委员会(Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of theUniversities
of the United Kingdom,简称CVCP)申请一项特殊的奖学金,海外研究学生奖学
金(ORS, Overseas Research Students Awards)。
class(通常为前三名),Second Class Up,Second Class Down,Third Class。
英国大学通常只考虑成绩为First class和Second Class Up的申请人。由于中国
填写申请表和推荐人填写推荐信时,一定要注明你的成绩属于First class ,在
1. Name:
2. Date of birth:
3. Passport number:
4. Name of spouse:
5. Father's name:
6. Mather's name:
7. Sponsor's name:
8. Sponsor's husband/wife's name:
9: Sponsor's address:
10. Any previous application(date):
11. Were you refused(date):
12. Were you issued(date):
13. Names of any friend and relatives in UK:
1. Reason for travelling to the UK(please tick appropriate boxes)
Short stay: Visitor Private( ) Official( ) Business( )
Student( ) Others( )
Type of entry clearance required:
Transit( ) Single entry( ) Multiple entry( )
Settlement as: .........
Long stay: Permit free employment/Retired person/Investor..........
2. Are you applying as a non-EEA dependant of an EEA national? ( )
If 'YES', are you travelling with EEA national/joinging EEA national?
3. Full name:
4. Other names used now or in the past:
5. Date of birth:
6. Sex(M/F):
7. Town and country of birth:
8. Your father's full name:
9. Your mother's full name:
10. Passport or travel document details:
Issuing goverment( ) No.( ) Nationality( )
Document type( ) Place of Issue( ) Date of Issue( )
If you are not travelling on your own passport give the following
Is this your first passport? ( )
If not please provide details of previous passport:
No.( ) Date and Place of Issue( )
Only complete this section if dependants include on your passport are
Tavelling with you.
Full name( ) Place of Birth( ) Date of birth( )
Relationship to youself( ) Nationality( )
11. What is your present job? ( )
12. Where do you work? ( )
What date did you start this job? ( )
What is your annual income( )
13. What is your present home address?
14. Please give your permanent address?
15. Are you? Married( ) Single( ) Divorced( )
Widowed( ) Separated( )
16. If married, please give details of souse:
Full name ( ) Date of birth ( ) Nationality ( )
Where is your spouse ( )
Where is your spouse normally resident ( )
17. How many children under 18 do you have? please give the ages
18. Have you applied to go to the UK before?
19. Have you visited the UK before?
20. a.Have you ever been refused a visa clearance at a UK diplomatic
mission or Post?
b.Have you ever been refused leave to enter on arrival in the UK?
c.Have you ever been deported,removed to leave UK?
d.Have you ever been refused a visa foranother country?
e.Have you ever been deported from another country?
f.Do you have any criminal convictions in UK or elsewhere?
g.Have you ever been a charge on public funds in the UK?
21. Country of normal residence:
22. How long do you intend to stay in the UK?
23. What is your proposed date of arrival in the UK?
24. Have you bought your ticket?
25. (a)Flight no./vessel ( )
(b)who is paying/has paid for the ticket?
26. How much money is available to you during your stay?
from your own ( ) From others ( )
27. Do you have relatives or friends in the UK? ( )
28. Where will you stay in the UK?
Full name of your sponser/contact address/hotel
Nationality of Sponsor:
Address: Tel No.:
Resident in UK since:
Occupation: Relationship to you:
29. Is you visit for bussiness or offical reasons?
30. Are you travelling to another country before the UK?
31. To which country are you travelling after the UK?
32. Please give name and address of university:
33. What technical or educational certificates do you hold?
34. Describe fully the course you wish to follow, please submit evidenc
of acceptance for a course of study, ie degree, 'A' levela etc, and
evidence of accommodation
35. Who will pay for the course?
36. How many hours of organised study will you do per week?作者: kingmice 时间: 2002-12-9 13:17
欢迎光临 国际顶尖MBA申请交流平台--TOPWAY MBA (http://forum.topway.org/forum/)