1.OG SC 175. 解释说due to 和because 有不同,说due to synonymous with attributable to ,谁能具体地说一下吗?我们不是常常使用due to the reasons mentioned above吗?
2.177的解释中说as....as放句首的时候,main clauses following concessive clauses must express a contrasting notion:for example, "As ill-prepared as they are, they nevertheless find good jobs."我不理解这个contrasting notion 是指什么?我怎么没看出来有什么contrast notion啊?
谢谢作者: vin0410 时间: 2002-11-29 20:29
due正式的用法是作为形容词, 即be due to, 作其它的方式使用不佳
总之是讲究正式的问题, 像similar也有类似的状况, ets不喜欢这样用
As ill-prepared as they are, they nevertheless find good jobs相当是
(Although they are) as ill-prepared as they are, they nevertheless find good job. 语意有问题作者: lucylu 时间: 2002-11-29 20:36
请看下面一段对DUE TO的解释:
Due to has been widely used for many years as a compound preposition like owing to, but some critics have insisted that the adjectival status of due must be retained. According to this view, it is incorrect to say The concert was canceled due to the rain, as opposed to the acceptable The cancellation of the concert was due to the rain, where due continues to function as an adjective modifying cancellation.
所以在这个句子中,主语为many people,due to用在这里是unidiomatical的。