Press Secretary: Our critics claim that the President’s recent highway project cancellations demonstrate a vindictive desire to punish legislative districts controlled by opposition parties. They offer as evidence the fact that 90 percent of the projects canceled were in such districts. But all of the canceled projects had been identified as wasteful in a report written by respected nonpartisan auditors. So the President’s choice was clearly motivated by sound budgetary policy, not partisan politics.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the press secretary’s argument depends?
答案是B, 我选了e, 我还是觉得是对的,请求帮助,脑子转不过弯了???
这题是支持总统的,认为他是公正的。clearly motivated by sound budgetary policy, not partisan politics.
B The scheduled highway projects identified as wasteful in the report were not mostly projects in districts controlled by the President’s party
E 是我唯一可以找到一定假设关系的。
C I think the answer is D. And 4th floor is right, E is very wrong. In order for E to be right, we have to change:
Reports by nonpartisan auditors are not generally regarded by the opposition parties as a source of objective(subjective) assessments of government projects.
D取非:The highway projects canceled in districts controlled by the
President’s party were generally more expensive than the projects canceled
in districts controlled by opposition parties。
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