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标题: DUKE面经汇总 [打印本页]

作者: crossmoon    时间: 2006-2-15 03:15     标题: DUKE面经汇总

Interviewed by Duke alumni

a Fuqua class'97 guy. He used to work for P&G, PWC, McK, and VC, now an independent consultant with focus on small companies' operations strategy.

I went to his office in Santa Monica. Pretty big office and nice sea view.

He is friendly but serious. Questions are sort of tough. I have to say this is the toughest interview I have ever had in America.

why MBA and my career goal, it is simple

but he did challenge me on why not part time MBA, why not study on job, why not switch to another company...... anyway, i have considered those questions for a long time, not too tough.

then leadership example, simple too

then have you ever convinced your clients, supervisor, or colleagues to do sth and made huge success, example

have you ever been involved in office politics, what did you do, example

have you ever been angry with ur teamates? what did you do, example

have you failed in a team work, and it is u that figured out finally and brought the team back to the right track, example

If you were admission committee, how would you evaluate yourself as a candidate to fuqua. are you the best fit?

Never prepared so many stories. I had to provide him stories in the shortest time and pay much attention to teamwork and innovative spirit coz he mentioned these all through the interview.

He did not smile at all and looked straight at me. Who said fuqua guys are all friendly? hehe, just kidding

And my questions for him are:

1. How does fuqua prepare students to compete with those from schools in big cities such as nyc, chicago, LA, and SF

2. What made you choose duke

3. At what aspect, do you think fuqua helped you achieve current success?

then i was about to finish my questions, but i suddenly found there was a basketball in his office.

So I asked, by the way, is duke's basketball team still great?

Then, finally he laughed:" yeah, of course, you watch basketball?

yeah, of course. .....

then another 10 minutes talk about basketball and yao ming

作者: crossmoon    时间: 2006-2-15 03:16


今天上午11:00在印度孟买汇丰银行进行了我的MBA面试. 面试官是80年代的杜克毕业生,但是我还是能够感觉到他对工作,生活的热情, 他告诉我说今天完成面试以后他就会给学校反馈, 这样肯定不会影响到我的第二轮申请. 总的感觉他对人是非常care的, 我还没有来到印度的时候, 他就问我,到达孟买会呆在哪里, 这样他可以告诉我怎么找到我们约见的地方, 然后面试的时候我说我来印度正好可以修修我的电脑, 他问我是否知道在哪里, 言外之意如果我不清楚他可以帮我找到dell的维修点, 我也不好意思麻烦人家,就说我在这边的同事可以帮我的, 谢谢, 感觉他对人确实非常好, 会为人考虑, 面试完我立即给他发了一封邮件感谢, 刚刚已经收到他回信了.


10:20 到达汇丰银行, 开始等待, 10:40 左右秘书通知我已经到了, 秘书说他正在有个会议, 等他开完会议就会给我面试. 我在等候的时候,他还出来和我打了一个招呼, 说再过几分钟就可以开始了.

11:03 正式开始, 他倒是开始就宣传了一下duke, 说什么Dean每年都会去中国之类的, 我说是啊, 可惜我都不在国内,都没敢上啊. 气氛是非常友好和放松的.

1. 第一个问题是说说我的工作, 因为我在印度德里 bangalore等城市工作,所以就说了公司的业务和我在印度的工作.

2. 介绍一下我自己. 我把自己的性格特征, 工作情况等等说了一下

3. why MBA?

4. 一个team中你最希望的特性特点是什么? 我说了diversity, team work 之类的

5. 如果你要start new business你希望你的团队有哪些特点? 我说第一要collaborative, 第二要aggressive 第三要....(忘记了)

6. 问我假设刚刚来到Duke的reception cocktail酒会, 我要如何介绍自己? 我说我要用微笑建立第一印象建立"Moment of Truth" 介绍我来自中国, 在亚洲很多国家都有很多经历和经验, and i am willing to share云云.

7. 问我在工作中做了很多项目, 肯定有的项目是失败的, 我是如何对待这些失败? 如何处理? 我说对内分析原因, 对外还像往常一样和客户保持联系, 进行各种技术交流, 方案设计等等, 还是用专业高效的态度去对待客户....


9. 我能为我的classmates做什么贡献? 我说1, 我的中印全球人口最多的两个国家的经验, 国际市场拓展等等可以让我有很多可以share的. 2. 我们在全球的市场中, 除了西方列强, 还有一个处处竞争的中国竞争对手, 就像麦当劳和肯德鸡一样, 这也是我很多可以share的地方

10 问我大学最喜欢的课程? 我说市场营销, 英文和经济数量分析这三门课. 呵呵

11, 我问他的问题? 我问你为什么选择Duke? duke的课程是不是非常的challenging? 他说他的选择有三个理由: 1 top 10, 2 这个学校非常新3 学校有活力有激情, 我说我也是非常喜欢这个学校非常new 非常有dynamism 他非常认可.

林林总总好像就这么多, 好像还有一个问我的公司是不是都是在本地有JV, 我说我们其实就是推方案 卖设备,很少设立合资公司. 总的感觉这个面试官态度非常好, 非常专业, 送我出门口的时候还说"After You"让我先走. 呵呵. 先前有网友告诫我说找印度人做面试会不会对中国人另眼相看啊? 我确实多多少少有些担心的, 不过今天过后我想应该是不会的了,

呵呵 祝大家都申请顺利! 我后天还有另外一个学校的面试, 到时候再发帖和大家分享

作者: crossmoon    时间: 2006-2-15 03:16

Duke Interview 14th Beijing Alexis



Alexis 是个NYKer,2年级的healthcare concentration. 感觉她的英语有些特别。先寒暄了一会儿,开始正题。问题基本上都是很典型的essay问题,如brief intro, LT/ST goal, why MBA/now, why Duke, team work, giving hard feedback, taking hard feedback, leadership example, what are important for MBA, how do you plan to develop them at B-school, concern about Duke.


作者: crossmoon    时间: 2006-2-15 03:17




开始发问,对方一直拿着一个question list在记录。

首先要求我简单介绍一下自己,一气说完:resume,career goal,why MBA等一般性的问题。














作者: crossmoon    时间: 2006-2-15 03:18




问我failed project,我说作为consultant,即使一个failed process也要作成succesful outcome,然后举例

作者: crossmoon    时间: 2006-2-15 03:18

Duke Interview-Singpore by Matt

Finally finished it just now.

First of all, thanks highflyer for the interivew hot tips yesterday. Phxmu for the inside news about this nice fellow..hehe..Matt mentioned there is one chinese guy in his team, is that you..haha?

Second sharing with the questions. Basically its the conventional questions

1) breif introduciton, work experience

2) why school? (I talked about team fuqua, he resonated most)

3) Leadership (informal or formal, example)

4) Conflict

Then its his turn to take questions.

I asked around 5 questions which covered academic and extracurriculum areas.

Basically its like chatting type.. It took 1 hour...Hope it helps.

作者: crossmoon    时间: 2006-2-15 03:19

Duke Interview

Interviewer is second year student, very nice. Corporate strategy background.

Questions are pretty standardized.

  1. Briefly introduce yourself
  2. Why MBA now
  3. Career plan
  4. Define leadership
  5. What’s LACE>urLACE> quality of leadership
  6. One of accomplishment
  7. weakness as a leader

Question for him

Around 40 minutes

作者: crossmoon    时间: 2006-2-15 03:19

热乎的面经,刚面的-Fuqua, Duke



1.Introduce yourself.

2.Scan Resume-What’s your current job function? (I talked about my accomplishments at work.)

3.Why Duke? (I talked about why MBA and why Duke.)

4.Follow on question: why you are interested in corporation? Not consulting? How’s your view on your industry?

5.What else you want me know? (I talked about my part time activities.)

6.Any hobbies?

7.What other schools have you applied? What is your GMAT school?

8.Any question for me?

感觉没有一个问题list,是随心所欲提问的。Michigan 校友面试的时候是在网上一边写feedback的,这个校友告诉我时候会写一个报告。

最后的时候谈话很有意思。他告诉我: The interview can not guarantee your admission, but can definitely deny it. 我心里紧张,难道是说我不行吗?后来有用中文说:点头不算,摇头算。面试只是申请一个环节,不是决定性作用。可能他是想告诉我面试不能保证我录取,应该还算是一个positive的结果。

作者: crossmoon    时间: 2006-2-15 03:20



  1. Please introduce yourself.(才说到我来自XX, people from there like spicy food。她秘书就跑进来说一个客户的电话一定要接的。原来约好早上的,但是我又没有空,而她下午就是客户电话不断的---她后来不断解释和道歉,呵呵。这个电话10分钟。)
  2. Go through your resume. (吸取了刚才的教训,我一口气从大学说到现在,把why MBA, why now, career progress,结合起来全给它说话了。果然,电话又来了,她这次没有接。)
  3. Can you tell me the challenges you ever faced in your work? (分公司说了一下,顺带把leadership development说了一下,免得又有电话。)
  4. I noticed you always work in a team. Can you tell me something about the conflicts among team members and how you deal with it? (得到同意后,我就说了自己和别人有矛盾的小故事。)
  5. What kind of class in business school in your imagination? (一时也不知道怎么说好,就告诉她希望是一个diversified team,每个人都有自己的看法,偶尔吵吵架,但是私下里可以做很好的朋友。)
  6. Why you choose Fuqua? (说了一通理由)
  7. More case study or more theory study? Which one you prefer and why? (说了说自己的想法,当时也不知道Fuqua到底什么多,就知道HBS, Dardencase多。所以Fuqua应该不是case多,而且我也不prefer case太多,就老实回答了。)
  8. Do you know any organization or club in Fuqua? (我说了几个,然后随口提了一下说据说可以建立俱乐部的。给自己找了个麻烦)
  9. Ok, then can you tell me what kind of club you want to build at Fuqua and why? (当时脑筋急转弯,名字好说,为什么就难说了。从essay里面想到了一个,应该通过了。)
  10. Any question to me? (看她手机一直在振动,就问了一个问题。你为什么选择了Fuqua。她说当时最重要的原因就是在Fuqua和另一个学校都给她offer以后,Fuqua 做了很多事情让她感觉到学校很care她。具体说了一些小故事,比如找房子等等。还提到说面试她的校友后来发信祝贺她,还请她吃饭。我笑嘻嘻说了一句:希望也能收到你的祝贺信。有点肉麻,不过心里话啦。她就说会的,客套一下总是应该的。)



作者: crossmoon    时间: 2006-2-15 03:21


顶着毛毛细雨, 上了duke的战场. 整个面试过程大概2个小时, 累得偶啊. 但其实前面大半个小时才是真正面试, 后来只是我问问题和experience sharing. 自我感觉发挥不太好, interviewer是那种consultant style的, 就是不停打断你的讲话, 节奏很快的那种. 基本没问常规问题(准备的都派不上用场, 早知睡多些好了), 都是根据我的回答马上提问. 虽然感觉应该没出大错(也不知是不是), 但被不停追问下感觉我说的了好多废话, 次次没说完就被打断可能我回答的他没兴趣, 唉...反而是后来他很耐心的shared了很多experience, 并且赞了我几句(应该是客套). 就这样结束了.

也不知表现是好是坏, 等结果了.

写这个的目的是希望大家准备常规问题时也要进行发散思维, 冷不防碰上这种的也能不变应万变! Good luck!

作者: crossmoon    时间: 2006-2-15 03:21

Duke Interview Experience

done with duke interview today.nice to meet dancingfrog during the interview.

it's a very typical interview. major questions inculde--why MBA, why Duke, your working experience detail, your understanding of team fuqua, your career goals.

does anyone know what's the time interval between the interview and the decision? i heard that someone got offer only 1-2 weeks after the that true or we have to wait until the posted decision deadline?

作者: crossmoon    时间: 2006-2-15 03:22


今天我也做完了DUKE的校友面试, 在PACIFIC COFFEE SHOP做的, 音乐声音挺大, 让我感觉很好, 说话嗓门一大, PASSION就出来了.

面试的是一个很温和谦逊的老外(会说中文), 某公司的GM, 耗时45分钟, 不是很按常规的提问, 首先他把自己的老底向我掏了一遍, 在哪上的大学, 怎么到香港来工作, 为什么去DUKE(居然还告诉我他申请了3所, 被锯一所), 将来的打算等等... 他首先让我随心所欲的讲我自己, 当然我就按他的思路从我大学毕业的工作经历讲起, 其间他会穿插问题, 比如为什么一个文科生能在类似IT领域发展?很多IT人士都不选择在BUSINESS方面深造, 为什么你要选择MBA? 你认为MBA的VALUE对你来说是什么?如果你的SHORT TERM GOAL是STRATEGIC PLANNING, 那你能否在你现在的公司中找到类似的机会呢?...

还有很多问题, 都是依据你的回答问的, 如你认为在中国作为一个经理人最重要的QUALITY是什么? 你觉得你最希望在哪些方面去完善自己以成为合格的经理人? 如果这次申请不成功, 你作何打算?...

整体感觉是很互动的, 没有很直接的问WHY MBA, WHY DUKE, 最奇怪的是没问我WHAT YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE TO TEAM FUQUA, 好象没有着重问FIT, 问MBA的MOTIVATION比较多. 所以说校友面试比较随机, 不好准备, 建议是多举具体例子, 用具体事实来说明自己的观点, 这样比较容易打开局面, 让对方感兴趣.

作者: crossmoon    时间: 2006-2-15 03:23

Duke的class visit和面试经历

Duke 面试归来

昨天又看了一遍sfishGG去年的帖子, 很有启发的。 给大家报告一下。 偶是昨天下午的飞机, 到这边。今天早上去学校,10:00check in的, 听那个admission的人说话,明显是南方口音, 和北方的英文还是有区别的。 然后他们安排了一些现在的1年级的学生过来和大家聊天, 回答一些我们的问题。 偶看大概今天有10个左右的人来面试和class visit. 已经有人告诉我说, 如果去听marketing 的课, 那个教授会让perspective student三个选择:
1。 跳舞, 2。 唱歌, 3。讲一个embarrassing story. 我自己有个两碗饭的故事, 觉得可以应付, 而且另外两个课都是corporate finance,觉得自己听不懂, 就硬着头皮去marketing的课。

到10:20左右, 有个女生来带领偶去他们的课堂。 而且和偶提醒那三个选择。 ――她说老师说了, 让她提醒偶一下下:) 嘿嘿, 果然开始上课的时候,老师叫偶了。 偶坐在他们课堂的最后面, 一个临时的椅子, 因为那个女生说课堂人会比较多。 偶站起来, 觉得自己还是太tiny了, 就主动要求到教室中间去自我介绍。 大家开心的要死,开始起哄。。。。。。

站在教室中间, 发现自己格外的tiny, 这个教室比较大, 看起来大家都很激动的等偶表演。 偶也不管啦, 就blablabla讲完, 还辅助一些手势。偶的故事反应还不错, 嘿嘿。。。。。。中午在餐厅吃饭的时候, 就有两个学生过来招呼, 说,‘ 哎, 你就是在偶们课堂上讲故事的女生吧? 呵呵, 好故事好故事, 偶们很久没有听过这么好玩的故事了:)’

其实只上课了一半, 11:45分学校安排了一个小的tour, 就在 Fuqua里面兜了一圈。 这个大楼看起来不大, 但是里面延伸很广, 我有点迷糊方向。

中午吃饭的时候, 我们几个今天visit的学生交流了一番,有个男生居然说得很好得中文, 他在北京外国语学校培训过半年。真是比较有趣, 而且他是字正腔圆的。

下午我的面试时间比较晚, 是4点钟。 偶就在他们那个fox center里面找了一个沙发坐下,继续叨咕偶那些故事。 到三点四十偶回到admission office, 还等了一段时间。 偶的interviewer姗姗来迟。 Wowow, 一个美国帅哥。呵呵,和上次Tuck那个美国美女比不相上下, 真是优待我啊, 都是美人:) 后来我知道, 他居然和她一样, 都是加州过来东部读书的。 有趣。

面试是到Fuqua楼上的小面试房间, 是Recruiter来学校面试时候用的。 面试过程很轻松, 由于有了Tuck那次的经历, 知道二年纪学生面试的可能的难处, 所以也是个好经历。 这次偶也比较放松, 就按照一个一个问题回答下来, 更加像聊天一样。 但是我还是满警惕的, 每说一句话, 都想想面试官会不会发挥一下。 果然, 他提出的不少问题都是引申的问题。 比如偶说偶们销售怎么怎么好, 完成了多少多少, 他就会具体追问下去, 说是你到底怎么作的呢? 怎么能够做到的呢? 如此如此。 有个比较厉害的问题是让我描述一下几个leadership 的必备特征, 然后再给自己打分, 然后再追问。 从你打分来看, 你已经是个很好的leader了嘛, 那还读什么MBA呢? 呵呵。 其他问题在accept.com上面都有, 就不罗嗦了

总的来说, 是个很愉快的经历, 不知道递交申请以后是不是继续愉快了

作者: crossmoon    时间: 2006-2-15 03:24

Experience of Duke's interview

Just finished campus interview in duke. Some experience to share.

Check in half hour before your interview. You can park in the front of the building and they will give your parking permit. I parked at the campus visitors' parking lot and had to pay by myself($2/hour).

Before your interview, you can sit down at the lounge and talk with some first year students. They can answer your questions and told you their study experience in Fuqua. I think it is a good arrangement. It can also help you to be accustomed with English.

Just as I expected, the interviewer is a second year student. He is nice. At first he just introduce himself and told you something about the interview policy. Then start!

What he got is only my resume.(By the way, the school asked you to bring your resume to interview although you maybe have sent your documents online). To my surprise, he didn't ask me to introduce myself. I had prepared it for many times but it was no use. He did follow my resume to ask questions about my working experience. So be familiar with your resume and thought about the details. For example, if you say you do project and saving 30%, just be sure you can answer how you save it.

Some regular questions were also asked:
Why MBA, Why Duke, career goal, Big challenge you meet, leadership experience, Activities out of work, How you manager describe you(You should think examples to answer why they describe you as such kind of person), What will you do in spare time?

The questions were mixed with asking your experience. So be clear in mind.

Finally asked him some questions.

It lasted about 30 minutes. My feeling was not so good, not so bad. Anway, completed! The decision is on the other side.

作者: crossmoon    时间: 2006-2-15 03:24

随着飞机离开地面,Triangle Research Park也在机翼下幻化成了一片灯海,我也结束了两天的北卡之行。
我是提前一天到的北卡。住在Wellesley Inn and Suites Raleigh,从Priceline上拍到的,$30每晚加税和手续费,有微波炉,电炉,餐具,咖啡壶,冰箱,熨斗和吹风机。房间很大,床也很舒服。有免费的自助早餐。距机场约10分钟的车程,开车去Duke和UNC均约25分钟。
第二天我约的是10点Check-in,9:45到达Fuqua,把车停在学校对面的Science Dr. Parking Lot,不要付费,Admission Office会给你一张Day Pass。
Check-in 的时候,我交了一页的简历并选了Competitive Analysis的一门课旁听,时间是10:30~11:45,在等上课的期间,有一年级的学生来和我们这些被面试人来聊天,气氛很轻松。10点半的时候,一个学生带我和另外一个从亚特兰大来的小伙子去教室。在路上我得知他已经面试完了,并很热心的告诉我他遇到的最难的问题是What is the difference between leader and manager。其他的均是Why MBA, Why now, Why Fuqua, Team-work experience 等常见问题。课是给二年级的学生开的,教授先大致介绍了一下要讲的内容,让我们两个旁听者介绍自己。这节课主要是讲博弈论的一些应用,我大概能听懂三分之二的样子。
因为谈话是non-evaluative,气氛很轻松,也顺便帮我练习了面试。有一点有些奇怪的是,尽管这位HSM的Coordinator声称她不参加录取及面试,但当我问到一个很具体的关于HSM的问题时,她说:Your interviewer can answer this question. If she can not, I will help you to figure it out。她好像早已经知道我的面试官是一位二年级的HSM的女生。
1点45我回到了录取办公室。2点整,一位二年级的女生出来自我介绍她是我的面试官,并把我带到了面试的房间。整个面试持续了45分钟,但问题却大大出乎我的意料,与BW论坛里其他人公布的Fuqua的面试题有很大的不同。第一个问题是很普通的:Go through your resume to introduce yourself。但接下来几乎全是Behavior的问题:Use three words to describe yourself; How did your supervisor describe you, use three words; Teamwork-related challenges, what is your role and the final result; Leadership experience; What is the difference between leader and manager; What do you think the most important characteristics of a leader; If you have chance to pick up three person to form a team, what kind of person do you want to pick up and why; What will you do to contribute Fuqua if you become a MBA in Fuqua ( She told me do not say you have unique background because everyone in Fuqua is unique, say something detail that you can do for Fuqua community). 其中也有Why Fuqua 的问题:What are the three important criteria for you to choose schools; Why do you think Fuqua fits you. 另一个有点奇怪的问题是:当你80、90岁时(我能活那么久吗),你最希望其他人如何评价你的一生?这是我的最后一个问题,听完后我都有点不相信自己的耳朵,这不像在申请商学院,倒像在向组织交心(声明,鄙人不是党员)。接着我问了她三个问题。
3点差10分,我带着一脑袋疑问开车奔赴UNC。3点半我和UNC Public Health School 的一位教授有约。开车从Fuqua 到UNC约需25分钟。说实话,UNC给我的感觉并不好,校园很乱,到处都在施工,路标也不是很清楚,学校里也找不到地图。当我问那位教授他认为MBA in healthcare 和MHA 的区别是,他竟说:Duke 的学费是UNC的两倍,我当即对这场谈话就失去了兴趣。
1. 着装:我那天大概有20人参加面试,女士均为深色套装。男士穿的倒很随意,既有穿套装的,也有穿衬衫和棉质长裤的,但均是皮鞋,几乎没有人系领带。
2. 如果面试安排在午后,记得带牙具或口香糖。
3. 尽量旁听课程和参观学校。
4. 想好几个例子,但千万不要背答案。

作者: efficiency    时间: 2006-2-16 01:43


just need them!

作者: mengyu800    时间: 2006-2-16 20:21

just completed the interview with the alumnus this afternoon


aa. Talk about your work scope and professional achievements

bb. Why quit your current employer and apply for Duke

cc. Did you apply for other schools? If you get offers from Wharton, which one will you pick, Wharton or Duke?

dd. Any questions for me?

The interview lasted for only 17min and he told me to tell him if I got the offer.

作者: crossmoon    时间: 2006-2-16 20:53

以下是引用mengyu800在2006-2-16 20:21:00的发言:

just completed the interview with the alumnus this afternoon


aa. Talk about your work scope and professional achievements

bb. Why quit your current employer and apply for Duke

cc. Did you apply for other schools? If you get offers from Wharton, which one will you pick, Wharton or Duke?

dd. Any questions for me?

The interview lasted for only 17min and he told me to tell him if I got the offer.

Thank for your share!

Good luck!

作者: mengyu800    时间: 2006-2-16 22:39

以下是引用crossmoon在2006-2-16 20:53:00的发言:

Thank for your share!

Good luck!

you are welcome. will have another interview with Wharton alumnus in Beijing. how about you?
作者: crossmoon    时间: 2006-2-17 00:30

I've already finished the application in first round.

Now it's my pleasure to see more guys realize the dream.

Good luck to your Wharton interview!

作者: luoye1    时间: 2006-2-18 01:27

great job!

作者: iloveduke    时间: 2006-7-25 17:57

作者: NANCYWUNG    时间: 2006-11-3 02:47

thanks a lot!!!
作者: iloveduke    时间: 2006-12-1 18:51

作者: vivian83    时间: 2006-12-13 15:13     标题: [转帖]Duke On-compus interview

刚去了duke校园面试, 写点流水帐.

早上4点起床,经过转机一次,10点到达Raleigh-Durham int. Airport


Fuqua正在搞基建,到处是工地和老墨. (第一印象, 怎么就一座小楼还到处是尘土飞扬.)

和其他的来面试的xdjm们聊了聊天,和一年级的fuqua同学对了对眼, 在fox center吃了顿饭, 在一幢楼里进行了campus tour,就到了我的面试了.


感觉不是很好,时间太少,问题太多,没有共鸣,感觉就是搞问卷调查. 当然自己没有特别重视Duke的interview也是这次interview不是很愉快的一个原因.希望自己能好好准备接下来的面试.


作者: wuliao98    时间: 2006-12-15 00:57

many thanks!
作者: stefanie    时间: 2006-12-18 09:18

i'm a fans of duke.


作者: celinapple    时间: 2007-1-9 10:40

thanks for sharing!

作者: crossmoon    时间: 2007-1-15 01:16


时间:14th, Jan. 11:00
地点:王府半岛酒店 大堂 酒吧区(有点吵)

经过:因为早上与一战友约了mock interview,九点多就到了酒店,后来考虑到怕被面试官看到,就转移到附近另一家酒店的大堂,每个人做了一个半个小时的interview。

见了面试官后互相问候,递送名片,估计对方已经做了不少数量的面试,名片已经发完,给我手写了一张,我也毫不犹豫的将昨晚打印的偏色名片递了过去。进行了1-2分钟的small talk后开始步入话题:

  1. what's your understanding about passion?
  2. go through resume and job functions(我在说各个公司的function的时候顺便说了long term goal)
  3. short term goal after mba
  4. how do you inspire the team
  5. what do you do in spare time?
  6. who were you when you are 15 years old?
  7. how about when you are retired and about 60 years old?
  8. do you have leadership experience ?
  9. any failures?
  10. anyting additional to add? or any question for him?


作者: crossmoon    时间: 2007-1-15 01:16

Duke interview in Beijing

Just finished it this morning with a second year student in Beijing Peninsula Hotel.

  1. Why MBA?
  2. Why now?
  3. Why Duke?
  4. Your contribution to Duke?
  5. Failure story?
  6. Do you have teamwork experiences? What did you learn from those experiences about teamwork?
  7. Did you take any risk at your work?
  8. Do you use English outside of work?
  9. Did I miss anything that you wanted to let me know?
  10. Do you have any question for me?

Good luck to others!

作者: crossmoon    时间: 2007-1-15 01:17





1)  先讲讲业余时间怎么打发的吧,how to get fun.

2)  问我在第2段经历中的大概情况和收获。

3)  为什么从第一段蹦去了第2段。

4)  为什么又从第2段辞职。

5)  为什么要MBA,要现在MBA


7) 说说你会在TEAM里面扮演什么样的角色。

8)  说说自己最成功的经历,leadership, team experience, what ever. (我讲了leadership

9)  说说自己一个team experience.

10)  说说你有什么不好的吧;

11)  那你有没有什么时候想做什么没有做成的,或者做得不够好的;

12)  你有没有什么只有自己知道,别人不知道的特点或者经历; (汗滴3次,幸好我机敏)

13)  英文是在哪里练的?有没有上过什么课程。我趁机检讨,说自己语速快,需要改进。

14)  (他说问题都问完了,这个是随便问的)最近看到的新闻里面哪一个是让你感受很深刻的。

15)  你有没有什么问题啊?






作者: crossmoon    时间: 2007-1-15 01:18

Duke Beijing Interview

Interviewed by admissions fellow, a smart young man named Cohen, in Peninsula (former Wangfu) Hotel, for 40 min.

After a short casual talk, we started.

At the beginning, the guy told me that he got around 10 questions for me and time is limited, so please try to be concise in response so that he can go through all the questions and reserve some time for me to ask for some questions.


  1. Why MBA? Inserted some questions: why go for consultancy? And what types of consultancy company do you prefer? In US or in China? Something like that.
  2. Why Choose Fuqua? Inserted questions: How did you learn about Fuqua? (I mentioned a resource of other applicants, and found out he was kinda alert, so I responded that I learned Fuqua interview officer is quite nice and can make applicant feel relax and have an interactive talking and the guy smiled)
  3. How can you contribute to Fuqua?
  4. Any teamwork experience? And what are your roles in it? How do you define your roles in team as a leader or as a team member?  Examples?
  5. Any challenge (failure) in teamwork experience? And how did you deal with it and what's your learning points?
  6. Any individual challenge (failure) or failure experience? And how did you deal with it and any learning points?
  7. How often do you use oral English in your work? And how often do you use English in daily work? And how about outside work?
  8. Any more aspects that you want me to know (ask for)? (I responded with my personal hobbies and interests)
  9. Do you have any questions for me?

I asked 3 questions: A specific one is: How long will it take for adcom to make the decision? The guy told me it is around 8 Mar, maybe 1 or 2 days earlier, but don't expect much earlier than that and now you can get relax and wait for it.

At the end, we exchanged cards and said good-bye.

作者: crossmoon    时间: 2007-1-15 01:19


I finished the interview by Duke in Hilton Shanghai.

Interviewer is a second year student.  During the interview, he just kept writing notes.

He-he, I think there was no chemistry between us. I was a little nervous.

Anyway, here are the questions:

1) Why MBA

2) Why Duke

3) Leadership example

4) Team work example

5) Failure example

6) how to give hard feedback to other people

7) how often do you use English in daily work and outside of work?

8) Do you need to give business presentation in English, if yes, how often

9) any question for him?

作者: zenghao    时间: 2007-2-8 09:22

many thanks!
作者: iloveduke    时间: 2007-2-23 20:28

作者: ireneyuz    时间: 2007-2-24 15:46

thanks for sharing!
作者: celinapple    时间: 2007-2-25 00:14

just need it, thanks a lot!
作者: IORIYAGAMI    时间: 2007-11-22 23:51

作者: tony9721    时间: 2007-11-24 06:44

作者: chasemer    时间: 2007-11-24 20:42

many  thanks !!
作者: OceanBleu    时间: 2007-11-25 20:21


作者: ziwingfong    时间: 2007-11-26 20:34

作者: chasemer    时间: 2007-11-28 20:44

many  thanks  !!!
作者: sweetcorns    时间: 2007-12-1 17:56


作者: iloveduke    时间: 2007-12-5 19:01

good luck to all applicants!

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