Tom Beechy是个非常非常nice的人,一开始还有些紧张,后来和他聊着就忘了紧张了.
他问的问题都是很basic的问题(为什么现在读MBA?为什么选择York?)其他时间基本上都在free talk.面试了总共30分钟左右.
Mr. Beechy just asked me one question I had prepared well- why I choose Schulich. The other questions are all other topics such as my interests of dance, badminton, my GMAT score etc. This topic I had prepared in my mind, but I have no time to write down and practice last night. So I cannot speak fluently about these topics. However, I kept a harmonious atmosphere with him. I kept talking, about his fame, about my hobbies. He asked me how I learned English. I answered and said I think my spoken English is not good. He said that he believed my spoken English is good, but could be better. I found that foreigners seldom criticize others.
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