1. why MSF at this time?
2. What's your criteria in choosing MSF programs?
3. Why Case?
4. What are the other schools you have applied?
5. Tell me about your undergraduate experience.(當時我問了一下要講什麼呢,本科的課程麼?她說可以談一下你本科時期參加了什麼特別的活動,如果有些課程你很喜歡也可以談一下,反正就是談一下特別的experience吧。樓主當時答了exchange, some internships, living in a student hall, served some student bodies, and joined softball team,她貌似對答案挺滿意的。)
6. How do you think yourself as a leader.)
7. Share one leadership experience.(樓主說了自己manage a crisis的experience,她追問了What would you have done differently,之後還挺有感觸地跟樓主聊了一下,說應該有Plan B, Plan C,而且crisis can stimulate us to think of innovative solutions)
8. Short- & Long-term goals.
9. I see you did poorly on some of your courses. Can you tell me why and how will you improve in the future?
10. I see you have a great TOEFL score. Can you share with me how you learnt English? (樓主說自己喜歡看美劇,看了好多年了,她蠻有興致的,追問最喜歡什麼美劇,我說是24,她還問為什麼喜歡,在這個話題上聊了一下)
11. Questions for me? (樓主問了兩個問題,Deborah很耐心的回答,還扯到how wonderful Cleveland is, very vibrant, energetic and rejuvenated by the health-care industry etc. 而且她對Case的faculty也讚不絕口,說他們很多人都有industry experience。建議大家可以做做research,到時候拍點馬屁