If the artificial is not better than the natural, to what end are all the arts of life? To dig, to plow, to build, to wear clothes—all are direct violations of the injunction to follow nature.
18. If the author’s argument were challenged on the grounds that the construction of buildings has adverse effects on the natural environment, which of the following replies might the author use to respond to the challenge logically?
(A) There are human activities, such as making music, that are environmentally harmless.
(B) Harming the environment is not an end, of purpose, of the arts of life.
(C) The construction could involve the use of natural, not artificial, materials.
(D) Constructing buildings is not an “art of life.”
(E) Even if the natural environment is disturbed by the construction of buildings, it is improved for human use.
"arts of life " 中文什么意思?这题是什么类型的题 我觉得答案都有些牵强. 请指点一下思路。
20. Abolish taxes, and real taxpayers would find that their disposable incomes have increased. Abolish taxes, and public employees would find that their incomes have disappeared.
Which one of the following is a logical conclusion that depends on information in both of the statements above?
(A) Public offices should be abolished so that disposable incomes will rise.
(B) The only real taxpayers are those who would have more to spend if they did not pay taxes.
(C) Public employees are not real taxpayers.
(D) Public employees’ incomes should not be taxed since they come from taxes.
(E) If there were no taxes, then public employees could not be paid.
18. art of life, 我觉得art是非人造的,或者说后天的等等意思,应该是artificial的名词形式意思. 这题应该属于INFER题(因果关系和充要条件很重要,而且可以无关排除),我选C,大家指指点点我
20.题目问的很明确,注意BOTH.E是第二句话的逆否命题. C这个答案不过我觉得也够牛的!好像需要两个倒推!不过真的佩服LSAT,牛*
20) 正确的选项是E. 从上而下的题中,这个选向我觉得有点怪。可能我对提干的理解不到位:人工的创造比自然的好,例举1,2,3,。这段话驳斥了“the construction of buildings has adverse effects on the natural environment”。问:怎样驳斥(respond to) “人工的创造比自然的好...”E 选项里有让步“Even if the natural environment is disturbed by the construction of buildings,...“.不对头啊?我对“ respond to”理解有误吗?
18) 我对“Abolish taxes, and public employees would find that their incomes have disappeared”的理解是 "no taxes --> no incomes ".那么,换一种说法“If there were no taxes, then public employees could not be paid.”看上去就是等价命题。当然,我做题时觉得E 不像正确选项。但分析时又无法说明为什么。 能谈谈看法吗?作者: 回家过年 时间: 2003-1-17 21:05
看一下题里的"BOTH",我觉得作者: 愉悦 时间: 2003-1-17 23:44
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