term effects on a puppy’s health.
9-3-9. Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
Alivia’s government has approved funds for an electricity-generation project based on the construction of a pipeline that will carry water from Lake Cylus, in the mountains, to the much smaller Lake Tifele, in a nearby valley. The amount of electricity generated will be insufficient by itself to justify the project’s cost, even if the price of imported oil-Alivia’s primary source of electricity-increases sharply. Nonetheless, the pipeline project is worth its cost, because ——
(A) the price of oil, once subject to frequent sharp increases, has fallen significantly and is now fairly stable
(B) the project could restore Lake Tifele, which is currently at risk of drying up and thus of being lost as a source of recreation income for Alivia
(C) the government of Alivia is currently on excellent terms with the governments of most of the countries from which it purchases oil
(D) it would cost less to generate electricity by moving water from Lake Cylus to lake Tifele than to do so by moving water from Lake Cylus to another valley lake
(E) Alivian officials do not expect that the amount of electricity used in Alivia will increase substantially within the next ten years
9-3-10. Amusement rides at permanent fairgrounds are dismantled once a year for safety inspections by independent consultants. Traveling fairs, which relocate each month, can slip past the net of safety inspections and escape independent inspection for several years. Therefore, the rides at traveling fairs are less safe than the rides at permanent fairs.
Which of the following, if true about traveling fairs, most seriously weakens the argument?
(A) Before each relocation, the operators dismantle their rides, observing and repairing potential sources of danger, such as worn ball bearings.
(B) their managers have less capital to spend on the safety and upkeep of the rides than do managers of permanent fairs.
(C) Since they can travel to new customers, they rely less on keeping up a good reputation for safety.
(D) While they are traveling, the fairs do not receive notices of equipment recalls sent out by the manufacturers of their rides.
(E) The operators of the rides often do not pay careful attention to the instructions for operating their rides.
答案是B,想不通,觉得应该是A作者: isuffering 时间: 2003-4-13 20:37
I'm afraid that the answer given by your book is ridiculous. Take care when you refer it.
My answer is as follows,
(E) The test road was selected to include a great variety of the sorts of road conditions that drivers in California are likely to encounter.
(D) the method used to count neutrinos detects no more than approximately ten percent of the neutrinos that pass through
(C) None of the four puppies in the kennel who had been bottle-fed with formula had elevated temperatures.
(B) the project could restore Lake Tifele, which is currently at risk of drying up and thus of being lost as a source of recreation income for Alivia
(A) Before each relocation, the operators dismantle their rides, observing and repairing potential sources of danger, such as worn ball bearings.作者: mindfree 时间: 2003-4-14 03:38
Stoneren, 你的题的来源是什么? you can sue the publisher.
Thanks Isuffering for confirming the right answers.作者: 自尊宝 时间: 2003-4-17 14:25
what book?作者: StephanieYun 时间: 2003-4-17 20:02
what book?作者: stoneren 时间: 2003-4-18 06:29
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