test3 section IV14. Consumer advocate: tropical oils are high in saturated fats, which increase the risk of heart disease Fortunately, in most prepared food tropical oils can be replaced by healthier alternatives without noticeably affecting taste. Therefore, intensive publicity about the disadvantage of tropical oils will be likely to result in dietary changes that will diminish many people’s risk of developing heart disease
Nutritionist: The major sources of saturated fat in the average North American diet are meat, poultry, and dairy products, not tropical oils. Thus, focusing attention on the health hazards of tropical oils would be counterproductive, because it would encourage people to believe that more substantial dietary changes are unnecessary.
Which one of the following is a point at issue between the nutritionist and the consumer advocate?
(A) Whether a diet that regularly includes large quantities of tropical oil can increase the risk of heart disease
(B) Whether intensive publicity campaigns can be effective as means of changing people’s eating habits
(C) Whether more people in North American would benefit from reducing the amount of meat they consume than would benefit from eliminating tropical oils from their diets.
(D) Whether some people’s diets could be made significantly healthier if they replaced all tropical oils with vegetable oils that are significantly lower in saturated fat
(E) Whether conducting a publicity campaign that by focusing on the health hazards of tropical oils persuades people to replace such oils with healthier alternatives is a good public-health strategy
19. Smith: Meat in the diet is healthy, despite what some people say. After all, most doctors do eat meat, and who knows more about health than doctors do?
Which one of the following is a flaw in Smith’s reasoning?
(A) Attacking the opponents’ motives instead of their argument
(B) Generalizing on the basis of a sample consisting of a typical cases
(C) Assuming at the outset what the argument claims to establish through reasoning
(D) Appealing to authority, even when different authorities give conflicting advice about an issue
(E) Taking for granted that experts do not act counter to what, according to their expertise, in their best interest
这道题我选了C可是C是什么意思呢??答案 是E
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