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标题: 请教LSAT15-II-18 [打印本页]

作者: joywzy    时间: 2003-2-27 20:35     标题: 请教LSAT15-II-18

Consumer activist: By allowing major airlines to abandon, as they promptly did, all but their most profitable routes, the government's decision to cease regulation of the airline industry has worked to the disadvantage of everyone who lacks access to large metropolitan airport.

Industry representative: On the contrary, where major airlines moved out, regional airlines have moved in and ,as a consequence, there are more flights into and out of most small airports now that before the change in regulatory policy
18. Which one of the following is assumption on which the consumer activist抯 argument depends?

(A) Before the recent change in regulatory policy, there was no advantage in having easy access to large metropolitan airport.

(B) When any sizable group of consumers is seriously disadvantaged by a change in government policy, that change should be reversed.

(C) Government regulation of industry almost always works to the advantage of consumers.

(D) At the time of the regulatory change, the major airlines were maintaining their less profitable routes at least in part be4cause of government requirements.

(E) Regional airlines lack the resources to provides consumers with service of the same quality as that provided by the major airlines.


作者: StephanieYun    时间: 2003-2-27 22:30

楼上的, 题目是不是有点打错了啊?

" By allowing major airlines to abandon, as they promptly did, all but their most profitable routes, ....." , 应该是less profitable 吧, 不然D就说不过去了哦

A B C E都容易排除.

(A) Before the recent change in regulatory policy, there was no advantage in having easy access to large metropolitan airport. 说政策改变之前,可以方便的到大城市的机场对人们并没有什么好处.
这对题目为什么说政府改变规管政策就会对没有能力到大城市机场的人们会有不利影响没有帮助. 甚至是负面作用------政策改变前对可以去大机场的人们没有什么好处,那么之后对没有能力去大机场的人们也应该没有影响才对阿. ------如果这样, 反而对题目的结论有负作用了.

(D) At the time of the regulatory change, the major airlines were maintaining their less profitable routes at least in part be4cause of government requirements. 说在政策改变前, 大航空公司至少是部分因为政府政策规管而维持其较小收益的航空运输业务, 所以政府政策改变后,这种对航空公司的约束作用没了, 航空公司撤出这部分市场,自然就对人们有负面影响啰, 而且政府要买单哦 !


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作者: joywzy    时间: 2003-2-28 09:56     标题: To StephanieYun



作者: StephanieYun    时间: 2003-3-1 20:07

以下是引用joywzy在2003-2-28 9:56:47的发言:



不知道你说的  承认条件的有效性  是什么 ?

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