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标题: 请教LSAT-Test1-Section4-Q17,18 [打印本页]

作者: nobodytest    时间: 2003-3-13 00:45     标题: 请教LSAT-Test1-Section4-Q17,18

If the artificial is not better than the natural, to what end are all the arts of life? To dig, to plow, to build, to wear clothes—all are direct violations of the injunction to follow nature.
17. Which one of the following is an assumption made by the author of the passage?
(A) The arts of life have no useful end.
(B) The artificial is not better than the natural.
(C) Digging, plowing, building, and wearing clothes are better than nature.
(D) The injunction to follow nature should not be violated.
(E) The arts of life are indirect means of following nature.
18. If the author’s argument were challenged on the grounds that the construction of buildings has adverse effects on the natural environment, which of the following replies might the author use to respond to the challenge logically?
(A) There are human activities, such as making music, that are environmentally harmless.
(B) Harming the environment is not an end, of purpose, of the arts of life.
(C) The construction could involve the use of natural, not artificial, materials.
(D) Constructing buildings is not an “art of life.”
(E) Even if the natural environment is disturbed by the construction of buildings, it is improved for human use.

谁能给看看“to what end are all the arts of life?”这句话该怎么翻译才对,我理解不了其在题干中确切含义。
作者: StephanieYun    时间: 2003-3-15 20:31



作者: nobodytest    时间: 2003-3-19 18:11

请教:我听说LSAT 有17套题,每套多少题啊???  我在做管卫东的书,他的一个SECTION 17题,我觉得书不错,可惜他的LSAT 才四个部分.  象我这样,还非买LSAT 书吗?

谢谢liangqi解答,没听说管卫东出过LSAT的书, 黄皮书是上下2册共28套,上17套,每套24-26提,你可以在网上下载E-LSAT(28套)check下载中心.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-3-19 18:23:17编辑过]

作者: atongmu    时间: 2003-3-21 11:40

assumption题还是用取非weaken法做比较直观,17题中C取非Digging, plowing, building, and wearing clothes不比自然好,这样显然支持了作者想反驳的观点(即weaken了作者自己的观点——自然不一定比人工好)。我看到这提干时想到的答案是:Digging, plowing, building, and wearing clothes属于人工的东东:)

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