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标题: 请教两道逻辑题目 [打印本页]

作者: 1stzhang    时间: 2003-4-4 21:35     标题: 请教两道逻辑题目

23. Defendants who can afford expensive private defense lawyers have a lower conviction rate than those who rely on court-appointed public defenders. This explains why criminals who commit lucrative crimes like embezzlement or insider trading are more successful at avoiding conviction than are street criminals.

The explanation offered above would be more persuasive if which one of the following were true?

(A) Many street crimes, such as drug dealing, are extremely lucrative and those committing them can afford expensive private lawyers.

(B) Most prosecutors are not competent to handle cases involving highly technical financial evidence and have more success in prosecuting cases of robbery or simple assault.

(C) The number of criminals convicted of street crimes is far greater than the number of criminals convicted of embezzlement or insider trading.

(D) The percentage of defendants who actually committed the crimes of which they are accused is no greater fro publicly defended than for privately defended defendants.

(E) Juries, out of sympathy for the victims of crimes, are much more likely to convict defendants accused of violent crimes than they are to convict defendants accused of “victimless” crimes or crimes against property.

24. Many major scientific discoveries of the past were the product of serendipity, the chances discovery of valuable findings that investigators had not purposely sought. Now, however, scientific research tends to be so costly that investigators are heavily dependent on large grants to fund their research. Because such grants require investigators to provide the grant sponsors with clear projections of the outcome of the proposed research, investigators ignore anything that does not directly bear on the funded research. Therefore, under the prevailing circumstances, serendipity can no longer play a role in scientific discovery.

Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

(A) Only findings that an investigator purposely seeks can directly bear on that investigator’s research.

(B) In the past few scientific investigators attempted to make clear predictions of the outcome of their research.

(C) Dependence on large grants is preventing investigators from conducting the type of scientific research that those investigators would personally prefer.

(D) All scientific investigators who provide grant sponsors with clear projections of the outcome of their research receive at least some of the grants for which they apply.

(E) In general the most valuable scientific discoveries are the product of serendipity.
作者: Peace    时间: 2003-4-4 23:39

To Lstzhang,

请问第23题答案是不是 D?

24题答案是不是 A?
作者: StephanieYun    时间: 2003-4-6 11:33

I got the same answers as upstairs.

would you pls give some clear and deepened explanation for these two questions?

thank you


作者: isuffering    时间: 2003-4-6 12:35

yes, I agree.
No.23 choice  D
The percentage..... is no greater  for publicly defended than for privately defended defendants.
Defendants who..........private defense lawyers have a lower conviction rate than.....  on  public defenders.

Then ( economic ) criminals..are more successful at avoiding......

.. investigators ignore anything that does not directly bear on the funded research.
Choice A
Only findings that an investigator purposely seeks can directly bear on that investigator’s research.

Then ....  scientist ignore anything but only findings that an investigator purposely seeks
Then ... serendipity can no longer  ....

Welcome discussion
作者: likerock    时间: 2003-4-11 10:36

for 23, I think D weaken.  I chose B.  Since prosecutor is not capable to handle the high intelectual financial cases, it support author's conclusion why the economic criminals are more successful at avoiding ...
作者: 自尊宝    时间: 2003-4-17 13:58

23, I choose C.

C directly support the statement.

street, high convition; embezzlement etc, low convition.
作者: poney    时间: 2003-4-27 08:58

我也认为 c ,请选  d 的朋友仔细解释为什么,能否翻译出来?
作者: 回家过年    时间: 2003-4-27 23:22

23.我同意选D的几位:真罪犯/总被告 这个比例,公共律师不比私人律师高。作用是;一个加强前提。可以作为假设理解,如果不是,那么这个比例就会对第一句话Defendants who can afford expensive private defense lawyers have a lower conviction rate than those who rely on court-appointed public defenders.有削弱作用。本来就是真罪犯少,那么律师赢的多也就跟是不是大款没关系了。大家觉得如何?

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