各位前辈:考试准备时间太紧,小妹我心里一点底都没有,尤其是新东方给我造成了巨大的压力,好像没有700分啥事都办不成,所有希望能够提供有关欧洲MBA成功人士考试成绩平均水平作为参考!作者: Robinhood 时间: 2002-12-24 17:30 标题: not at alll
One month ago, I had a talk with admission officer from lyon business school, which is a perfect one, and feel gmat is not highly required.
when I told him that I score 680, he told me "excellent". believe me, I can tell whether a foreigner is courteous or really think so. But if you don't have many work experience, high score might compensate.
700?while 700s are talking their "low" scores, the majority below 700 just kept silent.therefore... seems all are above 700. those below700 r 卧薪尝胆[em23]
merry x'mas
[此贴子已经被作者于2002-12-24 17:30:47编辑过]
作者: zhangzhenhua 时间: 2002-12-24 18:34
dba怎么样啊作者: Louisa_xy 时间: 2002-12-25 08:57
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