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标题: enough to 与 so as to、so that 的区别 [打印本页]

作者: monicars    时间: 2005-11-10 07:20     标题: enough to 与 so as to、so that 的区别

做笔考真题55的时候,发现了一个题的正确选项居然是enough to,甚为奇怪,以前从未注意,在大全中一搜,发现oG88就出现了这个考点。但说的不清楚。我把大全中所有enough to和so as to、so that区分的题目搜出来,自己感觉区别是这样的

enough to do放在动词,或形容此后面表示有足够的程度来达到什么目的

而so as to、so that 引导状语从句来表so怎么样所带来的结果



Enough to so as to 区别

1VEnough to do adv修饰动词,放在动词后面,表其程度足够来如何如何,而so as toso that表程度足够引起的结果

划线考点笔考真题55-2Consumer confidence levels, which many economists consider an early indication of the economy’s direction, sagged as the stock market tumbled, but not dramatically enough for giving a clear picture of new spending patterns.
(A) tumbled, but not dramatically enough for giving
(B) tumbled, but not dramatically enough to give
(C) tumbled, and not so dramatically as to have given
(D) has tumbled, and not dramatically enough to give
(E) has tumbled, but not so dramatically as to give


Og47. Displays of the aurora borealis, or "northern lights," can heat the atmosphere over the arctic enough to affect the trajectories of ballistic missiles, induce electric currents that can cause blackouts in some areas and corrosion in north-south pipelines.

(A) to affect the trajectories of ballistic missiles, induce

(B) that the trajectories of ballistic missiles are affected, induce

(C) that it affects the trajectories of ballistic missiles, induces

(D) that the trajectories of ballistic missiles are affected and induces

(E) to affect the trajectories of ballistic missiles and induce


heat the atmosphere over the arctic enough to

The use of the phrasing can heat... enough to affect in A and E is more idiomatic than the use of the subordinate clause beginning with that in B, C, and D. Also, B produces an illogical and ungrammatical statement by making induce parallel with the verb heat rather than with the appropriate form of the verb affect; C lacks agreement in using the singular pronoun it to refer to the plural noun displays; and D is faulty because induces cannot fit grammatically with any noun in the sentence. Choice A incorrectly separates the two infinitives to affect and [to] induce with a comma when it should compound them with and, as does E, the best choice

2Adj Enough to do adv修饰adj,放在adj后面

大全629Seeming to be one of the few corporations diversified enough to survive the recession, many shareholders ignored the drop in third-quarter profits and invested even more heavily in Emco.

(A) Seeming to be

(B) As if

(C) In that they seemed

(D) Although it seemedE

(E) Because it seemed to be

27. The most favorable locations for the growth of glaciers, rather than being the cold, dry polar regions, would be instead the cool, moist middle latitudes, where there is abundant precipitation and where it is cold enough to allow some snow to accumulate year by year.

(A) glaciers, rather than being the cold, dry polar regions, would be instead the cool, moist middle latitudes

(B) glaciers are not the cold, dry polar regions but the cool, moist middle latitudes

(C) glaciers are the cool, moist middle latitudes rather than the cold, dry polar regions

(D) glaciers, instead of being the cold, dry polar regions, would be the cool, moist middle latitudesB

(E) glaciers are, instead of the cold, dry polar regions, rather the cool, moist middle latitudes

So as toso that 表结果

1. 划线考点 大全638Several years ago the diet industry introduced a variety of appetite suppressants, but some of these drugs caused stomach disorders severe enough to have them banned by the Food and Drug Administration.

(A) stomach disorders severe enough to have them

(B) stomach disorders that were severe enough so they were

(C) stomach disorders of such severity so as to be

(D) such severe stomach disorders that they wereD

(E) such severe stomach disorders as to be

划线考点88. The Emperor Augustus, it appears, commissioned an idealized sculpture portrait, the features of which are so unrealistic as to constitute what one scholar calls an "artificial face."

(A) so unrealistic as to constitute

(B) so unrealistic they constituted

(C) so unrealistic that they have constituted

(D) unrealistic enough so that they constitute

(E) unrealistic enough so as to constitute

The verbs are and calls indicate that the sculpture is being viewed and judged in the present. Thus, neither the past tense verb constituted (in B) nor the present perfect verb have constituted (in C) is correct; both suggest that the statue's features once constituted an artificial face but no longer do so. Also, B would be better if that were inserted after so unrealistic, although the omission of that is not ungrammatical. Choices D and E use unidiomatic construc­tions with enough: unrealistic enough to constitute would be idiomatic, but the use of enough is imprecise and awkward in this context. Choice A, which uses the clear, concise, and idiomatic construction so unrealistic as to constitute, is best.

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