The complex tax dispute between the Covered Bridge Mall and Harris Township is not likely to be adjudicated for several years, and, in the meantime,( both sides are intent on creating difficulties for the other).
My answer: B. both sides are intent on creating difficulties for each other
Correct answer: each side is intent on creating difficulties for the other
The computer software being designed for a project studying Native American access to higher education will not only meet the needs of that study, (but also has the versatility and power of facilitating similar research endeavors).
My Key: but it also has the versatility and power to facilitate
Correct key: but also have the versatility and power to facilitate
为何不能选第一个?作者: joywzy 时间: 2003-2-22 07:28
1, each side the other 是固定这么用,以后遇到选这个就行了,没有用both sides , each other